Program Interface

Brooklyn REST Swagger Apidoc Utilities

org.apache.brooklyn : brooklyn-utils-rest-swagger

Swagger REST API utility classes and methods developed for Brooklyn but not dependendent on Brooklyn

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.3.RELEASE

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org.zalando.stups : swagger-codegen-common

Parent pom.xml that can be used by STUPS Maven projects

Last Version: 0.5.0-beta-1

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Swagger Translator

org.teiid.connectors : translator-swagger

This translator provides access Swagger based data sources.

Last Version: 12.3.2

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com.networknt : swagger

A swagger handler module that cache the swagger spec and attached context related operation to the request based on uri and method.

Last Version: 1.1.8

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Last Version: 0.2.3

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org.noear : solonhat-swagger2

Java project for solonhat

Last Version: 1.0.0-m1

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io.github.cyrilschumacher : swagger-jaxrs

Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on

Last Version: 1.6.4

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Last Version: 1.0.0-m1

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Last Version: 20.1.1

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Last Version: 2.2.1

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org.webjars.npm : swagger-client

WebJar for swagger-client

Last Version: 3.18.5

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Last Version: 6.1.6

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Last Version: 6.1.6

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com.sun.jersey : jersey-fastinfoset

Jersey is the open source (under dual CDDL+GPL license) JAX-RS (JSR 311) production quality Reference Implementation for building RESTful Web services.

Last Version: 1.19.4

Release Date:


com.applitools : eyes-sdk-java-jersey1x

Applitools Eyes SDK base for Java

Last Version: 2.34

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Last Version: 2.1

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Last Version: 0.91.11

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Last Version: 1.0.1

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Last Version: 5.5.0

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Jersey Package

org.glassfish.packager : jersey

This pom describes how to assemble the Jersey package

Last Version: 3.2-b06

Release Date:


com.bazaarvoice.auth : jersey-hmac-auth-common

Common code for the Client and Server modules

Last Version: 1.1

Release Date:


org.kantega.respiro : respiro-jersey-plugin

Modular, developer-friendly integration platform

Last Version: 2.28

Release Date:

Jersey Min (Rebundled)

com.eclipsesource.jaxrs : jersey-min

jersey-min is a rebundled (minmal) verison of Jersey as one OSGi bundle.

Last Version: 2.22.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.6.3

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com.applitools : eyes-sdk-java-jersey2x

Applitools Eyes SDK base for Java

Last Version: 2.57

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.0.0

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Last Version: 2.0.0-ALPHA-14

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Jersey JRebel plugin

com.sun.jersey : jersey-jrebel

Jersey is the open source (under dual CDDL+GPL license) JAX-RS (JSR 311) production quality Reference Implementation for building RESTful Web services.

Last Version: 1.11

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.14

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jersey-properties-core : jersey-properties-core

Contains the core functionality including property resolving and property deserialisation.

Last Version: 1.0.0

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Last Version: 2.0

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Last Version: 0.42.11

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com.manydesigns : portofino-jersey

Portofino is a web application framework written in Java and extensible using Groovy, distributed under the LGPL open source license. The framework can be used to create interactive database-driven web applications. The creation process includes automatic generation through a "wizard" tool, manual configuration through a web-based administration interface, and customization through scripting languages. The framework combines features that are typical of Content Management Systems and of Rapid application development tools. Portofino is mainly intended for Java developers of enterprise applications and of dynamic web sites. It can connect to an existing database and generate a working web application based on an automatic analysis of the database's structure.

Last Version: 5.3.2

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Last Version: 5.5.5

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Last Version: 5.5.5

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Last Version: 5.0.8

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Last Version: 5.0.8

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Last Version: 5.5.5

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Last Version: 5.0.12

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Last Version: 5.0.8

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Last Version: 2.10.0.Final

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Last Version: 2.10.0.Final

Release Date:

RESTEasy MicroProfile: Test BOM

org.jboss.resteasy.microprofile : resteasy-microprofile-test-bom

Provides, via submodules, a base configuration for JBoss project builds, as well as a derived configuration supporting multi-release JARs

Last Version: 2.0.0.Beta1

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.10.0.Final

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.10.0.Final

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