

com.soywiz : korio-ext-db-mongodb

Korio: Kotlin cORoutines I/O : Streams + Async TCP Client/Server + Virtual File System for JVM, Node.JS and Browser

Last Version: 0.13.0

Release Date:

Ninja Framework MongoDB Module

de.svenkubiak : ninja-mongodb-module

This is an easly plugable module for the Ninja web framework to work with MongoDB and optional moprhia (a MongoDB ODM) by providing convinent services, all required dependencies and some testing utilities.

Last Version: 3.0.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.13.1

Release Date:

MongoDB support for dvalin

de.taimos : dvalin-mongodb

Taimos OSS parent for Maven Central projects

Last Version: 1.32

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.18

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.7

Release Date:


com.strategicgains.repoexpress : repoexpress-mongodb

Storage Repository Pattern for MongoDB, Voldemort, Cassandra, etc.

Last Version: 0.4.8

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.2.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.2.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.12.0

Release Date:


com.stratio : spark-mongodb

A Spark SQl library for MongoDB

Last Version: 0.8.7

Release Date:

spark-mongodb core

com.stratio : spark-mongodb-core

A Spark SQl library for MongoDB

Last Version: 0.8.7

Release Date:


com.streetcodevn : ntc-mongodb

ntc-mongodb is a module mongo java client

Last Version: 1.0.1

Release Date:


com.syncleus.maven.plugins : maven-mongodb-plugin

Maven plugin wrapper for the embedded MongoDB API.

Last Version: 1.1.1

Release Date:

Last Version:

Release Date:

filter4j for MongoDb

dk.apaq : filter4j-mongodb

An API for filtering, sorting and limiting data - mostly for Crud backends but usable for more.

Last Version: 1.1.4

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.2.7

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.1.538

Release Date:

MongoDB TestNG

com.tensorwrench.mongodb : mongodb-testng

TestNG support for populating a MongoDB databse before a test is run

Last Version: 0.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.2.6-RELEASE

Release Date:

Pronghorn MongoDB Driver Stream

tech.pronghorn : mongodb-driver-stream

Allows using Pronghorn as the IO handler for the MongoDB Async Driver.

Last Version: 0.2.1

Release Date:

Ninja Framework MongoDB Module

net.binggl : ninja-mongodb-module

This is an easly plugable module for the Ninja web framework to work with MongoDB and optional moprhia (a MongoDB ORM) by providing convinent services, all required dependencies and some testing utilities. The original author is Sven Kubiak ( This is a recreation of the module because the orginal module/github repository was deleted.

Last Version: 1.0.7

Release Date:


tools.devnull : boteco-persistence-mongodb

Boteco is a bot that allows you to write platform agnostic plugins.

Last Version: 0.10.2

Release Date:


io.mongock : mongodb

MongoDB tool for tracking, managing and applying database schema changes

Last Version: 5.1.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0

Release Date:

Hono Mongodb Based Device Registry (Quarkus)

org.eclipse.hono : hono-service-device-registry-mongodb-quarkus

A Quarkus based implementation of Hono's device registry using MongoDB for persistence.

Last Version: 1.12.1

Release Date:

Webhooks4j MongoDB

com.github.jensborch.webhooks4j : webhook4j-mongodb

Small, simple and extendable Java library for messaging using webhooks.

Last Version: 0.6.5

Release Date:

Webhooks4j MongoDB publisher

com.github.jensborch.webhooks4j : webhook4j-mongodb-publisher

Small, simple and extendable Java library for messaging using webhooks.

Last Version: 0.6.5

Release Date:

Webhooks4j MongoDB subscriber

com.github.jensborch.webhooks4j : webhook4j-mongodb-subscriber

Small, simple and extendable Java library for messaging using webhooks.

Last Version: 0.6.5

Release Date:

Lift MongoDB Record

net.liftweb : lift-mongodb-record

Lift's MongoDB record integration

Last Version: 2.0

Release Date:

Lift MongoDB Record

net.liftweb : lift-mongodb-record_2.7.7

Lift's MongoDB record integration

Last Version: 2.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.4

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.0.0

Release Date:


win.doyto : doyto-query-mongodb

DOYToWin organization-level POM

Last Version: 1.0.0-ALPHA

Release Date:

Mongo DB Aggregation Query Support

com.github.krraghavan : mongodb-aggregate-query-support

Spring Data @Query like support for Mongo Aggregation queries

Last Version:

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.8.9

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.8.9

Release Date:

Last Version:

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.8.9

Release Date:


com.github.krraghavan : mongodb-aggregate-query-support-test

Spring Data @Query like support for Mongo Aggregation queries

Last Version:

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.0.4

Release Date:

Mirila :: Database System :: MongoDb

nl.mirila.dbs : mirila-dbs-mongodb

A Java framework that can be used as a foundation for Rest API's and microservices.

Last Version: 1.4.0

Release Date:

Data Generator MongoDB

com.github.lejeanbono : data-generator-mongodb

Spring Boot Library on API to generate data in mongoDB

Last Version: 0.3.2

Release Date:


com.github.lemfi.kest : step-mongodb

Backends testing with Kotlin

Last Version: 0.6.8

Release Date:

Esfinge QueryBuilder MongoDB

net.sf.esfinge : querybuilder-mongodb

The Esfinge QueryBuilder MongoDB is the persistence framework for Esfinge QueryBuilder using Mongo Database.

Last Version: 1.7.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.1.0

Release Date:

kina mongodb

com.github.lucarosellini : kina-mongodb

Project containing the actual implementation of the RDD integrating Apache Spark and MongoDB

Last Version: 0.9.5

Release Date: