Spring Boot

Last Version: 0.0.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.0.7

Release Date:

Example - dgs-spring-boot

org.neo4j.graphql.examples : dgs-spring-boot

Example for using neo4j-graphql-java with Spring Boot and Netflix Domain Graph Service (DGS)

Last Version: 1.5.0

Release Date:


org.njgzr : xxl-job-spring-boot-starter


Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.1.1

Release Date:


com.github.759434091 : jwt-security-spring-boot-starter

A small Jwt Token Spring Security Spring Boot Starter

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:


org.occurrent : spring-boot-starter-mongodb

Event Sourcing Utilities for the JVM based on the CloudEvents specification

Last Version: 0.14.3

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.2.2.RELEASE

Release Date:


com.github.AnonymousMister : druid-spring-boot-starter

Spring Boot with Druid support,help you simplify Druid config in Spring Boot.

Last Version: 1.1.18_dynamic

Release Date:


com.github.AnonymousMister : spring-boot-starter-parent

Parent pom providing dependency and plugin management for applications built with Maven

Last Version:

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.2

Release Date:

Spring Cache Redis Scored Spring Boot

org.oxerr.spring.cache.redis.scored : spring-cache-redis-scored-spring-boot

Spring cache implementation using Redis sorted set, to prevent returning stale data in cache querying.

Last Version: 0.0.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.1

Release Date:


com.github.Silwings-git : quick-transform-spring-boot-starter

Parent pom providing dependency and plugin management for applications built with Maven

Last Version: 1.1.0

Release Date:


com.github.WangJi92 : dingtalk-robot-logback-append-spring-boot-start

自定义logback append 将日志 通过钉钉API将日志信息通知到群

Last Version: 0.0.5

Release Date:


com.github.WangJi92 : idempotent-spring-boot-starter

幂等的,防止重复的提交,使用spring HandlerInterceptor 拦截+redission 提供的分布式锁来进行控制

Last Version: 0.0.3

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.1.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.7.1.B

Release Date:

Spring Boot dependencies for Quarkus Spring Spring Boot Properties extension

io.quarkus : quarkus-spring-boot-api

The minimum dependencies to reduce the footprint of Quarkus applications using the Spring Spring Boot Properties extension

Last Version: 2.2.Final

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.10.0.Final

Release Date:


com.github.acshmily : encrypt-jpa-spring-boot-starter

Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on https://oss.sonatype.org/

Last Version: 1.1.3-RELEASE

Release Date:


io.ratpack : ratpack-spring-boot-starter

Spring Boot starter for Ratpack - http://projects.spring.io/spring-boot/

Last Version: 2.0.0-rc-1

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:


pub.ihub.lib : ihub-cloud-spring-boot-starter

IHub Libs:一套开箱即用的组件集,精而简,小而全,集成常用组件,统一编码规范,让项目开发可以更专注于业务。

Last Version: 1.0.6

Release Date:


pub.ihub.lib : ihub-swagger-spring-boot-starter

IHub Libs:一套开箱即用的组件集,精而简,小而全,集成常用组件,统一编码规范,让项目开发可以更专注于业务。

Last Version: 1.0.3

Release Date:


pub.ihub.lib : ihub-test-spring-boot-starter

IHub Libs:一套开箱即用的组件集,精而简,小而全,集成常用组件,统一编码规范,让项目开发可以更专注于业务。

Last Version: 1.0.6

Release Date:

Camunda delegator lib

ru.tinkoff.top : camunda-delegator-spring-boot-starter

This project provides declarative camunda delegates for Spring based application

Last Version: 6.0.0

Release Date:

Elrond Spring Boot Starter Reactive

software.crldev : elrond-spring-boot-starter-reactive

A SpringBoot Starter solution designed to ensure easy and efficient integration with the Elrond Network using a Reactive API layer.

Last Version: 1.1.2

Release Date:

Trading bot spring boot starter - GraphQL API

tech.cassandre.trading.bot : cassandre-trading-bot-spring-boot-starter-api-graphql

Parent pom providing dependency and plugin management for applications built with Maven

Last Version: 6.0.0

Release Date:


io.scalecube : scalecube-spring-boot-parent

ScaleCube is a lightweight decentralized cluster membership, failure detection, messaging and gossip protocol library for the Java VM.

Last Version: 2.2.3

Release Date:


io.scalecube : scalecube-spring-boot-starter

ScaleCube is a lightweight decentralized cluster membership, failure detection, messaging and gossip protocol library for the Java VM.

Last Version: 2.2.3

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0

Release Date:


io.servicecomb.demo : demo-spring-boot

Software Development Kit (SDK) for rapid development of microservices

Last Version: 0.1.0

Release Date:


io.servicecomb.demo : demo-spring-boot-discovery

Software Development Kit (SDK) for rapid development of microservices

Last Version: 0.1.0

Release Date:


io.servicecomb.demo : demo-spring-boot-transport

Software Development Kit (SDK) for rapid development of microservices

Last Version: 0.1.0

Release Date:


io.servicecomb.springboot.jaxrs.client : demo-spring-boot-jaxrs-client

Software Development Kit (SDK) for rapid development of microservices

Last Version: 0.1.0-m1

Release Date:


io.servicecomb.springboot.jaxrs.server : demo-spring-boot-jaxrs-server

Software Development Kit (SDK) for rapid development of microservices

Last Version: 0.1.0-m1

Release Date:


io.servicecomb.springboot.pojo.client : demo-spring-boot-pojo-client

Software Development Kit (SDK) for rapid development of microservices

Last Version: 0.1.0-m1

Release Date:


io.servicecomb.springboot.pojo.server : demo-spring-boot-pojo-server

Software Development Kit (SDK) for rapid development of microservices

Last Version: 0.1.0-m1

Release Date:


io.servicecomb.springboot.springmvc.client : demo-spring-boot-springmvc-client

Software Development Kit (SDK) for rapid development of microservices

Last Version: 0.1.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:


io.servicecomb.springboot.springmvc.server : demo-spring-boot-springmvc-server

Software Development Kit (SDK) for rapid development of microservices

Last Version: 0.1.0

Release Date:


xyz.dong6662.jap.spring.boot : jap-spring-boot-stater

Spring Boot starter for JustAuth Plus. See: https://justauth.plus/

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date: