

org.walkmod : walkmod-maven-plugin

Walkmod plugin to resolve a maven user classpath and provide it to code transformations

Last Version: 2.1.7

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.1.0

Release Date:

Water Template i18n Plugin

org.watertemplate : watertemplate-i18n-maven-plugin

Maven plugin that internationalizes your template files

Last Version: 1.2.2

Release Date:

web3j Maven Mojo

org.web3j : web3j-maven-plugin

Mojo's web3j Maven plugin is used to create java classes based on the solidity contract files.

Last Version: 4.8.7

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.5

Release Date:


org.bitstrings.maven.plugins.ext : maven-jaxb2-plugin-catalogresolver

maven-jaxb2-plugin catalog resolver for maven: and classpath: scheme

Last Version: 1.0.2

Release Date:


org.bitstrings.maven.plugins : dependencypath-maven-plugin

Sets a property pointing to the artifact file for each selected project dependency. Each property name will have a base name in form of groupId:artifactId:type:[classifier][.relative][.suffix].

Last Version: 1.1.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

NBM Maven Plugin

org.bitstrings.maven.plugins : nbm-maven-plugin

Maven plugin for creating NetBeans modules. It defines a custom lifecycle called "nbm". During packaging, the module JAR is enhanced with NetBeans-specific manifest entries and, along with other required files, packed into a *.nbm file, ready for distribution. Additionally the plugin provides aggregator goals to create an update site or cluster for your module projects.

Last Version: 4.1

Release Date:

Splasher Maven Plugin

org.bitstrings.maven.plugins : splasher-maven-plugin

Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on

Last Version: 1.1.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.1.7

Release Date:

NBM Plugins Utilities

org.bitstrings.maven : nb-shared

Maven plugin for creating Maven Repository out of a NetBeans installation (and other sources) for consumption by the projects using nbm-maven-plugin.

Last Version: 1.2-beta-1

Release Date:

NBM Maven Parent

org.bitstrings.maven : nbm-maven - Fork of

Last Version: 4.1

Release Date:

Last Version:

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aspect-plugin : aspect-plugin

Attaches aspect sources to project for subsequent installation

Last Version:

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checksum-plugin : checksum-plugin

Generates MD5 and SHA1 checksums for assembly project's artifacts. Used within the alakai release process.

Last Version:

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ftp-plugin : ftp-plugin

FTP's a project's artifacts to a remote location. Used within the alakai release process.

Last Version:

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install-plugin : install-plugin

Overwrites main project artifact with an alternate jar for subsequent installation.

Last Version:

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izpack-coi-tools : izpack-coi-tools

Contains coi classes required by izpack plugin.

Last Version:

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izpack-event : izpack-event

Contains IzPack event classes required by izpack plugin.

Last Version:

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izpack-plugin : izpack-plugin

Creates an IzPack installation jar from a maven project. Supports POM variables within izpack.xml file.

Last Version:

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izpack-uninstaller : izpack-uninstaller

Custom IzPack uninstaller classes required by alakai uninstaller

Last Version:

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launch4j-plugin : launch4j-plugin

Creates a launch4j windows installer (*.exe) from an executable jar file.

Last Version:

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maven-eoa-plugin : maven-eoa-plugin

Defines goals for building, testing and installing your alakai extension projects.

Last Version:

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release-plugin : release-plugin

Implements tasks required to release alakai project, alakai extension projects and alakai plugins.

Last Version:

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system-plugin : system-plugin

Implements tasks required to assemble an EOA system implementation, e.g. the alakai standalone distribution.

Last Version:

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maven-tparty : maven-tparty

Contains third party jars that have either not been released to maven central or the release has pom related errors that have been corrected.

Last Version: 1

Release Date:

Last Version: 1

Release Date:

Bndly commons Maven Schema Bean Generator

org.bndly.common.schema : maven-schema-bean-generator

A collection of OSGI bundles as maven projects to build a foundation for bndly-features

Last Version: 1.0.2

Release Date:

Bndly commons App Provisioning

org.bndly.common : bndly-maven-plugin

A collection of OSGI bundles as maven projects to build a foundation for bndly-features

Last Version: 1.0.2

Release Date:

Bndly commons App Provisioning

org.bndly.common : cyber-maven-plugin

A collection of OSGI bundles as maven projects to build a foundation for bndly-features

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

Bonita Project Maven Plugin

org.bonitasoft.maven : bonita-project-maven-plugin

Maven plug-in used by Bonita to manage project dependencies.

Last Version: 0.0.6

Release Date:

Bonita Project Maven Plugin Parent

org.bonitasoft.maven : bonita-project-maven-plugin-parent

Maven plug-in used by Bonita to manage project dependencies.

Last Version: 0.0.6

Release Date:

Image Overlay Plugin

org.bonitasoft.maven : image-overlay-plugin

Maven plugin to create text overlays on images.

Last Version: 1.1.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.3.3

Release Date:

Maven JiBX Plugin

org.jibx : jibx-maven-plugin

A plugin for Maven 2 to run the JiBX binding compiler, or generate Java sources from XSD schemas.

Last Version: 1.3.3

Release Date:

Maven JiBX Plugin

org.jibx : maven-jibx-plugin

A plugin for Maven 2 to run the JiBX binding compiler, or generate Java sources from XSD schemas.

Last Version: 1.3.1

Release Date:

Maven plugin for Java In-Container Unit (JICUnit) Test Framework

org.jicunit : jicunit-maven-plugin

Maven plugin that generates additional files needed for the in-container tests such as a list of tests cases to present in the Web bases JUnit runner.

Last Version: 0.1.2

Release Date:

Jini Service Archetype

org.jini.maven-jini-plugin : jini-service-archetype

Archetype for Jini service project creation

Last Version: 2.0

Release Date:

Maven Jini Plugin

org.jini.maven-jini-plugin : maven-jini-plugin

This is a Maven plug-in for Jini service based projects. It's initial capabilities are: * Archetype for Jini service project creation * Starting/Stopping of Jini starter kit services: Reggie, Mahalo, Phoenix, Fiddler, Norm, Mercury, Outrigger, Browser, and HTTP daemon * Configurable RMI runtime: JRMP, JERI, or JERI/JSSE * Configurable activation and persistence modes: transient, activatable, nonactivatable

Last Version: 2.0

Release Date:

Go Offline Maven Plugin

org.jitsi : go-offline-maven-plugin

Maven Plugin used to download all Dependencies and Plugins required in a Maven build, so the build can be run without an internet connection afterwards.

Last Version: 1.2.8-jitsi.3

Release Date:

Bridje Maven Plugin

org.bridje : bridje-maven-plugin

Bridje Framework Maven Plugin

Last Version: 0.6.4

Release Date:

Bridje XSD Maven Plugin

org.bridje : bridje-xsd-maven-plugin

Maven plugin for XSD generation from JAXB classes

Last Version: 0.1.2

Release Date:

Cascading Release Maven Plugin

org.jkva.maven-plugins : cascading-release-maven-plugin

With the Cascading Release Maven Plugin you can automatically release multiple dependent Maven projects in one go, automatically dealing with internal SNAPSHOT dependencies, eliminating the cumbersome manual steps that are sometimes required for such a release.

Last Version: 1.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 12.10

Release Date: