
Last Version: 1.8.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.8.0

Release Date:

Smaller :: Clients :: Ant Standalone

de.matrixweb.smaller : ant-standalone

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.0.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.0.1

Release Date:

Lessc2java Ant Task

org.znerd : lessc2java-ant-task

Lessc2java; allows Java builds to convert LessCSS files to regular CSS files.

Last Version: 0.13

Release Date:

Logdoc Ant Tasks

org.znerd : logdoc-ant-tasks

Contract-first logging tool, featuring internationalization and generation of code/web docs

Last Version: 1.0-rc3

Release Date:

semanticvectors : semanticvectors

Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on

Last Version: 5.8

Release Date:

Classes to PlantUML Converter

de.ohmesoftware : classestoplantuml

This library generates PlantUML class diagrams from Java classes.

Last Version: 0.0.4

Release Date:


de.poiu.kilt : kilt-ant

Ant task for Kilt

Last Version: 1.0.1

Release Date:


de.quantummaid.eventmaid : eventmaid-parent

EventMaid provides extensible messaging support on a use case and architectural level.

Last Version: 1.0.62

Release Date:


de.quantummaid.graalvmlambdaruntime : parent

General-purpose GraalVM AWS Lambda runtime

Last Version: 0.0.13

Release Date:

HttpMaid - Examples - Documentation

de.quantummaid.httpmaid.examples : documentation

HttpMaid is a lightweight non-intrusive web framework, which allows you to easily use your services to handle HTTP requests. It delegates the processing of a request based on it's path to one of your services, releasing you from the headache of configuring numerous beans and spoiling your code with annotations.

Last Version: 0.9.47

Release Date:

HttpMaid - Examples - Hello World

de.quantummaid.httpmaid.examples : hello-world

HttpMaid is a lightweight non-intrusive web framework, which allows you to easily use your services to handle HTTP requests. It delegates the processing of a request based on it's path to one of your services, releasing you from the headache of configuring numerous beans and spoiling your code with annotations.

Last Version: 0.9.47

Release Date:

HttpMaid - Examples - Parent

de.quantummaid.httpmaid.examples : parent

HttpMaid is a lightweight non-intrusive web framework, which allows you to easily use your services to handle HTTP requests. It delegates the processing of a request based on it's path to one of your services, releasing you from the headache of configuring numerous beans and spoiling your code with annotations.

Last Version: 0.9.47

Release Date:

HttpMaid - Integrations - AWS Lambda Cognito Authorizer

de.quantummaid.httpmaid.integrations : httpmaid-awslambda-cognitoauthorizer

HttpMaid is a lightweight non-intrusive web framework, which allows you to easily use your services to handle HTTP requests. It delegates the processing of a request based on it's path to one of your services, releasing you from the headache of configuring numerous beans and spoiling your code with annotations.

Last Version: 0.9.112

Release Date:

HttpMaid - Integrations - Spark

de.quantummaid.httpmaid.integrations : httpmaid-spark

HttpMaid is a lightweight non-intrusive web framework, which allows you to easily use your services to handle HTTP requests. It delegates the processing of a request based on it's path to one of your services, releasing you from the headache of configuring numerous beans and spoiling your code with annotations.

Last Version: 0.9.50

Release Date:

HttpMaid - Integrations - Websockets Events

de.quantummaid.httpmaid.integrations : httpmaid-websockets-events

HttpMaid is a lightweight non-intrusive web framework, which allows you to easily use your services to handle HTTP requests. It delegates the processing of a request based on it's path to one of your services, releasing you from the headache of configuring numerous beans and spoiling your code with annotations.

Last Version: 0.9.53

Release Date:

HttpMaid - Integrations - Websockets Usecases

de.quantummaid.httpmaid.integrations : httpmaid-websockets-usecases

HttpMaid is a lightweight non-intrusive web framework, which allows you to easily use your services to handle HTTP requests. It delegates the processing of a request based on it's path to one of your services, releasing you from the headache of configuring numerous beans and spoiling your code with annotations.

Last Version: 0.9.50

Release Date:

HttpMaid - Tests - Parent

de.quantummaid.httpmaid.tests : parent

HttpMaid is a lightweight non-intrusive web framework, which allows you to easily use your services to handle HTTP requests. It delegates the processing of a request based on it's path to one of your services, releasing you from the headache of configuring numerous beans and spoiling your code with annotations.

Last Version: 0.9.47

Release Date:

HttpMaid - Tests - Test Suite

de.quantummaid.httpmaid.tests : testsuite

HttpMaid is a lightweight non-intrusive web framework, which allows you to easily use your services to handle HTTP requests. It delegates the processing of a request based on it's path to one of your services, releasing you from the headache of configuring numerous beans and spoiling your code with annotations.

Last Version: 0.9.47

Release Date:

HttpMaid - Integrations

de.quantummaid.httpmaid : integrations-parent

HttpMaid is a lightweight non-intrusive web framework, which allows you to easily use your services to handle HTTP requests. It delegates the processing of a request based on it's path to one of your services, releasing you from the headache of configuring numerous beans and spoiling your code with annotations.

Last Version: 0.9.144

Release Date:

MapMaid - Integrations

de.quantummaid.injectmaid.integrations : integrations-parent

InjectMaid is a lightweight dependency injection framework that does not rely on annotations.

Last Version: 0.1.20

Release Date:

InjectMaid - Coverage

de.quantummaid.injectmaid : coverage

InjectMaid is a lightweight dependency injection framework that does not rely on annotations.

Last Version: 0.0.39

Release Date:


de.quantummaid.injectmaid : injectmaid

InjectMaid is a lightweight dependency injection framework that does not rely on annotations.

