Ctrlflow Automated Error Reporting Logback Client

Ctrlflow Automated Error Reporting client implementation based on the Logback logging framework.





CLI User Interface Logback Application Layer Libs Logging




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Ctrlflow Automated Error Reporting Logback Client
Ctrlflow Automated Error Reporting client implementation based on the Logback logging framework.
Project Organization

Project Organization

Codetrails GmbH
Source Code Management

Source Code Management


Download com.ctrlflow.aer.client.logback


compile (5)

Group / Artifact Type Version
com.ctrlflow.aer.client.bundles : com.ctrlflow.aer.client.dto jar 2.0.1
com.ctrlflow.aer.client.bundles : com.ctrlflow.aer.client.simple jar 2.0.1
ch.qos.logback : logback-classic jar 1.1.2
ch.qos.logback : logback-core jar 1.1.2
com.google.guava : guava jar 17.0

test (3)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.hamcrest : hamcrest-library jar 1.3
junit : junit jar 4.11
org.mockito : mockito-core jar 1.9.5

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.

Ctrlflow Automated Error Reporting Clients

The Ctrlflow Automated Error Reporting (AER) server can accept error reports from a number of clients.

At the moment, the following five clients are available:

Ctrlflow AER Log4j 2 Client

If you are developing a Java application that uses the popular Log4j 2 logging framework, you can configure it to use the Ctrlflow AER Log4j 2 Client to send any logged errors to your server.

Examples on how to use this client are maintained in a separate project.

Ctrlflow AER Logback Client

If you are developing a Java application that uses the popular Logback logging framework, you can configure it to use the Ctrlflow AER Logback Client to send any logged errors to your server.

Examples on how to use this client are maintained in a separate project.

Ctrlflow AER java.util.logging Client

If you are developing a Java application that uses the java.util.logging framework, you can configure it to use the Ctrlflow AER java.util.logging Client to send any logged errors to your server.

Examples on how to use this client are maintained in a separate project.

Ctrlflow AER Simple Client

If you are developing a Java application that uses none of the logging frameworks supported out-of-the-box, you can use the Ctrlflow AER Simple Client to send caught exceptions to your server.

Examples on how to use this client are maintained in a separate project.

Eclipse Automated Error Reporting Plug-in (external)

If you are developing an Eclipse plug-in, your plug-in can register itself with the Eclipse Automated Error Reporting plug-in to send errors from the Eclipse error log to your server.

This client is maintained by the Eclipse Packaging Project (EPP). See the EPP Wiki for further information.


Maven, Gradle, SBT, etc.

All clients maintained by this project are available for download using Maven, Gradle, SBT, and similar build tools from the Central Repository (aka Maven Central) under a groupId of com.ctrlflow.aer.client.bundles.

Equinox p2

All clients maintained by this project are available for download using Equinox p2 from https://download.ctrlflow.com/aer/client/2.0.0/p2/.


All clients maintained by this project are built with Apache Maven. To install them into your local Maven repository, execute the following command:

mvn clean install

If you want to contribute changes back to this project via a pull request, please make sure that your changes pass all our quality checks first. To perform these checks, execute the following command:

mvn clean install -Dquality-checks=true

