Unit Testing

Last Version: 1.0.0-RC-01

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.17.7

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dk.swissarmyronin : guava-lombok-mockito-archetype

A quick start template that provides Guava, Lombok, JUnit, Mockito, and SLF4J.

Last Version: 1.3

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.3.0

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net.javacrumbs : smock-mockito

Smock EasyMock support.

Last Version: 0.9.0

Release Date:


org.camunda.bpm.extension : camunda-bpm-mockito

This pom defines the required plugins and profiles to allow a camunda release build. Inherit this pom when you want to release your project into the camunda nexus and/or maven central.

Last Version: 2.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.0.1

Release Date:

OceanRunner - MockitoOceanModule

it.freshminutes : oceanrunner-mockito

OceanRunner - manage your mock with Mockito

Last Version: 1.0-RELEASE

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.6.6

Release Date:

dexmaker mockito

com.crittercism.dexmaker : dexmaker-mockito

Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on https://oss.sonatype.org/

Last Version: 1.4

Release Date:

Last Version:

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TomEE :: Utils :: Mockito

org.apache.tomee : openejb-mockito

Apache OpenEJB is an open source, modular, configurable and extensible EJB Container System and EJB Server.

Last Version: 8.0.12

Release Date:

Mockito Annotations for Kotlin

io.github.wickie73 : mockito4kotlin-annotation

Mockito Annotations for Kotlin: a small Kotlin library which supports Annotations for Mockito and Mockito-Kotlin.

Last Version: 0.5.0

Release Date:

Last Version:

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Last Version: 2.0.1-RELEASE

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de.holisticon.toolbox : needle-mockito

Please refer to https://github.com/holisticon/needle-mockito/.

Last Version: 1.0

Release Date:

Last Version:

Release Date:


org.powermock.examples : powermock-examples-spring-mockito-xml

Example showing how to use the PowerMock in a Spring Integration Test and XML parsing

Last Version: 1.6.4

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.3.0

Release Date:

JFixture Mockito

com.flextrade.jfixture : jfixture-mockito

A mockito customisation for handling interfaces/abstract classes in JFixture.

Last Version: 2.7.2

Release Date:


com.github.skjolber : mockito-rest-spring

REST web-service mocking utility for Spring

Last Version: 1.0.2

Release Date:


org.webjars : jsmockito-jshamcrest-integration

WebJar for jasmine-jsmockito-jshamcrest. This is an adaptor that integrates the jshamcrest and jsmockito frame works into the DOM window. It is built from the karma-jsmockito-jshamcrest (https://github.com/stephenhand/karma-jsmockito-jshamcrest) plugin.

Last Version: 0.0.6

Release Date:


org.powermock.examples : powermock-examples-slf4j-mockito

Example of using Slf4jMockPolicy with Mockito.

Last Version: 1.6.4

Release Date:

Last Version:

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Last Version:

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Last Version:

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Last Version: 3.5.0

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Last Version:

Release Date:


org.powermock.examples : powermock-examples-byte-buddy-mockito

Example demonstrating that PowerMock and Byte Buddy works together.

Last Version: 1.6.4

Release Date:

Last Version:

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.0.114

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.3.0

Release Date:


com.navercorp.fixturemonkey.snapshot : fixture-monkey-mockito

The easiest way to generate controllable arbitrary test objects

Last Version: 0.4.0-2826386-2

Release Date:

TestNG - org.unittested:cassandra-test-testng

org.unittested : cassandra-test-testng

Cassandra Test bindings for the TestNG environment.

Last Version: 1.0.3

Release Date:


com.codeborne : selenide-testng

Selenide = concise API for Selenium WebDriver

Last Version: 6.6.5

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.8.1

Release Date:


org.specnaz : specnaz-kotlin-testng

Library for writing beautiful, RSpec/Jasmine/Mocha/Jest-style specifications in Java, Kotlin and Groovy

Last Version: 1.5.3

Release Date: