
Cargo Samples - Maven 3 - Jetty 6.x embedded container test

org.codehaus.cargo : cargo-sample-maven3-jetty6x-embedded-test

Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with an embedded Jetty 6.x container

Last Version: 1.9.12

Release Date:

Cargo Samples - Maven 3 - Jetty 7.x embedded container test

org.codehaus.cargo : cargo-sample-maven3-jetty7x-embedded-test

Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with an embedded Jetty 7.x container

Last Version: 1.9.12

Release Date:

Cargo Samples - Maven 3 - Jetty 7.x root context test

org.codehaus.cargo : cargo-sample-maven3-jetty7x-root-context-test

Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with a Jetty 7.x container and the root context

Last Version: 1.9.12

Release Date:

Bower Dependency Maven Plugin

org.kaazing : bower-dependency-maven-plugin

Plugin for dealing with bower dependencies from Maven

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

Unpack Bower Dependency Maven Plugin

org.kaazing : bower-maven-plugin

Plugin for dealing with bower dependencies from Maven

Last Version: 2.0.3

Release Date:

Cargo Samples - Maven 3 - Jetty 8.x embedded container test

org.codehaus.cargo : cargo-sample-maven3-jetty8x-embedded-test

Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with an embedded Jetty 8.x container

Last Version: 1.9.12

Release Date:

Cargo Samples - Maven 3 - Jetty 9.x embedded container test

org.codehaus.cargo : cargo-sample-maven3-jetty9x-embedded-test

Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with an embedded Jetty 9.x container

Last Version: 1.9.12

Release Date:

Cargo Samples - Maven 3 - License validation test

org.codehaus.cargo : cargo-sample-maven3-license-test

Sample application that exercises checks the Uberjar with regards to its license needs (CARGO-1489 and CARGO-1494)

Last Version: 1.9.12

Release Date:

Cargo Samples - Maven 3 - Multi datasource test

org.codehaus.cargo : cargo-sample-maven3-multi-datasource-test

Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with a Tomcat 6.x container and multiple datasources

Last Version: 1.9.12

Release Date:

Cargo Samples - Maven 3 - Ping test

org.codehaus.cargo : cargo-sample-maven3-ping-test

Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin's deployable pinging capabilities

Last Version: 1.9.12

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.9.12

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.9.12

Release Date:

Cargo Samples - Maven 3 - Tomcat 10.x embedded container test

org.codehaus.cargo : cargo-sample-maven3-tomcat10x-embedded-test

Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with an embedded Tomcat 10.x container

Last Version: 1.9.12

Release Date:

Cargo Samples - Maven 3 - Tomcat 6.x embedded container test

org.codehaus.cargo : cargo-sample-maven3-tomcat6x-embedded-test

Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with an embedded Tomcat 6.x container

Last Version: 1.9.12

Release Date:

Cargo Samples - Maven 3 - Tomcat 7.x context test

org.codehaus.cargo : cargo-sample-maven3-tomcat7-context-test

Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with a Tomcat 7.x container and a user-defined context

Last Version: 1.9.12

Release Date:

Cargo Samples - Maven 3 - Tomcat 7.x system property test

org.codehaus.cargo : cargo-sample-maven3-tomcat7-systemProperty-test

Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with a Tomcat 7.x container and a user-defined system properties

Last Version: 1.9.12

Release Date:

Cargo Samples - Maven 3 - Tomcat 7.x embedded container test

org.codehaus.cargo : cargo-sample-maven3-tomcat7x-embedded-test

Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with an embedded Tomcat 7.x container

Last Version: 1.9.12

Release Date:

Last Version: 5.0.6

Release Date:

Cargo Samples - Maven 3 - Tomcat 8.x embedded container test

org.codehaus.cargo : cargo-sample-maven3-tomcat8x-embedded-test

Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with an embedded Tomcat 8.x container

Last Version: 1.9.12

Release Date:

Cargo Samples - Maven 3 - Tomcat 9.x embedded container test

org.codehaus.cargo : cargo-sample-maven3-tomcat9x-embedded-test

Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with an embedded Tomcat 9.x container

Last Version: 1.9.12

Release Date:

Cargo Samples - Maven 3 - Uberwar test

org.codehaus.cargo : cargo-sample-maven3-uberwar-test

Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin's uberwar feature

Last Version: 1.9.12

Release Date:

Kaazing License Maven Plugin

org.kaazing : license-maven-plugin

Generates a notice file that contains all the licenses from the dependencies

Last Version:

Release Date:

Cargo Samples - Maven 3 - Users test

org.codehaus.cargo : cargo-sample-maven3-users-test

Sample application that will be used to test configuration of users and roles.

Last Version: 1.9.12

Release Date:

Cargo Samples - Maven 3 - WebLogic test

org.codehaus.cargo : cargo-sample-maven3-weblogic-test-artifact

Sample application that will be used to test the WebLogic container

Last Version: 1.9.12

Release Date:

Cargo Samples - Maven 3 - WebSphere test

org.codehaus.cargo : cargo-sample-maven3-websphere-test-artifact

Sample application that will be used to test the WebSphere container

Last Version: 1.9.12

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.8.5

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.9.12

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.0.0-alpha-5

Release Date:

Castor XML - Maven Mojos for executing XMLCTF tests

org.codehaus.castor : castor-maven-plugins

Castor is an open source data binding framework for Java[tm]. It’s the shortest path between Java objects, XML documents and relational tables.

Last Version: 1.4.1

Release Date:

TrustStore Maven Plugin

org.kaazing : truststore-maven-plugin

Creates a truststore using trusted sources from Mozilla and Chrome

Last Version: 2.0.1

Release Date:

Unpack Bower Dependency Maven Plugin

org.kaazing : unpack-bower-dependency-maven-plugin

Plugin for dealing with bower dependencies from Maven

Last Version: 1.0.3

Release Date:

Maven Versions Plugin

org.kaazing : version-properties-maven-plugin

Adds version properties to the build in a format that excludes the build number

Last Version: 2.0.4

Release Date:

Jexmec :: Maven repo class loader provider

org.kantega.jexmec : jexmec-mavenrepo-clp

Jexmec helps you build plugin architectures on the Java platform

Last Version: 2.0.0rc8

Release Date:

Enunciate - CXF Maven Plugin

org.codehaus.enunciate : maven-enunciate-cxf-plugin

Maven 2 plugin for invoking Enunciate with Spring/CXF enhancements.

Last Version: 1.31

Release Date:

Enunciate - JBoss Maven Plugin

org.codehaus.enunciate : maven-enunciate-jboss-plugin

Maven 2 plugin for invoking Enunciate with JBoss enhancements.

Last Version: 1.31

Release Date:

Enunciate - Spring Maven Plugin

org.codehaus.enunciate : maven-enunciate-spring-plugin

Maven 2 plugin for invoking Enunciate with Spring enhancements.

Last Version: 1.31

Release Date:


org.kantega.reststop : reststop-maven-plugin

Modular, fast-feedback development for Java web application

Last Version: 3.11.2

Release Date:

docbkx-wrapper-plugin Maven Mojo

org.kathrynhuxtable.maven.plugins : docbkx-wrapper-plugin

The docbkx-wrapper-plugin is a wrapper around the docbkx-maven-plugin and the htmlfilter-site-maven-plugin. It is intended to simplify their use by factoring out common elements.

Last Version: 0.1

Release Date:

Image Generator Maven plugin

org.kathrynhuxtable.maven.plugins : imagegenerator-maven-plugin

A Maven plugin to generate image files from an XML description of objects. This allows for constructor arguments and client properties, and is useful for creating documentation for Swing look and feel packages, and also for documenting custom components.

Last Version: 1.1.2

Release Date:

Fabric3 Maven

org.codehaus.fabric3 : fabric3-maven

Fabric3 Maven Artifact Resolver.

Last Version: 0.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.0.1

Release Date:


org.kathrynhuxtable.maven.skins : green-site-skin

A Maven skin to provide a consistent look across Kathryn Huxtable's projects. (But anyone can use it. It doesn't personalize the site.)

Last Version: 1.1

Release Date:

Fabric3 Maven Runtime Host

org.codehaus.fabric3 : fabric3-maven-host

Host API for embedding Fabric3 in a Maven plugin

Last Version: 1.9.6

Release Date:

Fabric3 Maven 3 Runtime Host

org.codehaus.fabric3 : fabric3-maven3-host

Module for embedding Fabric3 in a Maven 3 plugin

Last Version: 2.0.1

Release Date:


org.keedio.storm.topology.maven : storm-topology-archetype

Maven archetype to quickly generate storm topology projects.

Last Version: 0.1.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.0.1

Release Date:

Apache Maven Shade Plugin

org.keedio : maven-keedio-shade-plugin

Repackages the project classes together with their dependencies into a single uber-jar, optionally renaming classes or removing unused classes.

Last Version: 0.2

Release Date:

Kevoree :: CoreLibrary :: Android :: MavenCache :

Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on

Last Version: 2.0.5

Release Date:

GMaven Archetypes :: Basic

org.codehaus.gmaven.archetypes : gmaven-archetype-basic

GMaven provides integration of the Groovy language into Maven.

Last Version: 1.5

Release Date: