
XApi - GWT concurrency implementation

net.wetheinter : xapi-gwt-process

A GWT scheduling service, designed to give better shared interop with concurrent code. Plans are in the works to implement java.lang.Thread as web workers in the future.

Last Version: 0.5

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.0.11

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XApi - Bytecode Reader

net.wetheinter : xapi-dev-bytecode

A lightweight (readonly) fork of javassist, used to load class structure, annotations and metadata from bytecode.

Last Version: 0.5

Release Date:

XApi - Gwt uber jar

net.wetheinter : xapi-gwt

This module exists solely to package all other gwt modules into a single uber jar. This makes deploying to non-mavenized targets much easier. Of course, you would be wise to inherit your dependencies individually; the uber jar is intended for projects like collide, which have complex configuration, and adding many jars would be a pain.

Last Version: 0.5

Release Date:

Jersey Test Framework - Grizzly Module

com.sun.jersey.jersey-test-framework : jersey-test-framework-grizzly

Jersey is the open source (under dual CDDL+GPL license) JAX-RS (JSR 311) production quality Reference Implementation for building RESTful Web services.

Last Version: 1.19.4

Release Date:

Apache MINA JavaBeans Integration

org.apache.mina : mina-integration-beans

Apache MINA is a network application framework which helps users develop high performance and highly scalable network applications easily. It provides an abstract event-driven asynchronous API over various transports such as TCP/IP and UDP/IP via Java NIO.

Last Version: 2.1.6

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Last Version: 0.0.11

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XApi - Jre Reflection and Classpath Scanning

net.wetheinter : xapi-jre-reflect

This module contains a classpath scanner, and bytecode reader. It is useful in any java runtime environment, and allows java code to parse bytecode into a meta structure of classes, annotations, methods and fields. This meta structure is used throughout xapi to allow us to extend java structures in a cross-platform compliant way (exposing services and service objects so you can hack support for whatever runtime you need). It is especially useful for fast runtime injection, and as an extensible structure during codegen (which exposes mutable interfaces for our meta structure)

Last Version: 0.3

Release Date:


net.wimpi : telnetd-x

The Java Telnet Daemon

Last Version: 2.1.1

Release Date:

XApi - Jre uber jar

net.wetheinter : xapi-jre

This module exists solely to package all other jre modules into a single uber jar. This makes deploying to non-mavenized targets much easier. Of course, you would be wise to inherit your dependencies individually; the uber jar is intended for projects like collide, which have complex configuration, and adding many jars would be a pain. It also allows dependent modules to discover new features, as modules graduate from labs to final, they will be added here. As you type X_, autocomplete will expose newly added services.

Last Version: 0.5

Release Date:


net.wetheinter : gwt-method-inject

XApi is a dependency injection, service-oriented, polyglot java framework. It is comprised of standalone modules for use in web, desktop and mobile java applications. This codebase enables complete reuse of all code across your java stack, as well as the ability to easily define your own Platform, so you can build your own customized runtime environment to extend or replace existing platforms. It is currently geared towards servlets and gwt clients, but the target we are currently developing include: java, gwt [webkit, firefox, ie], javafx, playn [android, ios, flash], appengine & vert.x For Google Web Toolkit, we also include reflection support, more complete emulation of java.lang.Class, zero-overhead dependency injection, a range of code generation utilities, and even "magic-method injection" (for production compiles any method in the app can be swapped out with others based on configuration properties, or any AST mangling / code generating methods you wish to write). There is also a bytecode transformer in the works which will replace calls into the DI utility with direct references to static final factories, to allow the java compiler to completely erase all injection overhead in all java runtimes.

Last Version: 2.5.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.6.7

Release Date:


net.spals.appbuilder : spals-appbuilder-config

AppBuilder is a library to help easily create application micro-services in Java and Scala.

Last Version: 0.6.5

Release Date:

XApi - Jre core API

net.wetheinter : xapi-jre-io

A jre client-side implementation of xapi-core-io. xapi-server-api will extend this functionality to servlets.

Last Version: 0.5

Release Date:

Spring Json View

net.sf.spring-json : spring-json

Spring Json-View adds JavaScript Object Notation (json) support to Spring-MVC

Last Version: 1.3.1

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Last Version: 0.5

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Last Version: 1.14

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Last Version: 2022.6.0

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XApi - utilities

net.wetheinter : xapi-dev-file

Helper methods for dealing w/

Last Version: 0.5

Release Date:

XApi - GWT AutoUi (generating GWT UI's based on model interfaces)

net.wetheinter : xapi-gwt-ui-autoui

A set of generator utils to create GWT views and editors from your data models.

Last Version: 0.5

Release Date:

Last Version: 2022.6.0

Release Date:


io.jooby : jooby-netty

The modular web framework for Java and Kotlin

Last Version: 2.15.1

Release Date:

XApi - Maven plugins

net.wetheinter : xapi-maven-plugin

Mojos for using xapi-dev utilies in maven builds.

Last Version: 0.5

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.0.11

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Last Version: 0.0.11

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XML:DB API specification

net.sf.xmldb-org : xmldb-api

XML:DB Initiative for XML Databases

Last Version: 2.0.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 4.0.0

Release Date:


io.servicetalk : servicetalk-dependencies

ServiceTalk BOM that includes direct dependencies

Last Version: 0.42.11

Release Date:

WildFly: Undertow (Jakarta Namespace)

org.wildfly : wildfly-undertow-jakarta

Parent for EE 9 Source Transformation related modules

Last Version: 27.0.0.Alpha1

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.6.0

Release Date:

XApi - Dev Mode Gwt Compiler

net.wetheinter : xapi-dev-gwtc

This module is a parent for the gwt compiler api, and a number of gui implementations. The core module is an event-based wrapper around gwt compile events, as well as a set of UI controller interfaces which must be implemented. Frontends for gwt and jre are provided, which will replace the compilers used in maven and collide.

Last Version: 0.5

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.6.21

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Last Version: 0.0.5

Release Date:


com.networknt : rpc-router

A rpc router for hybrid server that can map http requests to handlers based on a map lookup

Last Version: 2.1.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 2022.6.0

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XApi - Gwt Compiler Implementation

net.wetheinter : xapi-gwtc-impl

This module contains the business logic of running gwt compiles. It implements and exposes all functionality of the gwt compiler, and should only ever be included in dev-mode runtimes that need to perform gwt compiles. In the maven plugin, the jre frontend and this backend are used together in one runtime. In the collide plugin, the gwt frontend runs in the browser, and this backend runs in vert.x server.

Last Version: 0.5

Release Date:

XSLT syntax highlighting

net.sf.xslthl : xslthl

This is an implementation of syntax highlighting as an extension module for XSLT processors, so if you have e.g. article about programming written in DocBook, code examples can be automatically syntax highlighted during the XSLT processing phase. This version of xslthl provides extensions of the Apache Xalan and Saxon XSLT processors.

Last Version: 2.1.3

Release Date:


io.netty : netty-dev-tools

Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on

Last Version: 4.1.78.Final

Release Date:


com.networknt : yaml-rule

A rule engine based on YAML or JSON for rule definition

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date: