
Jube :: Images :: WildFly

io.fabric8.jube.images.wildfly : parent-project

Provides a pure Java implementation of a Kubernetes-like container orchestration layer.

Last Version: 2.0.29

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.2.161

Release Date:

Fabric8 :: Quickstarts :: WildFly :: Parent

io.fabric8.quickstarts : wildfly

Quickstart applications for working with Fabric8

Last Version: 2.2.161

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.2.161

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Last Version: 2.2.161

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.2.161

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Last Version: 2.2.161

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.2.0.Beta4

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.2.0.Beta4

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Last Version: 1.2.0.Beta4

Release Date:

Guiced Persistence - Wildfly

com.jwebmp.guicedee.persistence : guiced-persistence-wildfly

Reads the given standalone wildfly file to configure the ConnectionBaseInfo object.

Last Version:

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Guiced Persistence - Wildfly

com.jwebmp.jre10 : guiced-persistence-wildfly

Reads the given standalone wildfly file to configure the ConnectionBaseInfo object.

Last Version:

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Guiced Persistence - Wildfly

com.jwebmp.jre11 : guiced-persistence-wildfly

Reads the given standalone wildfly file to configure the ConnectionBaseInfo object.

Last Version:

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Guiced Persistence - Wildfly

com.jwebmp : guiced-persistence-wildfly

Reads the given standalone wildfly file to configure the ConnectionBaseInfo object.

Last Version:

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io.github.cheetunit : cheetunit-wildfly

Services for executing CheetUnit integration tests on wildfly/jboss application server

Last Version: 1.0.0-RC1

Release Date:

Last Version: 2022.05.01-7057

Release Date:

Apache MyFaces JSF for WildFly Jakarts EE9

com.melloware : wildfly-myfaces-galleon-pack

Apache MyFaces JSF implementation for WildFly Jakarts EE9

Last Version: 9.26.0.Final

Release Date:

Last Version: 26.1.0.Final

Release Date:

Java EE 7 HTML5 Mobile Web Application

org.wildfly.archetype : wildfly-html5-mobile-archetype

An archetype that generates a Java EE 7 application using HTML5, and JAX-RS to support both desktop and mobile web browsers

Last Version: 8.2.0.Final

Release Date:

Java EE 7 HTML5 Mobile Web Application

org.wildfly.archetype : wildfly-html5-mobile-blank-archetype

An archetype that generates a Java EE 7 application using HTML5, and JAX-RS to support both desktop and mobile web browsers

Last Version: 8.2.0.Final

Release Date:

WildFly Archetypes: Jakarta EE EAR Webapp

org.wildfly.archetype : wildfly-jakartaee-ear-archetype

An archetype that generates a starter Jakarta EE project for JBoss WildFly. The project is an EAR, with an EJB-JAR and WAR. It is prepared for Arquillian driven unit tests.

Last Version: 26.1.0.Final

Release Date:

WildFly Archetypes: Jakarta EE Webapp

org.wildfly.archetype : wildfly-jakartaee-webapp-archetype

An archetype that generates a starter Jakarta EE project for JBoss WildFly. The project is a WAR archive. It is prepared for Arquillian driven unit tests.

Last Version: 26.1.0.Final

Release Date:

Java EE 7 Webapp

org.wildfly.archetype : wildfly-javaee7-webapp-archetype

An archetype that generates a starter Java EE 7 webapp project for JBoss Wildfly

Last Version: 8.2.0.Final

Release Date:

Java EE 7 Webapp

org.wildfly.archetype : wildfly-javaee7-webapp-blank-archetype

An archetype that generates a starter Java EE 7 webapp project for JBoss Wildfly

Last Version: 8.2.0.Final

Release Date:

Java EE 7 EAR Webapp

org.wildfly.archetype : wildfly-javaee7-webapp-ear-archetype

An archetype that generates a starter Java EE 7 webapp project for JBoss Wildfly. The project is an EAR, with an EJB-JAR and WAR

Last Version: 8.2.0.Final

Release Date:

Java EE 7 EAR Webapp

org.wildfly.archetype : wildfly-javaee7-webapp-ear-blank-archetype

An archetype that generates a starter Java EE 7 webapp project for JBoss Wildfly. The project is an EAR, with an EJB-JAR and WAR

Last Version: 8.2.0.Final

Release Date:

WildFly Archetypes: Subsystem Archetype

org.wildfly.archetype : wildfly-subsystem

An archetype that generates a Subsystem for JBoss WildFly.

Last Version: 26.1.0.Final

Release Date:

WildFly Archetypes: Subsystem Archetype

org.wildfly.archetype : wildfly-subsystem-src

Provides, via submodules, a base configuration for JBoss project builds, as well as a derived configuration supporting multi-release JARs

Last Version: 24.0.0.Final

Release Date:

WildFly 8 Subsystem

org.wildfly.archetypes : wildfly-subsystem

An archetype that generates a skeleton project for implementing a WildFly 8 subsystem

Last Version: 8.0.0.Final

Release Date:

WildFly: Arquillian Elytron Integration Tests

org.wildfly.arquillian : elytron

Provides, via submodules, a base configuration for JBoss project builds, as well as a derived configuration supporting multi-release JARs

Last Version: 5.0.0.Alpha3

Release Date:

WildFly: Arquillian Elytron Domain Integration Tests

org.wildfly.arquillian : elytron-domain

Provides, via submodules, a base configuration for JBoss project builds, as well as a derived configuration supporting multi-release JARs

Last Version: 5.0.0.Alpha3

Release Date:

WildFly: Arquillian Elytron Standalone Integration Tests

org.wildfly.arquillian : elytron-standalone

Provides, via submodules, a base configuration for JBoss project builds, as well as a derived configuration supporting multi-release JARs

Last Version: 5.0.0.Alpha3

Release Date:

WildFly: Arquillian Integration Tests

org.wildfly.arquillian : integration-tests

Provides, via submodules, a base configuration for JBoss project builds, as well as a derived configuration supporting multi-release JARs

Last Version: 5.0.0.Alpha3

Release Date:

WildFly: Arquillian JUnit 5 Integration Tests

org.wildfly.arquillian : junit5-tests

Provides, via submodules, a base configuration for JBoss project builds, as well as a derived configuration supporting multi-release JARs

Last Version: 5.0.0.Alpha3

Release Date:

WildFly: Arquillian TestNG Integration

org.wildfly.arquillian : wildfly-arquillian-testng-integration

Provides, via submodules, a base configuration for JBoss project builds, as well as a derived configuration supporting multi-release JARs

Last Version: 5.0.0.Alpha3

Release Date:

WildFly: EJB Legacy Client BOM

org.wildfly.bom : ejb-client-legacy-bom

This artifact provides a bill of materials (BOM) for remoting based EJB for clients which require 100% API compatiblity with EAP 7.0 and earlier releases. It is recommended to use the primary wildfly-ejb-client bom if possible.

Last Version: 13.0.0.Final

Release Date:

Last Version: 9.0.0.Beta2

Release Date:

WildFly JBoss Java EE 7 Specification APIs with Hibernate 3

org.wildfly.bom : jboss-javaee-7.0-wildfly-with-hibernate3

Dependency Management for Java EE 7 Specification APIs with Hibernate 3 projects

Last Version: 9.0.2.Final

Release Date:

WildFly JBoss Java EE 7 Specification APIs with Infinispan

org.wildfly.bom : jboss-javaee-7.0-with-infinispan

Dependency Management for Java EE 7 Specification APIs with Infinispan

Last Version: 9.0.0.Beta2

Release Date:

WildFly Quickstart BOM

org.wildfly.bom : quickstart

Dependency Management WildFly QuickStarts

Last Version: 13.0.0.Final

Release Date:

WildFly BOMs: Parent Aggregator

org.wildfly.bom : wildfly

Provides, via submodules, a base configuration for JBoss project builds, as well as a derived configuration supporting multi-release JARs

Last Version: 26.1.1.Final

Release Date:

WildFly BOMs: Client Aggregator

org.wildfly.bom : wildfly-client

Provides, via submodules, a base configuration for JBoss project builds, as well as a derived configuration supporting multi-release JARs

Last Version: 26.1.1.Final

Release Date:

WildFly BOMs: EJB Client Builder

org.wildfly.bom : wildfly-ejb-client-bom-builder

This artifact builds a bill of materials (BOM) for EJB client usage.

Last Version: 26.1.1.Final

Release Date:

WildFly BOMs: EJB Client Legacy Builder

org.wildfly.bom : wildfly-ejb-client-legacy-bom-builder

This artifact builds a bill of materials (BOM) for EJB client legacy usage.

Last Version: 26.1.1.Final

Release Date:

WildFly BOMs: Jakarta EE 8 Builder

org.wildfly.bom : wildfly-jakartaee8-builder

This artifact builds a bill of materials (BOM) for Jakarta EE 8 Dependency Management

Last Version: 26.1.1.Final

Release Date:

WildFly BOMs: Jakarta EE 8 with Tools Builder

org.wildfly.bom : wildfly-jakartaee8-with-tools-builder

This artifact builds a bill of materials (BOM) for Jakarta EE 8 Specification APIs with Deployment and Testing Tools

Last Version: 26.1.1.Final

Release Date:

WildFly BOMs: Java EE 8 Builder

org.wildfly.bom : wildfly-javaee8-builder

This artifact builds a bill of materials (BOM) for Java EE 8 Dependency Management

Last Version: 18.0.0.Beta1

Release Date:

WildFly BOMs: Java EE 8 with Tools Builder

org.wildfly.bom : wildfly-javaee8-with-tools-builder

This artifact builds a bill of materials (BOM) for Java EE 8 Specification APIs with Deployment and Testing Tools

Last Version: 18.0.0.Beta1

Release Date:

WildFly BOMs: JAXWS Client Builder

org.wildfly.bom : wildfly-jaxws-client-bom-builder

This artifact builds a bill of materials (BOM) for JAXWS client usage.

Last Version: 26.1.1.Final

Release Date: