Common Helper Libraries
Libraries that help with some common computing tasks in Java. They are:
- imnetio-helper: imaging, networking, and I/O
- ormlite-helper and ormlite-helper-testtools: help with ORMLite and database unit/integration testing
- native-helper: help with platform-dependent tasks like subprocesses and platform-specific filesystem conventions
Imaging, Networking, and I/O
Want to get an image's dimensions without buffering all the pixels?
Dimension dim = ImageInfos.readImageSize(imageBytes);
System.out.format("%d x %d", dim.width, dim.height);
Want to download something but handle various error conditions (unknown host, 404) the same way? Don't try, where you'll get the unknown host exception on URL.openConnection()
, or if you make it past that, have to catch an I/O exception on 4xx and 5xx errors and read from the error stream. Just do this instead:
HttpRequester requester = HttpRequests.newRequester();
ResponseData responseData = requester.retrieve("");
System.out.println("HTTP response " + responseData.code);
System.out.println(new String(;
Want to read from the first good input stream out of multiple potentially broken streams?
ByteSource first = ByteSources.broken();
byte[] bytes = { (byte) 1, (byte) 2, (byte) 3, (byte) 4};
ByteSource other = ByteSource.wrap(bytes);
ByteSource result = ByteSources.or(first, other);
System.out.println(Arrays.toString(result.toByteArray())); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
ORMLite helper
Doing some quick database work? This might help you:
DatabaseContext db = new DefaultDatabaseContext(new H2MemoryConnectionSource());
try {
Customer customer = new Customer("Jane Doe", 123);
} finally {
db.closeConnections(false); // 'true' to swallow exception on close
Want the pathname of the directory where system configuration files are?
File dir = Platforms.getPlatform().getSystemConfigDir();
...prints /etc
on Linux and value of %ProgramData%
environment variable on Windows.
Want to launch a subprocess and capture the output as strings?
// <String, String> parameters refer to type of captured stdout and stderr data
ProcessResult<String, String> result;
try (ScopedProcessTracker processTracker = new ScopedProcessTracker()) {
result = Subprocess.running("echo")
.arg("hello, world")
System.out.println(result.content().stdout()); // prints "hello, world"
How do I build it?
The build system must have Maven 3.0+ installed. On Windows, you must have Perl installed and perl.exe
on the system path. Visit for free Perl.
On Linux, make sure the libaio1 (Linux kernel asynchronous I/O access library) package is installed, or else the MySQL integration tests will fail.
The MySQL distribution dependency is platform-dependent and Maven central may not host an artifact corresponding to your platform. If that is the case, you can download a MySQL tarball release, re-package it into a zip file, and install it to your local repository. For example:
$ mvn install:install-file -DartifactId=mysql-dist -DgroupId=com.jcabi \
-Dversion=5.5.41 -Dclassifier=myoperatingsystem-amd64 -Dpackaging=zip \
Add a profile to your $HOME/.m2/settings.xml
that only gets activated when your platform is detected.
$ mvn install
in the parent project directory.