User Interface

Last Version: 1.6.0.v20160503-1608

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.21.0

Release Date:


com.fireflysource : firefly-wechat

Firefly framework helps you create a java web application easy and quickly. It provides MVC framework with HTTP Server and many other useful components for developing web applications. It means you can easy deploy your web without any other java web containers, in short , it's containerless. It taps into the fullest potential of hardware using SEDA architecture, a highly customizable thread model.

Last Version: 5.0.2

Release Date:


org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers : gwt-openlayers-client

GWT-OpenLayers is a GWT Wrapper for the OpenLayers JavaScript Map Library

Last Version: 1.1.0

Release Date:

GWTP Build Tools

com.gwtplatform : gwtp-build-tools

A complete model-view-presenter framework to simplify your next GWT project.

Last Version: 1.4

Release Date:


org.atmosphere.extensions : atmosphere-gwt20-jackson

A fork of gwt-comet project to integrate with Atmosphere

Last Version: 2.6.5

Release Date:


com.vaadin.external.atmosphere : atmosphere-gwt-server

A fork of gwt-comet project to integrate with Atmosphere

Last Version: 1.0.18.vaadin3

Release Date:


org.atmosphere.extensions : atmosphere-gwt20-jersey

A fork of gwt-comet project to integrate with Atmosphere

Last Version: 2.6.5

Release Date:

GWT PhoneGap

com.googlecode.gwtphonegap : gwtphonegap

A GWT Wrapper for the PhoneGap Javascript Library

Last Version:

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.0-M2

Release Date:


org.atmosphere : atmosphere-gwt-client

A fork of gwt-comet project to integrate with Atmosphere

Last Version: 1.1.0.RC5

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.0-RC2

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.1.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.2.6

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.51

Release Date:

Vaadin Renderer

com.vaadin : vaadin-renderer-flow

A parent POM for all artifacts by Vaadin Ltd.

Last Version: 23.1.2

Release Date:


org.grails : grails-plugin-url-mappings

Grails Web Application Framework

Last Version: 5.2.0

Release Date:

jWicket: jQuery Wicket integration core

org.wicketstuff : jwicket-core

WicketJQuery by Stefan Lindner has been renamed to jWicket, mavenized, and migrated to WicketStuff. This Wicketstuff version supercedes the original version which was available at

Last Version: 1.4.21

Release Date:

Wicket Auth Roles

wicket : wicket-auth-roles

Wicket Authorization Integration Based on roles, metadata and annotations. This project requires Java 5.

Last Version: 1.2.7

Release Date:

Wicket Spring Integration

wicket : wicket-spring

Integration project to use Spring injection in your Wicket applications. See the wicket-spring-examples for integration patterns.

Last Version: 1.2.7

Release Date:

Wicket Examples Jar

org.apache.wicket : wicket-examples-jar

Jar file for the Wicket examples.

Last Version: 0.17

Release Date:


de.alpharogroup : jaulp.wicket.behaviors

Parent project for the projects in the jaulp.wicket.

Last Version: 7.3.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.0.1

Release Date:


de.alpharogroup : jaulp-wicket-dropdownchoices

Parent project for the projects in the jaulp-wicket.

Last Version: 7.6.0

Release Date:


org.aksw.beast : beast-viz-jfreechart

BEAST - Benchmarking, Evaluation, and Analysis Stack

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

Google Guice - Core Library

io.forestframework : guice

Guice is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Java 6 and above

Last Version:

Release Date:


org.seedstack : guiceext-bom

An enterprise-oriented full development stack

Last Version: 2.0.0

Release Date:


io.robe : robe-guice

A Brand new ROBE for Dropwizard.

Last Version:

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.7

Release Date:


org.camunda.bpm.extension.reactor : camunda-bpm-reactor-spring

This pom defines the required plugins and profiles to allow a camunda release build. Inherit this pom when you want to release your project into the camunda nexus and/or maven central.

Last Version: 2.1.2

Release Date:


org.camunda.bpm.extension.reactor : camunda-bpm-reactor-spring-starter

This pom defines the required plugins and profiles to allow a camunda release build. Inherit this pom when you want to release your project into the camunda nexus and/or maven central.

Last Version: 2.1.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.4.6

Release Date:

Last Version: 11.9

Release Date:

Last Version: 18.2.0-pre.348-compat

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.10.0.Final

Release Date:


org.camunda.bpm.extension : camunda-bpm-reactor-core

This pom defines the required plugins and profiles to allow a camunda release build. Inherit this pom when you want to release your project into the camunda nexus and/or maven central.

Last Version: 1.2

Release Date:

Datatype Editor Plugin IDE

org.eclipse.vorto : org.eclipse.vorto.editor.datatype.ide

Vorto Core bundles contain meta-model, editor and generator related functionality

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date: