User Interface


org.ice1000.jimgui : core

Pure Java binding for dear-imgui

Last Version: v0.22.0

Release Date:


org.fusesource.scalate : scalate-guice_2.9

Guice integration for a Jersey based Scalate web application

Last Version: 1.6.1

Release Date:

Apache POI OOXML : apache-poi-ooxml

The Apache Commons Codec package contains simple encoder and decoders for various formats such as Base64 and Hexadecimal. In addition to these widely used encoders and decoders, the codec package also maintains a collection of phonetic encoding utilities.

Last Version: 62

Release Date:

Log Master

com.jwebmp.guicedee : guiced-log-master

Provides Asynchronous and Dynamic Log Handler support for JDK1.8 logging API. Access via LogFactory.

Last Version:

Release Date:


org.gdl-lang.gdl-tools : cds-gui-swing

Guideline Definition Language editor and libraries

Last Version: 1.3.26

Release Date:

Last Version: 62

Release Date:

KIE (Drools) Workbench Tests :: GUI

org.kie : business-central-tests-gui

GUI tests for Business Central and KIE Drools Workbench

Last Version: 7.71.0.Final

Release Date:

Last Version: 62

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.0.18

Release Date:

IMPE3 :: PMS GUI :: Common API

com.isotrol.impe3 : impe3-pms-gui-api

Modelos e interfaces compartidos por cliente y servidor

Last Version: 3.1.1

Release Date:

IMPE3 :: PMS GUI :: Client

com.isotrol.impe3 : impe3-pms-gui-client

Isotrol Port@l 3.0 Portal Management Platform

Last Version: 3.1.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.0.18

Release Date:


de.devsurf.injection.guice.scanner : de.devsurf.injection.guice.scanner.core

Goolge Guice-Extension which add the support for Classpath Scanner and auto registration for Guice-Modules and Beans. ASM, Reflections/Javassit or a Sonatype-Guice-Extension can be used as Classpath Scanner.

Last Version: 0.7.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.0.0

Release Date:

Sisu Guice - Extensions - Grapher

org.sonatype.sisu.inject : guice-grapher

Patched build of Guice: a lightweight dependency injection framework for Java 7 and above

Last Version: 4.2.0

Release Date:

BoardGameWork GUI Library

tools.aqua : bgw-gui

A framework for board game applications.

Last Version: 0.6

Release Date:

Last Version: 7.0.0-M4

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.1.2

Release Date:

Last Version:

Release Date:

JRS logback UI: logback admin application - backend part

org.jresearch.logui : org.jresearch.logui.backend

The web application to manage runtime configuration of Logback (Java logging library)

Last Version: 1.0.15

Release Date:


io.github.spair : imgui-java-binding

JNI based binding for Dear ImGui

Last Version: 1.86.4

Release Date:

RoboGuice Annotation Processor

org.androidannotations : roboguice

AndroidAnnotations plugin for RoboGuice

Last Version: 4.8.0

Release Date:

Glassfish Admin GUI Package

org.glassfish.packager : glassfish-gui

This pom describes how to assemble the GlassFish Admin GUI package

Last Version: 3.2-b06

Release Date:

Guiced Undertow

com.jwebmp.guicedee.servlets : guiced-undertow

Allows instant atmopshere push usage in Embedded Containers mainly Undertow, and Undertow-Enabled such as JBoss, EAP, Jersey etc.

Last Version:

Release Date:

OpenEHR utils gui swing

org.gdl-lang.gdl-tools : openehr-utils-gui-swing

Guideline Definition Language editor and libraries

Last Version: 1.3.26

Release Date:

ODL :: odlguice :: inject.guice

org.opendaylight.odlguice : inject.guice

OpenDaylight is leading the transformation to Open Software Defined Networking (SDN). For more information, please see

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:


org.xbib : guice

Guice for Java

Last Version: 4.4.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.0.0

Release Date:

Venia - Repository Structure Package

com.adobe.aem.guides : aem-cif-guides-venia.ui.apps.structure

Empty package that defines the structure of the Adobe Experience Manager repository the Code packages in this project deploy into. Any roots in the Code packages of this project should have their parent enumerated in the Filters list below.

Last Version: 2022.05.30

Release Date:

javax.jms : javax.jms-api

The Parent Holder for the Guiced EE JMPS System

Last Version: 62

Release Date:

Last Version:

Release Date:

Sisu Guice - Extensions - Persist

org.sonatype.sisu.inject : guice-persist

Patched build of Guice: a lightweight dependency injection framework for Java 7 and above

Last Version: 4.2.0

Release Date:

stdlib guice liquibase support

com.peterphi.std.guice : stdlib-guice-liquibase

module to support liquibase managed database migrations

Last Version: 10.1.5

Release Date:

Admin Console JDBC Plugin

org.glassfish.admingui : console-jdbc-plugin

JDBC Plugin bundle for Glassfish V3 Admin Console

Last Version: 10.0-b28

Release Date:

Apache Commons FileUpload : commons-fileupload

The Apache Commons FileUpload component provides a simple yet flexible means of adding support for multipart file upload functionality to servlets and web applications.

Last Version: 62

Release Date:


org.fusesource.scalate : scalate-guice_2.10

Guice integration for a Jersey based Scalate web application

Last Version: 1.6.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.8.0

Release Date:

javax.cdi : jakarta.enterprise.cdi-api

APIs for CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java)

Last Version: 62

Release Date:

TAF - Generic GUI support, used by other modules

com.github.claremontqualitymanagement : taf.genericguiinteraction

Support for other modules for testing GUI with the test automation framework TAF.

Last Version: 4.1.2

Release Date:

Guiced Undertow

com.guicedee.servlets : guiced-undertow

Allows instant atmopshere push usage in Embedded Containers mainly Undertow, and Undertow-Enabled such as JBoss, EAP, Jersey etc.

Last Version:

Release Date:

Jackson-JAXRS-JSON : jackson-jaxrs-json-provider

Functionality to handle JSON input/output for JAX-RS implementations (like Jersey and RESTeasy) using standard Jackson data binding.

Last Version: 62

Release Date:

Sisu Guice - Extensions - ThrowingProviders

org.sonatype.sisu.inject : guice-throwingproviders

Patched build of Guice: a lightweight dependency injection framework for Java 7 and above

Last Version: 4.2.0

Release Date:

Admin Console Web Container Plugin

org.glassfish.admingui : console-web-plugin

Web container plugin bundle for Glassfish V3 Admin Console

Last Version: 10.0-b28

Release Date: