
Library to easily create tests using Selenium WebDriver and TestNG.





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Library to easily create tests using Selenium WebDriver and TestNG.
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How to add to project

<!-- -->
implementation 'com.github.ryanlevell:adamant-driver:1.1.0-beta-1'
implementation ("com.github.ryanlevell:adamant-driver:1.1.0-beta-1")
<dependency org="com.github.ryanlevell" name="adamant-driver" rev="1.1.0-beta-1">
  <artifact name="adamant-driver" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='com.github.ryanlevell', module='adamant-driver', version='1.1.0-beta-1')
libraryDependencies += "com.github.ryanlevell" % "adamant-driver" % "1.1.0-beta-1"
[com.github.ryanlevell/adamant-driver "1.1.0-beta-1"]


compile (5)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.testng : testng jar 6.9.10
org.seleniumhq.selenium : selenium-java jar 2.53.0
org.slf4j : slf4j-api jar 1.7.21
org.apache.commons : commons-lang3 jar 3.4
net.lightbody.bmp : browsermob-core-littleproxy jar 2.1.0-beta-5

test (1)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.slf4j : slf4j-simple jar 1.7.21

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.


AdamantDriver is a library combining Selenium WebDriver + TestNG. It enables a user to begin writing tests very quickly with very little boiler-plate code.

The first 3 links will get you started. Links 4-10 are advanced usage.

  1. Add the adamant-driver jar to your project
  2. Inject a WebDriver object as a test parameter
  3. Add AdamantListener to testng.xml
  4. Using a DataProvider
  5. AdamantDriver Parameters
  6. The DriverCapabilities Interface
  7. The DriverOptions Interface
  8. The DriverProxy Interface
  9. Injecting a BrowserMobProxy object as a test parameter
  10. Taking Screenshots
  11. Manually building the project
  12. Limitations
  13. TODO Features
  14. Help

1. Add the adamant-driver jar to your project

This library is now hosted at Maven Central. SNAPSHOT versions are hosted at

The latest version is 1.1.0-beta-1:


2. Inject a WebDriver object as a test parameter

public void test(WebDriver driver) {
    // the driver is initialized and ready to use
    Assert.assertEquals(driver.getTitle(), "Google");
    // the driver is closed automatically at the end of a test

3. Add AdamantListener to testng.xml

<suite name="SomeSuite">
		<listener class-name="com.github.ryanlevell.adamantdriver.AdamantListener" />

Execute tests:

mvn test

4. Using a DataProvider

A data provider is optional for Selenium tests. They can be used normally and the driver will still be injected. The driver must be the first parameter followed by the data provider parameters:

public void test(WebDriver driver, String url, String title) {
    Assert.assertEquals(driver.getTitle(), title);

public static Object[][] dataProvider() {
    return new Object[][]{ {"", "Google"} };

5. AdamantDriver Parameters

No AdamantDriver parameters are required, but they can be used for additional functionality.
All AdamantDriver specific parameters can be specified in 2 ways:

1. testng.xml parameter:

  <suite name="suite-name">
    <parameter name="parameter_name" value="parameter_value" />

2. command line parameter:

mvn test -Dparameter_name=parameter_value


parameter values default description
browser firefox, chrome firefox The driver to use for testing.
chrome_path <full path to chrome driver> none The path to the chrome driver.
capabilities_class <fully qualified class> none A class that implements the DriverCapabilities interface.
options_class <fully qualified class> none A class that implements the DriverOptions interface.
proxy_class <fully qualified class> none A class that implements the DriverProxy interface.
use_grid true, false false Whether to run tests locally or on the grid.
grid_url <your grid URL> none The URL to the Selenium grid hub.
take_screenshot all, pass, fail, skip, fail_within_success_percentage, none none When to take screenshots.
screenshot_path <relative path to a screenshot folder> screenshots The folder is save screenshots to.

6. The DriverCapabilities Interface

The DriverCapabilities interface provides a way to supply custom DesiredCapabilities to the WebDriver object before the test if the capabilities_class parameter is set.

public class MyCapabilities implements DriverCapabilities {
	public void getCapabilities(Browser browser, DesiredCapabilities caps) {
		caps.setCapability(CapabilityType.UNEXPECTED_ALERT_BEHAVIOUR, "accept");

7. The DriverOptions Interface

The DriverOptions interface provides a way to supply custom Options to the WebDriver object before the test if the options_class parameter is set.

public class MyOptions implements DriverOptions {
	public void getOptions(Browser browser, Options options) {

8. The DriverProxy Interface

The DriverProxy interface provides a way to supply custom BrowserMobProxy settings before a test if the proxy_class parameter is set and Injecting a BrowserMobProxy object as a test parameter is injected. Note, if you manually set a proxy in DesiredCapabilities this will NOT be used and if the injected BrowserMobProxy is present, it will override the initial proxy.

public class MyProxy implements DriverProxy {
	public void getProxy(BrowserMobProxy proxy) {
		proxy.addResponseFilter(new ResponseFilter() {
			public void filterResponse(HttpResponse response, HttpMessageContents contents, HttpMessageInfo messageInfo) {
				contents.setTextContents("Edit the response before testing");

9. Injecting a BrowserMobProxy object as a test parameter

In addition to injecting a WebDriver object, a BrowserMobProxy object can also be injected. The proxy object must be the second parameter and the first parameter must be a WebDriver object. As usual, a DataProvider can still be used with the same rule as when injecting a WebDriver object: the DataProvider parameters must follow the WebDriver and BrowserMobProxy parameters. The proxy can be customized before a test by implementing The DriverProxy Interface.

public void test(WebDriver driver, BrowserMobProxy proxy) {
	List<HarEntry> harEntries = proxy.getHar().getLog().getEntries();
	Assert.assertTrue(!harEntries.isEmpty(), "Har was empty");

10. Taking Screenshots

Screenshots can be taken using the take_screenshot parameter and optionally the screenshot_path parameter.
When ran with maven screenshots will default to the folder target/screenshots, unless screenshot_path is specified.

Screenshot naming convention is timestamp_testName_testNumber.
The testName will either be the test name such as @Test(testName=... or the test method name if @Test(testName=... is not used.
The testNumber is a unique, incremented number that AdamantDriver gives to all tests.

take_screenshot value Description
all Take a screenshot after every test.
pass Take a screenshot after a test successfully passes.
fail Take a screenshot after a test fails.
skip Take a screenshot after a test is skipped.
pass_within_success_percentage Take a screenshot after a test fails, but within the success percentage.
none Never take a screenshot. This is the default value.

11. Manually building the project

git clone
cd adamant-driver
mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=debug

The jar can be found in <project root>/target/adamant-driver...jar-with-dependencies.jar.

12. Limitations

  1. The TestNG @Parameter annotation cannot be used with a WebDriver test. This is because AdamantDriver injects a data provider to all WebDriver tests.
  2. Only FirefoxDriver and ChromeDriver can be used. More browsers will be added.
  3. Anything not supported described in TODO Features.

13. TODO Features

  1. Screenshots + path/folder
  2. Retry analyzer + boolean whether to remove retries from results

14. Help

How do I use SNAPSHOT versions?

SNAPSHOT versions can be used by adding the following to settings.xml or pom.xml:


Can @Listener(AdamantListener) be used instead of the <listener> tag?

No, AdamantListener implements IAnnotationTransformer. The TestNG documentation states:

The @Listeners annotation can contain any class that extends org.testng.ITestNGListener except IAnnotationTransformer and IAnnotationTransformer2. The reason is that these listeners need to be known very early in the process so that TestNG can use them to rewrite your annotations, therefore you need to specify these listeners in your testng.xml file.

Tip To Eclipse Users:

If you are running tests via the Eclipse TestNG plugin, you may need to point Eclipse to your testng.xml. The TestNG plugin uses its own testng.xml by default. Follow the steps below to use your own XML as the template:

  1. Project > Properties
  2. Click TestNG in the left panel
  3. Find Template XML file
  4. Enter the path to your XML, or browse for it
  5. Click Apply

