A ZooKeeper config based MySQL and jedis connection pool wrapper.
- Pool config changes on the fly
- MySQL connection pool support sharding
- jdk 1.8 only
Get Started
Redis connection pool example:
try (CuratorFramework client = CuratorFrameworkFactory.newClient("",
new ExponentialBackoffRetry(10000, 3));
ZkBasedJedis jedis = new ZkBasedJedis("/jedis/clientConfig", client);) { // declare a jedis client using a config from zk's node.
jedis.get().set("key1", "value1"); // exec jedis commands, don't worry about returning the connection back to the pool.
System.out.println("get key:" + jedis.get().get("key1")); // exec jedis commands.
// pipeline operation
Random random = new Random();
List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4);
(pipeline, key) -> pipeline.sadd("prefix:" + key, random.nextInt(100) + "")); // pipeline write
Map<Integer, Long> multiCount = jedis.pipeline(list,
(pipeline, key) -> pipeline.scard("prefix:" + key)); // pipeline read
Map<Integer, Boolean> customCodecPipelineResult = jedis.pipeline(list,
(pipeline, key) -> pipeline.scard("prefix:" + key), value -> value > 10); // pipeline with customize decoder
MySQL connection pool example:
try (CuratorFramework client = CuratorFrameworkFactory.newClient("",
new ExponentialBackoffRetry(10000, 3));
DataSource dataSource = new ZkBasedBasicDataSource("/dataSource/defaultMySqlConfig",
client);) {
// using the dataSource as you like.
Redis connection pool config example:
create /jedis/clientConfig {"t1":"","t2":"","t3@p@ssword":""}
Data source config example:
create /dataSource/defaultMySqlConfig {"pass":"p@ssword","user":"root","url":"jdbc:mysql://"}