Last Version: 0.0.14

Release Date:


de.quantummaid.injectmaid : injectmaid-parent

InjectMaid is a lightweight dependency injection framework that does not rely on annotations.

Last Version: 0.1.20

Release Date:

QuantumMaid Injector API

de.quantummaid.injectmaid : injector-api

InjectMaid is a lightweight dependency injection framework that does not rely on annotations.

Last Version: 0.0.27

Release Date:

MapMaid - Integrations

de.quantummaid.injectmaid : integrations-parent

InjectMaid is a lightweight dependency injection framework that does not rely on annotations.

Last Version: 0.0.39

Release Date:

MapMaid - Integrations - Scanning

de.quantummaid.mapmaid.integrations : mapmaid-scanning

MapMaid is a modern mapping framework in the scope of mapping data in Json, XML, or YAML format into DTOs composed and vice versa.

Last Version: 0.9.16

Release Date:

MapMaid - Tests - Autoloading

de.quantummaid.mapmaid : autoloading-tests

MapMaid is a modern mapping framework in the scope of mapping data in JSON, XML, or YAML format into DTOs composed and vice versa.

Last Version: 0.9.103

Release Date:

MapMaid - Documentation

de.quantummaid.mapmaid : documentation

MapMaid is a modern mapping framework in the scope of mapping data in Json, XML, or YAML format into DTOs composed and vice versa.

Last Version: 0.9.44

Release Date:

MapMaid - Integrations

de.quantummaid.mapmaid : integrations-parent

MapMaid is a modern mapping framework in the scope of mapping data in JSON, XML, or YAML format into DTOs composed and vice versa.

Last Version: 0.10.19

Release Date:


pl.joegreen : sergeants

GeneralsIO Bot Framework in Java

Last Version: 0.6

Release Date:


de.quantummaid.mapmaid : mapmaid-parent

MapMaid is a modern mapping framework in the scope of mapping data in JSON, XML, or YAML format into DTOs composed and vice versa.

Last Version: 0.10.19

Release Date:

MessageMaid - Core Library

de.quantummaid.messagemaid : core

MessageMaid provides extensible messaging support on a use case and architectural level.

Last Version: 0.9.13

Release Date:


de.quantummaid.messagemaid : messagemaid-parent

MessageMaid provides extensible messaging support on a use case and architectural level.

Last Version: 0.9.13

Release Date:


de.quantummaid.quantummaid.integrations : parent

This parent pom is supposed to be used as a parent for all QuantumMaid open source projects to reliably enable the enforcement of java standards like library blacklisting, code style rules, and more.

Last Version: 1.1.1

Release Date:


pl.koder95 : eMetrykant

Created for catholic church parishes. It is simple data browser.

Last Version: 0.4.2

Release Date:


de.quantummaid.quantummaid.packagings : parent

This parent pom is supposed to be used as a parent for all QuantumMaid open source projects to reliably enable the enforcement of java standards like library blacklisting, code style rules, and more.

Last Version: 1.1.1

Release Date:


de.quantummaid.quantummaid : documentation

This parent pom is supposed to be used as a parent for all QuantumMaid open source projects to reliably enable the enforcement of java standards like library blacklisting, code style rules, and more.

Last Version: 1.0.31

Release Date:


de.quantummaid.quantummaid : parent

This parent pom is supposed to be used as a parent for all QuantumMaid open source projects to reliably enable the enforcement of java standards like library blacklisting, code style rules, and more.

Last Version: 1.1.1

Release Date:


de.quantummaid.reflectmaid : bytecodeexecutor

This parent pom is supposed to be used as a parent for all QuantumMaid open source projects to reliably enable the enforcement of java standards like library blacklisting, code style rules, and more.

Last Version: 0.2.12

Release Date:


de.quantummaid.reflectmaid : integrations-parent

This parent pom is supposed to be used as a parent for all QuantumMaid open source projects to reliably enable the enforcement of java standards like library blacklisting, code style rules, and more.

Last Version: 0.2.18

Release Date:


de.quantummaid.tutorials.archetypes : basic-archetype

This parent pom is supposed to be used as a parent for all QuantumMaid open source projects to reliably enable the enforcement of java standards like library blacklisting, code style rules, and more.

Last Version: 1.0.44

Release Date:


de.quantummaid.tutorials.archetypes : parent

This parent pom is supposed to be used as a parent for all QuantumMaid open source projects to reliably enable the enforcement of java standards like library blacklisting, code style rules, and more.

Last Version: 1.0.44

Release Date:

aws-lambda-step1 : aws-lambda-step1

This parent pom is supposed to be used as a parent for all QuantumMaid open source projects to reliably enable the enforcement of java standards like library blacklisting, code style rules, and more.

Last Version: 1.0.44

Release Date:


de.quantummaid.tutorials.basic-tutorial : parent

This parent pom is supposed to be used as a parent for all QuantumMaid open source projects to reliably enable the enforcement of java standards like library blacklisting, code style rules, and more.

Last Version: 1.0.44

Release Date:


de.quantummaid.tutorials.basic-tutorial : step1

This parent pom is supposed to be used as a parent for all QuantumMaid open source projects to reliably enable the enforcement of java standards like library blacklisting, code style rules, and more.

Last Version: 1.0.44

Release Date:


de.quantummaid.tutorials.basic-tutorial : step2

This parent pom is supposed to be used as a parent for all QuantumMaid open source projects to reliably enable the enforcement of java standards like library blacklisting, code style rules, and more.

Last Version: 1.0.44

Release Date:


de.quantummaid.tutorials.basic-tutorial : step3

This parent pom is supposed to be used as a parent for all QuantumMaid open source projects to reliably enable the enforcement of java standards like library blacklisting, code style rules, and more.

Last Version: 1.0.44

Release Date: