
Parent pom providing dependency and plugin management for applications built with Maven





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Parent pom providing dependency and plugin management for applications built with Maven
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Download spring-security-test-keycloack-addons

How to add to project

<!-- -->
implementation 'com.c4-soft.springaddons:spring-security-test-keycloack-addons:1.2.0'
implementation ("com.c4-soft.springaddons:spring-security-test-keycloack-addons:1.2.0")
<dependency org="com.c4-soft.springaddons" name="spring-security-test-keycloack-addons" rev="1.2.0">
  <artifact name="spring-security-test-keycloack-addons" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='com.c4-soft.springaddons', module='spring-security-test-keycloack-addons', version='1.2.0')
libraryDependencies += "com.c4-soft.springaddons" % "spring-security-test-keycloack-addons" % "1.2.0"
[com.c4-soft.springaddons/spring-security-test-keycloack-addons "1.2.0"]


compile (14)

Group / Artifact Type Version
com.c4-soft.springaddons : spring-security-oauth2-addons jar 1.2.0
com.c4-soft.springaddons : spring-security-test-oauth2-addons jar 1.2.0
org.keycloak : keycloak-spring-security-adapter jar
org.springframework.boot : spring-boot-test-autoconfigure jar 2.2.4.RELEASE
org.mockito : mockito-core jar 3.1.0 : spring-security-test jar : spring-security-oauth2-resource-server jar : spring-security-oauth2-client jar : spring-security-oauth2-jose jar
org.springframework : spring-webmvc jar
org.springframework : spring-core jar
javax.servlet : javax.servlet-api jar 4.0.1
org.springframework : spring-webflux jar
junit : junit jar 4.12

test (5)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.assertj : assertj-core jar 3.13.2 : spring-security-config jar
org.springframework.boot : spring-boot-starter-web jar 2.2.4.RELEASE
org.springframework.boot : spring-boot-starter-security jar 2.2.4.RELEASE
org.keycloak : keycloak-spring-boot-starter jar

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.


Set of tools I find useful to work with Spring-framework. For now it is focused on spring-security with OAuth2, but could grow.

As I write this, latest springaddons.version is 2.4.1 but I could forget to update before releasing, so please refer to to pick latest available release of one of the following:




Some extensions to Spring OAuth2 that could be of use at runtime (not solely tests) such as:

  • new Authentication implementations (OidcIdAuthenticationToken for instance)
  • builders for Jwt, BearerTokenAuthentication, ...
  • base classes for Keycloak authentication configuration


Code common to webmvc and webflux test libs. This includes annotations, very useful as it allows to tests not only @Controller but also any other kind of @Component (such as @Service): @WithMockAuthentication, @WithMockKeycloakAuth and @WithMockOidcId


Focus on reactive tests with

  • "fluent" API for WebTestClient
  • some tooling around WebTestClient: configurable default media-type and charset, requests shortcuts


Focus on servlet tests with

  • "fluent" API for MockMvc
  • some tooling around MockMvc: configurable default media-type and charset, requests shortcuts

Sample applications

I put quite a few spring-boot app samples in spring-security-oauth2-test-webmvc-addons and spring-security-oauth2-test-webflux-addons.

The reason why samples are in test sources (under src/test folders) is to keep jar small. It can, of course, be run / debug from within your favorite IDE.

I recommand you clone my repo and debug the samples with a REST client like Postman, so that you can hack the config and tests. Adapting the samples to your Keycloak instance should be just a matter of editing

Caveat do not narrow your exploration to keycloak sample just beacause you are using a Keycloak authorization-server: I run all samples against a Keycloak instance.

Last, *RetrievingAuthoritiesFromDatabase samples retrieve authorities from a DB instead of extracting it from JWT claims. The key in the DB is the user "subject". In that case, Keycloak authorisation-server is responsible for ensuring user ID only, authorities are the responsibility of the resource-server. As a consequence, (to run only, not in unit-tests) those samples expect a database to be accessible and populated, which I can't do for you as I can't know the "subject" claims for your test users registered in your Keycloak instance.

Java version

11 or higher. I've been asked to port this lib to Java 8. I won't. Java 8 was release in early 2014, more than 6 years ago, langage and JDK have improved and I use some of recent collections and stream APIs.

keycloak-spring-boot-starter & keycloak-spring-security-adapter version

If using Keycloak with version >= 9.0.2 and < 11.0.0, you need to add following bean to your conf because of a regression:

	public class SpringBootKeycloakConfigResolver implements KeycloakConfigResolver {

		private KeycloakDeployment keycloakDeployment;

		private AdapterConfig adapterConfig;

		public SpringBootKeycloakConfigResolver(AdapterConfig adapterConfig) {
			this.adapterConfig = adapterConfig;

		public KeycloakDeployment resolve(OIDCHttpFacade.Request request) {
			if (keycloakDeployment != null) {
				return keycloakDeployment;

			keycloakDeployment =;

			return keycloakDeployment;

From 11.0.0 on, just @Import(KeycloakSpringBootConfigResolver.class) with @KeycloakConfiguration on your KeycloakWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter implementation.

Release notes

2.0 comes with a noticeable amount of breaking changes. So lets start tracking features.



  • rename ServletKeycloakAuthUnitTestingSupport::keycloakAuthenticationToken() to authentication() to improve API fluidity (api.with(keycloak.authentication()).get(...))


  • implementation closer to open ID specs: split claims into @IdTokenClaims and @OidcStandardClaims
  • re-use OIDC ID annotations into @WithMockKeycloakAuth


  • OidcId::getName() returns subject claim instead of preferred_username
  • replace name with subject in @WithMockOidcId
  • replace name from @WithMockKeycloakAuth with preferedUsername in @WithAccessToken
  • support for private claims in @WithMockOidcId and @WithMockKeycloakAuth (claims with values of type int, long, String and String[] only)
  • add missing subject claim in Keycloak access and ID tokens
  • compose @WithAccessToken with @WithKeycloakIDToken instead of repeting properties (AccessToken extends IDToken)
  • add advanced @WithMockKeycloakAuth sample usage in spring-security-oauth2-test-addons README


  • fix Keycloak typo (was wrongly spelled Keycloack at many places)
  • add samples with authrities retieved from a DB instead of the JWT for both OidcIdAuthenticationToken and JwtAuthenticationToken
  • add sample involving keycloak-spring-boot-starter and keycloak-spring-security-adapter


These release is still focused on unit-testing Spring OAuth2 applications

  • @WithMockAuthentication annotation along with mockAuthentication() servlet (webmvc) and reactive (webflux) flow APIs. You choose the Authentication type, the framework feeds the security context with a Mockito mock. This is dead simple but should cover 99% of test cases. I wonder why I didn't think of it sooner...
  • Focus solely on adding to Spring Authentication implementations and tests tooling (no more alternatives, with an exception for OidcId which overlaps Spring's OidcIdToken)
  • Split webmvc (servlets) and webflux (reactive) code in distinct libs to ease dependency management
  • Re-shuffle packages and jars (less code, less jars, more expressive package names)
  • WIP: Extensives samples and tests. Samples are boot apps under src/test to keep jars small
  • Use Keycloak as authorisation-server for all resource-server samples, each of which configuring a specific Authentication impl

Note that I chose Keycloak because it's a feature reach, easy to setup authorisation-server. It should not be much of an effort to migrate sample resource-servers to another one, with an exception of those using KeycloakAuthenticationToken as authentication impl, of course.

