PaaS Providers : disco-java-agent-aws

Amazon Disco aspect oriented distributed systems comprehension toolkit

Last Version: 0.12.0

Release Date:

Flux SWF Client : flux

Flux is a client library that simplifies usage of Amazon Simple Workflow Service.

Last Version: 2.0.7

Release Date:


com.github.shiver-me-timbers : smt-aws-lambda-soap-stub-api

This project contains all the shiver-me-timbers AWS lambda functions.

Last Version: 1.4

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.14.4-beta

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.18

Release Date:

Camel SB Starters :: AWS2-SES

org.apache.camel.springboot : camel-aws2-ses-starter

Spring-Boot Starter for Camel Support for AWS SES Service

Last Version: 3.17.0

Release Date:

Camel SB Starters :: AWS2-STS

org.apache.camel.springboot : camel-aws2-sts-starter

Spring-Boot Starter for Camel Support for AWS STS Service

Last Version: 3.17.0

Release Date:

Micronaut Libraries

com.agorapulse : micronaut-amazon-awssdk-ses

Set of useful libraries for Micronaut

Last Version: 2.0.1-micronaut-3.0

Release Date:

Micronaut Libraries

com.agorapulse : micronaut-aws-sdk-ag-ws

Set of useful libraries for Micronaut

Last Version: 2.0.1-micronaut-3.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.7.1

Release Date:

AWS Kinesis Analytics Java Flink Runtime

com.amazonaws : aws-kinesisanalytics-runtime

This library contains the Kinesis Analytics Java stream processing runtime configuration classes.

Last Version: 1.2.0

Release Date: : dynamodbstreamslambda

CDK Constructs for AWS DynamoDB Streams to AWS Lambda integration.

Last Version: 2.9.0

Release Date:

Camel SB Starters :: AWS2-EventBridge

org.apache.camel.springboot : camel-aws2-eventbridge-starter

Spring-Boot Starter for Camel Support for AWS EventBridge Service

Last Version: 3.17.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.4.1-build001

Release Date:


com.github.shiver-me-timbers : smt-aws-lambda-pingable-api

This project contains all the shiver-me-timbers AWS lambda functions.

Last Version: 1.4

Release Date:

Camel SB Starters :: AWS2-EKS

org.apache.camel.springboot : camel-aws2-eks-starter

Spring-Boot Starter for Camel Support for AWS EKS Service

Last Version: 3.17.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.9.2

Release Date:


com.github.shiver-me-timbers : smt-aws-apigateway-proxy-api

This project contains all the shiver-me-timbers AWS lambda functions.

Last Version: 1.4

Release Date:

Amazon Athena Query Federation SDK

com.amazonaws : aws-athena-federation-sdk

The Athena Query Federation SDK defines a set of interfaces and wire protocols that you can implement to enable Athena to delegate portions of it's query execution plan to code that you deploy/write.

Last Version: 2022.24.1

Release Date:

Camel SB Starters :: AWS2-MQ

org.apache.camel.springboot : camel-aws2-mq-starter

Spring-Boot Starter for Camel Support for AWS MQ Service

Last Version: 3.17.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.7.1

Release Date:

io.paulbaker.libs : aws-data-structures

Common data-structures that are relevant to AWS

Last Version: 0.8.21

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK :: Annotations : sdk-annotations

The Amazon Web Services SDK for Java provides Java APIs for building software on AWS' cost-effective, scalable, and reliable infrastructure products. The AWS Java SDK allows developers to code against APIs for all of Amazon's infrastructure web services (Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Amazon SQS, Amazon Relational Database Service, Amazon AutoScaling, etc).

Last Version: 2.0.0-preview-2

Release Date:

Logback AWSLogs appender

io.github.dnovitski : logback-awslogs-appender

An Amazon Web Services (AWS) Logs (CloudWatch) appender for Logback

Last Version: 1.5.2

Release Date:


dev.zio : zio-aws-dynamodb_2.13

Low-level AWS wrapper for ZIO

Last Version:

Release Date:

SAWSDL Transformer : msm4j-sawsdl-transformer

SAWSDL Transformer provides support for transforming SAWSDL service descriptions into Minimal Service Model.

Last Version: 1.3.5

Release Date:

Camel SB Starters :: AWS2-IAM

org.apache.camel.springboot : camel-aws2-iam-starter

Spring-Boot Starter for Camel Support for AWS IAM Service

Last Version: 3.17.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.6.1

Release Date: : lakeformation

The CDK Construct Library for AWS::LakeFormation

Last Version: 1.161.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.0.1

Release Date:


org.webjars.npm : aws-sign2

WebJar for aws-sign2

Last Version: 0.7.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.9.2

Release Date: : cloudtrail

The CDK Construct Library for AWS::CloudTrail

Last Version: 1.161.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 5.0.2

Release Date:


com.squareup.misk : wisp-aws-environment

a module containing AWS environment helpers

Last Version: 0.25.0-20220606.1435-15bc758

Release Date:


com.github.matsluni : aws-spi-akka-http_2.13.0-M5

An alternative non-blocking async http engine for aws-sdk-java-v2 based on akka-http

Last Version: 0.0.6

Release Date:

MTurk Java SDK

net.ettinsmoor : java-aws-mturk

The Java SDK for the Mechanical Turk API version 2012-03-25

Last Version: 1.6.2

Release Date:

Micronaut Libraries

com.agorapulse : micronaut-amazon-awssdk-sts

Set of useful libraries for Micronaut

Last Version: 2.0.1-micronaut-3.0

Release Date: