User Interface

consul module

org.jooby : jooby-consul

A modular micro web framework for Java and Kotlin

Last Version: 1.6.9

Release Date:

gradle plugin

org.jooby : jooby-gradle-plugin

A modular micro web framework for Java and Kotlin

Last Version: 1.6.9

Release Date:

requery module

org.jooby : jooby-requery

Last Version: 1.6.9

Release Date:

svg-sprites module

org.jooby : jooby-assets-svg-sprites

A modular micro web framework for Java and Kotlin

Last Version: 1.6.9

Release Date:

svg-symbol module

org.jooby : jooby-assets-svg-symbol

A modular micro web framework for Java and Kotlin

Last Version: 1.6.9

Release Date:

thymeleaf module

org.jooby : jooby-thymeleaf

A modular micro web framework for Java and Kotlin

Last Version: 1.6.9

Release Date:


org.jooby : jooby-rocker

A modular micro web framework for Java and Kotlin

Last Version: 1.6.9

Release Date:

crash shell module

org.jooby : jooby-crash

A modular micro web framework for Java and Kotlin

Last Version: 1.6.9

Release Date:

Quarkus - SmallRye Reactive Messaging - Runtime

io.quarkus : quarkus-smallrye-reactive-messaging

Produce and consume messages and implement event driven and data streaming applications

Last Version: 2.10.0.Final

Release Date:


de.mhus.cherry.reactive : reactive-model

BPM Implementation base on a java class model. It allows to create more complex and refactorable models.

Last Version: 7.2.0

Release Date:

Mule Client

org.mule.modules : mule-module-client

MuleClient is a simple interface for Mule clients to send and receive events from local or remote Mule Servers.

Last Version: 3.9.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.10.0

Release Date:

RDF4J: application configuration

org.eclipse.rdf4j : rdf4j-config

RDF4J application configuration classes

Last Version: 4.0.2

Release Date:


com.github.spullara.redis : client

A very fast Java redis redis.client.

Last Version: 0.7

Release Date:

HAL Core Console :: AceGWT Clone : ace-gwt

AS 7 console "bill of materials" which can be imported by any project providing extensions to the console. It provides dependency management for the developer APIs and SPIs.

Last Version: 2.9.19.Final

Release Date:

gwt-codeserver : gwt-codeserver

Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on

Last Version: 2.10.0

Release Date:

Apache James :: Server :: Cassandra with RabbitMQ - guice injection

org.apache.james : james-server-cassandra-rabbitmq-guice

An advanced email server - Cassandra backend and RabbitMQ messaging with guice injection

Last Version: 3.6.2

Release Date:

Phoenix Query Server Client

org.apache.phoenix : phoenix-queryserver-client

A thin JDBC client for interacting with the query server

Last Version: 6.0.0

Release Date:


io.ktor : ktor-client-json-jvm

Ktor is a framework for quickly creating web applications in Kotlin with minimal effort.

Last Version: 2.0.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.1.9

Release Date:

Okta Java SDK :: Extensions :: HTTP Client

com.okta.sdk : okta-sdk-httpclient

Moved to com.okta.commons:okta-http-httpclient

Last Version: 9.0.0-beta

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.18.3

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.3.0-v3346

Release Date:


org.eclipse.milo : sdk-core

An open source implementation of OPC UA (IEC 62541).

Last Version: 0.6.6

Release Date:


org.jooby : jooby-apitool

A modular micro web framework for Java and Kotlin

Last Version: 1.6.9

Release Date:


io.jooby : jooby

The modular web framework for Java and Kotlin

Last Version: 2.15.1

Release Date:

SL for GWT

net.sf.gwt-widget : gwt-sl

The Server Library for GWT is a collection of Java server side components for the Google Web Toolkit AJAX framework with the focus on the Spring framework by facilitating publishing of Spring beans as RPC services with support for Hibernate-managed entities.

Last Version: 1.3-RC1

Release Date:

Last Version: 23.1.2

Release Date:

Quarkus - SmallRye Reactive Messaging - HTTP and WebSockets - Deployment

io.quarkiverse.reactivemessaging.http : quarkus-reactive-messaging-http-deployment

Parent POM for Quarkiverse projects that includes the default release and artifact publishing related configuration

Last Version: 1.0.3

Release Date:


org.apache.knox : knox-cli-launcher

Launcher for the knox server CLI.

Last Version: 1.6.1

Release Date:


org.eclipse.milo : stack-server

An open source implementation of OPC UA (IEC 62541).

Last Version: 0.6.6

Release Date:

Pusher Java Client Library

com.pusher : pusher-java-client

This is a Java client library for Pusher, targeted at core Java and Android.

Last Version: 2.2.8

Release Date:

Eclipse Ditto :: Model :: Base

org.eclipse.ditto : ditto-model-base

Eclipse Ditto is a framework for creating and managing digital twins in the IoT.

Last Version: 2.0.0-M2

Release Date:

Java implementation of GeographicLib

net.sf.geographiclib : GeographicLib-Java

This is a Java implementation of the geodesic algorithms from GeographicLib. This is a self-contained library to solve geodesic problems on an ellipsoid model of the earth. It requires Java version 1.7 or later.

Last Version: 2.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 15.0.1

Release Date:

Hono Demo Certs

org.eclipse.hono : hono-demo-certs

Hono demo certificates and keys for TLS support

Last Version: 1.7.4

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.16.0

Release Date: