
Last Version: 3.1.3

Release Date:

Spring Cloud Netflix Core - Deprecated : spring-cloud-netflix-core

Deprecated Spring Cloud Netflix Core - will be removed. Please use spring-cloud-netflix-hystrix instead.

Last Version: 2.2.10.RELEASE

Release Date:


com.networknt : health

A handler endpoint that output OK only for other application to check if this service is alive

Last Version: 2.1.1

Release Date:

Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Code Generator

io.fabric8 : kubernetes-codegen

Fabric8 the open source integration platform

Last Version: 2.2.52

Release Date:


net.sf.scannotation : scannotation

Scannotation is a Java library that creates an annotation database from a set of .class files

Last Version: 1.0.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.5.0

Release Date:

ConnId: Connector Framework Internal

net.tirasa.connid : connector-framework-internal

Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on

Last Version:

Release Date:


net.n2oapp.platform : n2o-platform-selection-api

Free platform for building microservices based on Spring Boot

Last Version: 4.9.0

Release Date:


org.netbeans.api : org-netbeans-modules-java-project

Apache NetBeans is an integrated development environment, tooling platform, and application framework.

Last Version: RELEASE140

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.0.1.redhat-621222

Release Date:


com.sun.grizzly : grizzly-comet - The Source for Java Technology Collaboration

Last Version: 1.9.65

Release Date:


com.facebook.drift : drift-transport-spi

Annotation based Thrift implementation

Last Version: 1.34

Release Date:


org.netbeans.api : org-netbeans-modules-editor-document

Apache NetBeans is an integrated development environment, tooling platform, and application framework.

Last Version: RELEASE140

Release Date:

XApi - Core Html utils

net.wetheinter : xapi-core-ui-html

The core API for generating html from data models.

Last Version: 0.5

Release Date:


net.n2oapp.platform : n2o-platform-selection-processor

Free platform for building microservices based on Spring Boot

Last Version: 4.9.0

Release Date:

XApi - Core UI Apis

net.wetheinter : xapi-core-ui-api

Shared api abstractions for user interfaces

Last Version: 0.5

Release Date:


org.netbeans.cluster : platform

Apache NetBeans is an integrated development environment, tooling platform, and application framework.

Last Version: RELEASE140

Release Date:


com.facebook.drift : drift-client

Annotation based Thrift implementation

Last Version: 1.34

Release Date:


com.facebook.drift : drift-server

Annotation based Thrift implementation

Last Version: 1.34

Release Date:


org.netbeans.api : org-netbeans-api-java

Apache NetBeans is an integrated development environment, tooling platform, and application framework.

Last Version: RELEASE140

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.6.3

Release Date:


com.sun.grizzly : grizzly-utils - The Source for Java Technology Collaboration

Last Version: 1.9.65

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.1.0.Final

Release Date:


net.javacrumbs.shedlock : shedlock-provider-redis-spring

Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on

Last Version: 4.37.0

Release Date:

Fabric8 :: Kubernetes :: Jolokia

io.fabric8 : kubernetes-jolokia

Fabric8 the open source integration platform

Last Version: 3.0.12

Release Date:

Moneta (JSR 354 RI)

org.javamoney : moneta

JSR 354 provides an API for representing, transporting, and performing comprehensive calculations with Money and Currency. This module implements JSR 354.

Last Version: 1.4.2

Release Date:

jaxb-utilities : jaxb-utilities

An alternative API for working with XML files using JAXB

Last Version: 2.1.0

Release Date:


com.networknt : registry

A registry and discovery module that register the services and discover them from centralized registry.

Last Version: 2.1.1

Release Date:

ROME, RSS and atOM utilitiEs for Java : rome

All Roads Lead to ROME. ROME is a set of Atom/RSS Java utilities that make it easy to work in Java with most syndication formats. Today it accepts all flavors of RSS (0.90, 0.91, 0.92, 0.93, 0.94, 1.0 and 2.0), Atom 0.3 and Atom 1.0 feeds. Rome includes a set of parsers and generators for the various flavors of feeds, as well as converters to convert from one format to another. The parsers can give you back Java objects that are either specific for the format you want to work with, or a generic normalized SyndFeed object that lets you work on with the data without bothering about the underlying format.

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.7.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.6.3

Release Date:


com.networknt : mask

A utility that mask sensitive info in string or json before log it.

Last Version: 2.1.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.9

Release Date:


com.networknt : sanitizer

A handler that sanitize cross site scripting for request

Last Version: 2.1.1

Release Date:


com.networknt : balance

A client load balance module that helps to connect service clusters.

Last Version: 2.1.1

Release Date:

Java Fast Math

net.jafama : jafama

A (Strict)FastMath class with 1e-15ish accuracy.

Last Version: 2.3.2

Release Date:


org.netbeans.api : org-netbeans-spi-editor-hints

Apache NetBeans is an integrated development environment, tooling platform, and application framework.

Last Version: RELEASE140

Release Date:


net.hydromatic : eigenbase-properties

Type-safe access to Java system properties

Last Version: 1.1.6

Release Date:


net.openhft : chronicle

Java library for persisted low latency messaging (Java 7+)

Last Version: 3.6.4

Release Date: - Node - Kubernetes

io.gravitee.node : gravitee-node-kubernetes

The Gravitee.IO Parent POM provides common settings for all Gravitee components.

Last Version: 1.24.2

Release Date:


net.openhft : lang

Java Lang library for High Frequency Trading (Java 6+)

Last Version: 6.8.2

Release Date:

DKPro Core ASL - Phonetics API

org.dkpro.core : dkpro-core-api-phonetics-asl

DKPro Core is a collection of software components for natural language processing (NLP) based on the Apache UIMA framework.

Last Version: 2.2.0

Release Date:

Flex 2.0 maven plugin

net.israfil.mojo : maven-flex2-plugin

A plugin to allow maven builds ActionScript and MXML projects from Adobe systems.

Last Version: 1.3

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.5.8

Release Date:

OpenBlueSky - Hierarchy

it.tidalwave.netbeans : it-tidalwave-hierarchy

OpenBlueSky - NetBeans Platform Enhancements

Last Version: 1.0.25

Release Date:

OWLAPI :: OBO Format

net.sourceforge.owlapi : owlapi-oboformat

A java library for converting obo format documents to OWL, and for converting (a subset of) OWL to obo format. This version has been slightly modified to be included directly in the OWL API. The upstream code for this module and its authors can be found at

Last Version: 5.1.20

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.1

Release Date: