
Kevoree :: Tools :: Merger MavenPlugin :

Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on

Last Version: 2.0.13

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.19

Release Date:

Last Version: 5.5.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0-beta-3

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0-beta-3

Release Date:

Groovy Maven Archetype

org.codehaus.mojo.groovy : groovy-maven-archetype

An archetype for creating Maven modules/projects using the Groovy language.

Last Version: 1.0-beta-3

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.2

Release Date:

Maven Native

org.codehaus.mojo.natives : maven-native

Parent POM for all MojoHaus hosted Apache Maven plugins and components.

Last Version: 1.0-alpha-11

Release Date:

Maven Native Components

org.codehaus.mojo.natives : maven-native-components

Parent POM for all MojoHaus hosted Apache Maven plugins and components.

Last Version: 1.0-alpha-11

Release Date:

MWEBSTART :: Webstart Maven Plugin

org.codehaus.mojo.webstart : webstart-maven-plugin

Maven plugin that supports webstart application development. Helps generate JNLP files and supports the JnlpDownloadServlet.

Last Version: 1.0-beta-2

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.2

Release Date:

Keycloak Licenses Processor Maven Plugin

org.keycloak : keycloak-distribution-licenses-maven-plugin

Performs multiple operations on a license xml to produce release-ready files

Last Version: 18.0.2

Release Date:

ANTLR-v3 Maven Plugin

org.codehaus.mojo : antlr3-maven-plugin

Generate code from ANTLR version 3 grammar descriptions

Last Version: 1.0

Release Date:

Appassembler :: Maven Plug-In

org.codehaus.mojo : appassembler-maven-plugin

A Mojo for generating bin scripts for Java applications.

Last Version: 2.1.0

Release Date:

Apt Maven Plugin

org.codehaus.mojo : apt-maven-plugin

Maven Plugin for Annotation Processing Tool (apt).

Last Version: 1.0-alpha-5

Release Date:

Axis Tools Maven Plugin

org.codehaus.mojo : axistools-maven-plugin

This plugin supports the wsdl2java and java2wsdl tools from the Apache Axis (1) project.

Last Version: 1.4

Release Date:

Batik Maven Plugin

org.codehaus.mojo : batik-maven-plugin

Rasterizes SVGs using Apache Batik.

Last Version: 1.0-beta-1

Release Date:

Dependency Builder Plugin

org.codehaus.mojo : build-on-demand-maven-plugin

Orchestrates resolving sources, etc for dependencies, and invoking builds (up to 'install' IIRC) on deps, binds early in the lifecycle.

Last Version: 1.0-beta-1

Release Date:

Build Number Maven Plugin

org.codehaus.mojo : buildnumber-maven-plugin

This plugin is designed to give you a build number. So when you might make 100 builds of version 1.0-SNAPSHOT, you can differentiate between them all.

Last Version: 3.0.0

Release Date:

Mojo's Cassandra Maven Plugin

org.codehaus.mojo : cassandra-maven-plugin

The Mojo Projects plugin for Apache Maven to allow launching a local Apache Cassandra instance from a Maven build

Last Version: 3.7

Release Date:

Castor Maven Plugin

org.codehaus.mojo : castor-maven-plugin

The Castor plugin is a Maven plugin that provides the functionality of Castor's XML SourceGenerator for generating Java beans and associated marshallers and unmarshallers from XML schema files.

Last Version: 2.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.0-beta-1

Release Date:

Chronos JMeter

org.codehaus.mojo : chronos-jmeter-maven-plugin

Plugin for testing performance with jmeter

Last Version: 1.1.0

Release Date:

Chronos Report

org.codehaus.mojo : chronos-report-maven-plugin

Plugin for analyzing the result of performance tests and create nice reports of the results

Last Version: 1.1.0

Release Date:

Chronos Surefire

org.codehaus.mojo : chronos-surefire-maven-plugin

This plugin enables you to track and the executiontimes of a selection of Your unittests (JUnit or TestNG). One usage is to regard some of your automatic testcases as performancetests, tracking their executiontimes. Another usage is simply to monitor Your automatic tests to discover reasons for slow build times.

Last Version: 1.1.0

Release Date:

Clirr Maven Plugin

org.codehaus.mojo : clirr-maven-plugin

Clirr is a tool that checks Java libraries for binary and source compatibility with older releases. Basically you give it two sets of jar files and Clirr dumps out a list of changes in the public API. The clirr-maven-plugin can be configured to break the build, if it detects incompatible api changes. In a continuous integration process, the clirr-maven-plugin can automatically prevent accidental introduction of binary or source compatibility problems. Additionally, the plugin can generate a report as part of the generated site.

Last Version: 2.8

Release Date:

CodeNarc Maven Plugin

org.codehaus.mojo : codenarc-maven-plugin

This Plug-In generates reports based on the CodeNarc Analyzer

Last Version: 0.22-1

Release Date:

Maven Commons Attributes Plugin

org.codehaus.mojo : commons-attributes-maven-plugin

Commons Attributes enables Java programmers to use C#/.Net-style (now also Java 5) attributes in their code.

Last Version: 1.0

Release Date:

Maven Dashboard Report Plugin

org.codehaus.mojo : dashboard-maven-plugin

Dashboard report plugin which aggregate results from Checkstyle, Cobertura, Surefire, PMD, CPD, Clover, Findbugs, Taglist reports.

Last Version: 1.0.0-beta-1

Release Date:

DbUnit Plugin

org.codehaus.mojo : dbunit-maven-plugin

Use this plugin to invoke DbUnit utilities

Last Version: 1.0-beta-3

Release Date:

Maven Database Upgrade Plugin

org.codehaus.mojo : dbupgrade-maven-plugin

The Codehaus is a collaborative environment for building open source projects with a strong emphasis on modern languages, focussed on quality components that meet real world needs.

Last Version: 1.0-beta-3

Release Date:

DITA Open Toolkit Maven Plugin

org.codehaus.mojo : dita-maven-plugin

The DITA Open Toolkit is an implementation of the OASIS DITA XML Specification. The Toolkit transforms DITA content into many deliverable formats.

Last Version: 1.0-beta-3

Release Date:

DITA Open Toolkit Maven Plugin

org.codehaus.mojo : ditaot-maven-plugin

This plugin is a thin wrapper of DITA Open Toolkit's Ant command line. It also has additional goal to convert the DITA's Microsoft CHM output to a pure HTML output

Last Version: 1.0

Release Date:

Maven Docbook plugin

org.codehaus.mojo : docbook-maven-plugin

This plugin adds support for Docbook transformations to Maven.

Last Version: 1.0.0-alpha-1

Release Date:

Emma Maven Plugin

org.codehaus.mojo : emma-maven-plugin

EMMA plugin for Maven 2. Measures test code coverage using EMMA.

Last Version: 1.0-alpha-3

Release Date:

Enchanter Maven Plugin

org.codehaus.mojo : enchanter-maven-plugin

Use this plugin to run Enchanter's script using python, ruby, beanshell

Last Version: 1.0-beta-1

Release Date:

Fit Maven Plugin

org.codehaus.mojo : fit-maven-plugin

Maven plugin to run Fit fixtures.

Last Version: 2.0-beta-3

Release Date:

FitNesse Maven Plugin

org.codehaus.mojo : fitnesse-maven-plugin

The Codehaus is a collaborative environment for building open source projects with a strong emphasis on modern languages, focussed on quality components that meet real world needs.

Last Version: 1.1-beta-1

Release Date:

Groovy Maven Plugin

org.codehaus.mojo : groovy-maven-plugin

Adapts the latest Groovy Maven Plugin to the legacy 'org.codehaus.mojo:groovy-maven-plugin' location.

Last Version: 1.5

Release Date:

Hibernate3 Maven Plugin

org.codehaus.mojo : hibernate3-maven-plugin

Hibernate Tools is a toolset for Hibernate 3 and related projects. The tools provide Maven plugins for performing reverse engineering, code generation and interaction with Hibernate.

Last Version: 3.0

Release Date:

IANAL Maven Plugin

org.codehaus.mojo : ianal-maven-plugin

"I am not a lawyer." Maven Plugin

Last Version: 1.0-alpha-1

Release Date:

Maven IDEA UI Designer Plugin

org.codehaus.mojo : ideauidesigner-maven-plugin

A plugin that wraps around Intellij ant tasks to build your GUI forms into your builds (

Last Version: 1.0-beta-1

Release Date:

CORBA IDL Compiler Maven Plugin

org.codehaus.mojo : idlj-maven-plugin

This plugin is for processing IDL files into java sources.

Last Version: 1.2.2

Release Date: