
Logging for Analytics events and Developer events on Dalvik or ART with DataDog destinations





Data Logging Application Layer Libs




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Logging for Analytics events and Developer events on Dalvik or ART with DataDog destinations
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<!-- https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/com.fsryan.tools/logging-android-datadog/ -->
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/com.fsryan.tools/logging-android-datadog/
implementation 'com.fsryan.tools:logging-android-datadog:0.2.3'
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/com.fsryan.tools/logging-android-datadog/
implementation ("com.fsryan.tools:logging-android-datadog:0.2.3")
<dependency org="com.fsryan.tools" name="logging-android-datadog" rev="0.2.3">
  <artifact name="logging-android-datadog" type="aar" />
@Grab(group='com.fsryan.tools', module='logging-android-datadog', version='0.2.3')
libraryDependencies += "com.fsryan.tools" % "logging-android-datadog" % "0.2.3"
[com.fsryan.tools/logging-android-datadog "0.2.3"]


compile (4)

Group / Artifact Type Version
com.fsryan.tools : logging jar 0.2.3
com.fsryan.tools : logging-android jar 0.2.3
org.jetbrains.kotlin : kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 jar 1.4.10
com.datadoghq : dd-sdk-android jar 1.4.3

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.

Logging Overview

This repository contains the logging modules that you can leverage for logging within you applications. The values of the library are the following:

  • Do not prescribe the values, tags, messages, or otherwise that can be logged
  • Separate the destination of the log from the act of logging--allowing the consumer to determine the destination via plugins
  • Loggers should be pluggable--allowing different (and even platform-specific) behaviors
  • Consumers should get to determine the logging thread
  • Different variants of the application should be able to be configured independently from one another.
  • Logging should be relevant for both developers (app behavior) and business (user behavior)

Dual purpose of logging

In an ideal scenario, you would know exactly what your users wanted, how they want to interact with your application, and how the application can maximize its value prior to developing the application. Additionally, in an ideal scenario, you'd develop an application that is capable of meeting the customer need and providing maximum value. This suite of libraries attempts to provide an API around the measurement and analytics tools you use to determine success/failure at both indicators of success.

Logging events facilitates two purposes:

  1. The Developer gets a sense for how the app is behaving to determine successful implementation
  2. The product manager gets a sense for how users are using the app to determine possible value maximization

Artifact Breakup

There are six artifacts produced by this project:

  1. group: com.fsryan.tools, artifact: logging, packaging: jar
  2. group: com.fsryan.tools, artifact: logging-android, packaging: aar
  3. group: com.fsryan.tools, artifact: logging-android-appcenter3, packaging: aar
  4. group: com.fsryan.tools, artifact: logging-android-firebase, packaging: aar
  5. group: com.fsryan.tools, artifact: logging-android-datadog, packaging: aar
  6. group: com.fsryan.tools, artifact: logging-android-newrelic, packaging: aar

Each artifact has a different purpose, and they build upon one-another. The combination of libraries that you should use depends upon your environment

Library Analytics Framework Platform
logging nonspecific JVM/Android
logging-android nonspecific Android
logging-android-appcenter3 Microsoft AppCenter Android
logging-android-firebase Google Firebase Android
logging-android-datadog Datadog Android
logging-android-newrelic NewRelic Android
logging-android-urbanairship Urban Airship Android
logging-test None JVM/Android

So, if you have a JVM project, then you can only use the logging library at this time. However, if you have an Android project, then you can at least get some Android-specific behaviors. The extent to which you can benefit depends upon whether you either use Google Firebase, Microsoft AppCenter, DataDog, or NewRelic.

Logging artifact

The logging artifact contains code that is not bound to the android framework. This is the core logging code that consumers are intended to interface with as well as interfaces that consumers are intended to implement. It will happily run on the JVM or android runtime just as easily. This artifact facilitates the developer and the business concerns of logging. The FSEventLog object supports the business concerns of logging--tracking user behaviors, events, etc. The FSDevMetrics object supports the developer concerns of logging--tracking alarming conditions, conditions the developers want to watch, and other info the developers are concerned about.

In order to log something that tracks user behavior, consumers must register an implementation of the FSEventLogger via the application's resources via the META-INF/services/com.fsryan.tools.logging.FSEventLogger resources file. Each line of this file must be the fully-qualified class name of the FSEventLogger implementation. The order in which these loggers are listed is the same as the order in which they will be invoked.

The process of logging something for developer purposes is similar, however, consumers must register an implementation of FSDevMetricsLogger via the applications's resources via META-INF/services/com.fsryan.tools.logging.FSDevMetricsLogger

In order to avoid an infinite loop, you should not log from within a logger unless you filter out the destination that is performing the logging. FSEventLog and FSDevMetrics's public API allow you to specify which destinations you want to log to. These destinations are resolved by the ID logger.

logging-android artifact

This contains implementations of FSEventLogger and FSDevMetricsLogger that are specific to Android.

logging-android-appcenter artifact

This contains implementations of FSEventLogger and FSDevMetricsLogger that are specific to Microsoft AppCenter's Analytics Android integration. The AppCenter crashes and analytics libraries do not have a built-in way to ensure the libraries are initialized early on in the application's lifecycle, so the AppCenterInitializationProvider was added to this library to fill that void.

logging-android-firebase artifact

This contains implementations of FSEventLogger and FSDevMetricsLogger that are specific to Google Firebase's Analytics and Crashlytics Android integration.

How to register a Logger

If you're using a gradle project, then your project's resources are going to be found in src/main/resources (unless you have customized the source set). Assuming the default location, you'll need to add the following files:

  • src/main/resources/META-INF/services/com.fsryan.tools.logging.FSEventLogger
  • src/main/resources/META-INF/services/com.fsryan.tools.logging.FSDevMetricsLogger

The lines of each file should be the fully-qualified names of the classes that implement the FSEventLogger and FSDevMetricsLogger interfaces respectively.

How to configure logging

Currently, you can only configure the thread on which logging occurs. This is especially useful for testing. See FSTestLoggingConfig for an example that performs logging synchronously. However, you can configure a custom configuration by adding the src/main/resources/META-INF/services/com.fsryan.tools.logging.FSLoggingConfig file in your resources and providing one line that has your custom implementation of the FSLoggingConfig interface. This will allow you to choose the executor that executes the logging work. I recommend using a single-threaded executor. However, if you fail to register your configuration, then a default single threaded Executor will be created by this library to handle the work associated with logging. You should be especially mindful of the executor being used to log when you write custom loggers. Additionally, you can declare whether your app is running in test mode or not.

Example integrations:

