

io.rxmicro : rxmicro-rest-client-netty

The module that is a REST client implementation module based on Netty.

Last Version: 0.9

Release Date:


org.xworker : xworker_netty

The parent model liberary of XWorker.

Last Version: 4.1.44.Final

Release Date:

Last Version:

Release Date:

Last Version: 21.12.4

Release Date:

com.turbospaces.boot ::: bootstrap-netty-core

com.turbospaces.boot : bootstrap-netty-core

turbospaces 'bootstrap' library with a various plugins and shared tools

Last Version: 1.0.57

Release Date:

Kompics Netty Network

se.sics.kompics.basic : kompics-component-netty-network

Basic components for timers, network communication, and web server

Last Version: 1.2.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.0-alpha.1

Release Date:


dev.zio : zio-aws-netty_2.13

Low-level AWS wrapper for ZIO

Last Version:

Release Date:


com.github.fmjsjx : libnetty-example

A set of some useful libraries based on netty4.1.x.

Last Version: 2.4.3

Release Date:


in.jlibs : jlibs-wamp4j-netty

wamp4j netty implementation

Last Version: 3.0.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

Stellardrift Guice-fork - Extensions - Spring

ca.stellardrift.guice-backport.extensions : guice-spring

A fork of Guice that restores removed API, and uses external ASM.

Last Version: 5.0.1

Release Date:

Stellardrift Guice-fork - Extensions - Persist

ca.stellardrift.guice-backport.extensions : guice-persist

A fork of Guice that restores removed API, and uses external ASM.

Last Version: 5.0.1

Release Date:


ca.stellardrift : colonel

An extension to Minecraft's command system to allow client-optional custom argument types

Last Version: 0.2.2

Release Date:


se.mdh.driftavbrott : mdh-driftavbrott-ws-client

En klient som pratar med driftavbrottstjänstens web service.

Last Version: 2.4.0

Release Date:

Stellardrift Guice-fork - Extensions - Grapher

ca.stellardrift.guice-backport.extensions : guice-grapher

A fork of Guice that restores removed API, and uses external ASM.

Last Version: 5.0.1

Release Date:

Stellardrift Guice-fork - Extensions - JNDI

ca.stellardrift.guice-backport.extensions : guice-jndi

A fork of Guice that restores removed API, and uses external ASM.

Last Version: 5.0.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 5.0.1

Release Date:

Rathravane Drift

com.rathravane : drift

A library for object persistence and service management.

Last Version: 2.1.0

Release Date:

Stellardrift Guice-fork - Extensions - TestLib

ca.stellardrift.guice-backport.extensions : guice-testlib

A fork of Guice that restores removed API, and uses external ASM.

Last Version: 5.0.1

Release Date:

Stellardrift Guice-fork - Extensions - Struts2

ca.stellardrift.guice-backport.extensions : guice-struts2

A fork of Guice that restores removed API, and uses external ASM.

Last Version: 5.0.1

Release Date:

Stellardrift Guice-fork - Extensions - JMX

ca.stellardrift.guice-backport.extensions : guice-jmx

A fork of Guice that restores removed API, and uses external ASM.

Last Version: 5.0.1

Release Date:


io.servicetalk : servicetalk-data-protobuf-jersey

A networking framework that evolves with your application

Last Version: 0.42.11

Release Date:


io.servicetalk : servicetalk-bom

ServiceTalk BOM that includes all modules

Last Version: 0.42.11

Release Date:


io.servicetalk : servicetalk-benchmarks

A networking framework that evolves with your application

Last Version: 0.42.11

Release Date:


io.servicetalk : servicetalk-gradle-plugin-internal

A networking framework that evolves with your application

Last Version: 0.42.11

Release Date:


io.servicetalk : servicetalk-concurrent-reactivestreams

A networking framework that evolves with your application

Last Version: 0.42.11

Release Date:


io.servicetalk : servicetalk-http-security-jersey

A networking framework that evolves with your application

Last Version: 0.42.11

Release Date:


io.servicetalk : servicetalk-concurrent-api-test

A networking framework that evolves with your application

Last Version: 0.42.11

Release Date:


io.servicetalk : servicetalk-concurrent-jdkflow

A networking framework that evolves with your application

Last Version: 0.42.11

Release Date:


io.servicetalk : servicetalk-opentracing-http

A networking framework that evolves with your application

Last Version: 0.42.11

Release Date:


io.servicetalk : servicetalk-log4j2-mdc

A networking framework that evolves with your application

Last Version: 0.42.11

Release Date:


io.servicetalk : servicetalk-opentracing-log4j2

A networking framework that evolves with your application

Last Version: 0.42.11

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.42.11

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.0.17

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.0.15

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.1.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.0.21

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.3.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 5.5.3

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.0.21

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.1.0-RELEASE

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.1.1-RELEASE

Release Date:


io.mikesir87.javacors : javacors-undertow

A project that provides CORS support to various Java frameworks/applications.

Last Version: 1.3.0

Release Date:


ws.ament.hammock : web-undertow

CDI Based MicroServices

Last Version: 2.1

Release Date:


com.holon-platform.jaxrs : holon-starter-resteasy-undertow

Holon Spring Boot JAX-RS Server starter using Resteasy, Undertow and Jackson

Last Version: 5.5.0

Release Date:


com.navercorp.pinpoint : pinpoint-undertow-plugin

Pinpoint APM, Application Performance Management tool for large-scale distributed systems

Last Version: 2.4.0

Release Date:

bootique-kotlin-undertow: Kotlin extensions for undertow module.

io.bootique.kotlin : bootique-kotlin-undertow

Provides extension function and features for smooth development with Bootique Undertow and Kotlin.

Last Version: 2.0.1

Release Date: