Redis Data Core

Redis Data is a Transaction Manager and Object Mapper for redis implemented in Java 6.





Redis Data Databases




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Redis Data Core
Redis Data is a Transaction Manager and Object Mapper for redis implemented in Java 6.

Download redisdata-core

How to add to project

<!-- -->
implementation 'com.github.eemmiirr.redisdata:redisdata-core:0.7'
implementation ("com.github.eemmiirr.redisdata:redisdata-core:0.7")
<dependency org="com.github.eemmiirr.redisdata" name="redisdata-core" rev="0.7">
  <artifact name="redisdata-core" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='com.github.eemmiirr.redisdata', module='redisdata-core', version='0.7')
libraryDependencies += "com.github.eemmiirr.redisdata" % "redisdata-core" % "0.7"
[com.github.eemmiirr.redisdata/redisdata-core "0.7"]


compile (13)

Group / Artifact Type Version
redis.clients : jedis jar 2.3.0
org.springframework : spring-core Optional jar 3.2.5.RELEASE
org.springframework : spring-context Optional jar 3.2.5.RELEASE
org.springframework : spring-aop Optional jar 3.2.5.RELEASE
org.aspectj : aspectjrt jar 1.7.3
org.aspectj : aspectjweaver jar 1.7.3
org.codehaus.jackson : jackson-mapper-asl jar 1.9.13
de.ruedigermoeller : fst jar 1.28
net.jpountz.lz4 : lz4 jar 1.2.0 : guava jar 15.0
commons-collections : commons-collections jar 3.2.1 : jsr305 jar 2.0.2
org.reflections : reflections jar 0.9.5

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.

Redis Data

Redis Data is a Transaction Manager and Object Mapper for redis implemented in Java 6. It simplifies the usage of redis in java and abstracts the way data is mapped. All data deserialization/marshalling are lazy which means they will only happen when the data is accessed.


  • Automated data mapping between redis keys/values and java entities
  • Configurable data mappers
  • Configurable clients (Currently only jedis supported)
  • Configurable AOP/Interception frameworks (Currently supported: AspectJ, Spring AOP)
  • Transaction and Pipeline execution without usage of callbacks
  • Transparent usage regardless of the type of session (plain, transaction, pipelining. transaction and pipelining combined)
  • Data type enforcing
  • All exceptions are Unchecked even the Checked ones
  • Support for nested transactions (EXPERIMENTAL - Minimum redis connection pool size must be at least the size of the debth of nested transactions or it will end up in a dead lock. Semaphore has to be implemented to solve this problem.)

Minimum requirements

  • Java >= 1.6
  • Spring (dynamic proxy approach) >= 2.5
  • aspectj-maven-plugin (compile time weaving approach) >= 1.4
  • jedis => 2.3.0



How it works

The library consists of 5 main parts:

  1. Signalizer (AOP, dynamic proxy etc.)
  2. Transaction manager
  3. Session factory
  4. Bindings
  5. Data mappers (jaxb, jackson json, jdk serialization etc.)


The Signalizer, with the help of a aspect or an interception library, sends signals to the Transaction Manager when to open/close/discard a connection/transaction/pipeline. It basically binds to the execution of the method which should be managed.

Transaction manager

The transaction manager manages the state of the connection and is always coupled with a Signalizer from which it receives the instructions to start, stop or abort a connection/transaction/pipeline.

Session factory

The session factory basically creates Sessions. It's always coupled with a transaction manager from which the factory retrieves the connection bound to the current thread. The created session is always bound to a specific managed method by Redis Data, a key data mapper and a value data mapper. This ensures that the data types of the keys and values are always the same.


Bindings basically bind session factories with data mappers and command types.

Data mappers

Data mappers are bound to a java type. They tell Redis Data how to serialize/deserialize, marshall/unmarshall the data.

How to use

Define a connection poll and transaction manager

 <bean id="poolConfig" class="org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPoolConfig">
    <property name="maxIdle" value="5" />
    <property name="minIdle" value="1" />
    <property name="testOnBorrow" value="true" />
    <property name="testOnReturn" value="true" />
    <property name="testWhileIdle" value="true" />
    <property name="numTestsPerEvictionRun" value="10" />
    <property name="timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis" value="60000" />

<bean id="connectionPool" class="com.github.eemmiirr.redisdata.jedis.DefaultJedisConnectionPool">
    <constructor-arg name="jedisPool">
        <bean class="redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool">
            <constructor-arg name="host" value="localhost"/>
            <constructor-arg name="port" value="6379"/>
            <constructor-arg name="poolConfig" ref="poolConfig"/>

<bean id="transactionManager" class="com.github.eemmiirr.redisdata.jedis.JedisTransactionManager">
    <constructor-arg name="connectionPool" ref="connectionPool"/>

Define the Data Mappers

Available Data Mappers
Data mapper Description
ByteArrayDataMapper DataMapper which actually just forwards the byte array to/from redis. Useful for some byte manipulations if needed.
FSTDataMapper DataMapper which uses the java fast serialization library.
JacksonJsonDataMapper DataMapper which uses jackson json library.
JDKSerialisationDataMapper DataMapper which uses teh JDK serialization.
StringValueOfDataMapper DataMapper which uses the toString method to serialize and the static valueOf method to deserialize objects. Useful for primitive wrapper classes.
<bean id="objectMapper" class=""/>
<bean id="jacksonJsonDataMapper" class="com.github.eemmiirr.redisdata.datamapper.JacksonJsonDataMapper">
    <constructor-arg name="objectMapper" ref="objectMapper"/>

<bean id="stringValueOfDataMapper" class="com.github.eemmiirr.redisdata.datamapper.StringValueOfDataMapper" />

Define the Session Factory

<bean id="redisSessionFactory" class="com.github.eemmiirr.redisdata.jedis.JedisSessionFactory">
    <constructor-arg name="defaultKeyDataMapper" ref="jacksonJsonDataMapper"/>
    <constructor-arg name="defaultValueDataMapper" ref="jacksonJsonDataMapper"/>
    <constructor-arg name="transactionManager" ref="transactionManager" />
    <constructor-arg name="keyDataMappers">
            <entry key="#{T(java.lang.Class).forName('java.lang.Integer')}" value-ref="stringValueOfDataMapper" />
    <constructor-arg name="valueDataMappers">
            <entry key="#{T(java.lang.Class).forName('java.lang.Integer')}" value-ref="stringValueOfDataMapper" />
            <entry key="#{T(java.lang.Class).forName('')}" value-ref="jacksonJsonDataMapper" />
            <entry key="#{T(java.lang.Class).forName('')}" value-ref="jacksonJsonDataMapper" />

Define the Command Bindings

Available Commands
Command Description
KeyCommand Redis key commands.
StringCommand Redis string commands. Extends key commands.
ListCommand Redis list commands. Extends key commands.
SetCommand Redis set commands. Extends key commands.
SortedSetCommand Redis sorted set commands. Extends key commands.
HashCommand Redis hash commands. Extends key commands.
<bean id="stringCommandEntity1Binding" class="com.github.eemmiirr.redisdata.binding.CommandBindingFactory" factory-method="createStringCommandBinding">
    <constructor-arg name="sessionFactory" ref="redisSessionFactory"/>
    <constructor-arg name="keyClass" value="#{T(java.lang.Class).forName('java.lang.Integer')}"/>
    <constructor-arg name="valueClass" value="#{T(java.lang.Class).forName('')}"/>

<bean id="stringCommandIntegerBinding" class="com.github.eemmiirr.redisdata.binding.CommandBindingFactory" factory-method="createStringCommandBinding">
    <constructor-arg name="sessionFactory" ref="redisSessionFactory"/>
    <constructor-arg name="keyClass" value="#{T(java.lang.Class).forName('java.lang.Integer')}"/>
    <constructor-arg name="valueClass" value="#{T(java.lang.Class).forName('java.lang.Integer')}"/>

Define the Signalizer

Available Signalizers
Signalizer Description
RedisDataSignalizerAspect Uses AOP to intersect method calls.
<bean id="redisDataSignalizerAspect" class="com.github.eemmiirr.redisdata.signalizer.RedisDataSignalizerAspect" factory-method="getInstance">
    <constructor-arg name="transactionManager" ref="transactionManager"/>
Enabling the signalizer

Either using spring


or using AspectJ maven plugin


Annotate the service

Either annotate the class or method with @RedisData. If both annotations are present the annotation on the method has higher priority.

public class RedisService {

    private StringCommand<Integer, Entity1> stringCommandEntity1Binding;
    private StringCommand<Integer, Integer> stringCommandIntegerBinding;

    public void set() {
        for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
            stringCommandEntity1Binding.set(i, new Entity1());

    @RedisData(pipelined = true)
    public void setPipelined() {
        for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
            stringCommandEntity1Binding.set(i, new Entity1());

    @RedisData(transactional = true)
    public void setTransactional() {
        for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
            stringCommandEntity1Binding.set(i, new Entity1());

    @RedisData(pipelined = true, transactional = true)
    public void setPipelinedTransaction() {
        for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
            stringCommandEntity1Binding.set(i, new Entity1());
    @RedisData(pipelined = true, transactional = true)
    public Response<Integer> setAndIncrPipelinedTransaction() {
        stringCommandIntegerBinding.set(1, 100);
        return stringCommandIntegerBinding.get(1);
Benefits of AspectJ approach
  • It enables the library to work in a framework idependent way
  • It's faster then a dynamic proxy aproach because it uses compile time or load time weaving
  • It enables calls to methods from within the same class. It doesn't have to go from outside trough the proxy


All exceptions are unchecked.

Exception Description
RedisDataException Base Redis Data exception.
ClientException Exception which is thrown when the underlying client has some problems. The original exception is wrapped.
DataMapperException Exception which occurres when data can not be mapped.
DataMapperNotSupportedException Exception which occurres when the data mapper doesn't support the assigned type.
DataNotReadyException Exception which occurres when the data is accessed inside the method which is currently in the middle of a transaction/pipeline.
RedisDataSignalizerException Thrown by the signalizer.


The performance comes pretty close to native use of a client. Tested on:

  • OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
  • Processor: i5 First Gen 4x4GHz
  • Memory: 8gb
Command Type Client Session Count Time
set Native Jedis Simple 1000000 16.475s
set Native Jedis Pipelined 1000000 1.648s
set Native Jedis Transaction 1000000 1.847s
set Native Jedis Pipelined Transaction 1000000 2.462s
set Redis-Data Jedis Simple 1000000 17.446s
set Redis-Data Jedis Pipelined 1000000 1.338s
set Redis-Data Jedis Transaction 1000000 1.995s
set Redis-Data Jedis Pipelined Transaction 1000000 2.174s
Command Type Client Session Count Time
get Native Jedis Simple 1000000 15.932s
get Native Jedis Pipelined 1000000 1.151s
get Native Jedis Transaction 1000000 1.586s
get Native Jedis Pipelined Transaction 1000000 1.725s
get Redis-Data Jedis Simple 1000000 16.338s
get Redis-Data Jedis Pipelined 1000000 0.909s
get Redis-Data Jedis Transaction 1000000 1.564s
get Redis-Data Jedis Pipelined Transaction 1000000 2.066s

Run locally performance tests:

mvn clean verify -PrunPerfs

Future work:

  • Add semaphoring logic to support nested transactions
  • Add support for other clients
  • Add support for data compression
  • Add support for other method interception frameworks/libraries
  • Add support for WATCH
  • Improve javadoc
  • Improve performance
  • Improve test coverage

