Project Group: de.matrixweb.smaller

Smaller :: Bundles :: Resource

de.matrixweb.smaller : resource

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Common

de.matrixweb.smaller : common

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Bundles :: Pipeline

de.matrixweb.smaller : pipeline

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Bundles :: JavaScript

de.matrixweb.smaller : javascript

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Bundles :: Closure

de.matrixweb.smaller : closure

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Bundles :: CoffeeScript

de.matrixweb.smaller : coffeescript

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Bundles :: LessJs

de.matrixweb.smaller : lessjs

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Bundles :: UglifyJs

de.matrixweb.smaller : uglifyjs

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Bundles :: CssEmbed

de.matrixweb.smaller : cssembed

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Bundles :: YuiCompressor

de.matrixweb.smaller : yuicompressor

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Bundles :: ycssmin

de.matrixweb.smaller : ycssmin

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Bundles :: Merge

de.matrixweb.smaller : merge

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Bundles :: TypeScript

de.matrixweb.smaller : typescript

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Bundles :: JpegTran

de.matrixweb.smaller : jpegtran

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Bundles :: JsHint

de.matrixweb.smaller : jshint

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Bundles :: browserify

de.matrixweb.smaller : browserify

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Bundles :: svgo

de.matrixweb.smaller : svgo

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Bundles :: sweetjs

de.matrixweb.smaller : sweetjs

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Bundles :: csso

de.matrixweb.smaller : csso

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Server :: OSGi HTTP

de.matrixweb.smaller : osgi-http

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Clients :: Common

de.matrixweb.smaller : client-common

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Clients :: Maven

de.matrixweb.smaller : smaller-maven-plugin

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Clients :: Ant

de.matrixweb.smaller : ant

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Bundles :: Pipeline-Tests

de.matrixweb.smaller : pipeline-tests

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Server :: Standalone

de.matrixweb.smaller : standalone

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:


de.matrixweb.smaller : parent

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Bundles

de.matrixweb.smaller : bundles

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Server

de.matrixweb.smaller : server

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Clients

de.matrixweb.smaller : clients

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Server :: OSGi Server

de.matrixweb.smaller : osgi-server

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Clients :: Maven Standalone

de.matrixweb.smaller : smaller-maven-standalone-plugin

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Clients :: Ant Standalone

de.matrixweb.smaller : ant-standalone

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Clients :: Simple

de.matrixweb.smaller : simple

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Clients :: OSGi

de.matrixweb.smaller : osgi

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Servlet

de.matrixweb.smaller : servlet

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller :: Old Clients Test

de.matrixweb.smaller : old-clients-test

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.8.8

Release Date:

Smaller Node Plugin Builder

de.matrixweb.smaller : smaller-node-builder-maven-plugin

This Maven Mojo creates smaller plugins based on npm-modules for node.js

Last Version: 1.0.9

Release Date:

Smaller Development Server

de.matrixweb.smaller : smaller-dev-server

A development server utilizing smaller to have the plugins for local development.

Last Version: 0.3.0

Release Date:

Smaller :: Bundles :: node.js

de.matrixweb.smaller : nodejs

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.7.0

Release Date:

Smaller :: Server :: OSGi Kernel

de.matrixweb.smaller : osgi-kernel

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.6.0

Release Date:

Smaller :: Server :: OSGi Telnetd

de.matrixweb.smaller : osgi-telnet

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.6.0

Release Date:

Smaller :: Server :: OSGi File

de.matrixweb.smaller : osgi-file

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.

Last Version: 0.6.0

Release Date:

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