Cloud Development Maven Plugin

Maven plugin used for cloud infrastructure development





Maven Build Tools




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Cloud Development Maven Plugin
Maven plugin used for cloud infrastructure development
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compile (9)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.apache.maven : maven-core jar 3.5.0
org.apache.commons : commons-exec jar 1.3 : guava jar 20.0
commons-io : commons-io jar 2.5
org.apache.httpcomponents : httpclient jar 4.5.3
org.apache.httpcomponents : fluent-hc jar 4.5.3
org.apache.commons : commons-compress jar 1.14
com.fasterxml.jackson.core : jackson-core jar 2.9.1
com.fasterxml.jackson.core : jackson-databind jar 2.9.1

provided (2)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.apache.maven : maven-plugin-api jar 3.5.0
org.apache.maven.plugin-tools : maven-plugin-annotations jar 3.5

test (1)

Group / Artifact Type Version
junit : junit jar 4.12

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Maven plugin helping on building infrastructure in cloud use cloud build tools: Ansible, Packer, Terraform or Terragrunt. It mainly works on AWS. It should work on other cloud environment though untested.

This plugin contains six executors. Four major executors (ansible, packer, terraform and terragrunt), each runs cloud build tool respectively and is exclusive to the others. Executor "variables" allows user to pass variables into plugin. The last Executor "assemble" is used to assemble file structure.

A sample usage of this plugin can be found at


  • Linux or Mac system only
  • Java 8 or later required
  • Maven required
  • Cloud environment ready in local. For AWS, you need to have awscli installed and configured.
  • Python 2.7 and up required
  • Pip 2.7 and up required
  • Ansible local installation is required if you need to run packer or ansible executor


Include the plugin as a dependency in your Maven project.


After installation, you can add cloud-maven-plugin configuration into the pom.xml of your project. By default it will create script under your target folder if you run command "mvn install". The will contains commands to build your infrastructure in the cloud. The following is a sample usage in pom.xml.



Configure plug-in

There are two required parameters need to be defined either in configuration block or passed through mvn command line. They are envToolDir and cloudExe. Sample Configuration:


All supported parameters include:

  • envToolDir (required, maven command line variable: cloud.envToolDir): folder to store any file or tool needed for this plug in.
  • cloudExe (required, maven command line variable: cloud.executor): executor name, allowed values include: ansible, packer, terraform and terragrunt.
  • genScriptOnly (default: true, maven command line variable: cloud.genScriptOnly): By default this parameter is set to true which will force plug-in to create for users to verify and run it themselves. When set to false, instead of create, maven will build cloud directly. due to limitation of JVM, any interactive steps during build will cause a failure if this variable is set to false
  • buildFolder (default: target, maven command line variable: cloud.buildFolder): a folder with given name will be created under target as output folder. Use target if this parameter has no value.
  • scriptHead (default: null, maven command line variable: cloud.scriptHead): used only when genScriptOnly is true. The content of this file will be inserted into first.
  • scriptTail (default: null, maven command line variable: cloud.scriptTail): used only when genScriptOnly is true. The content of this file will be inserted into at the end.

Assemble project

Executor assemble is used to assemble output files. It's able to copy files from different folders into one single output folder under target. A typical usage is to pick several Ansible roles from your shared folder and add them into your output folder. The following example will copy all files those file extension isn't .md under src/sample, src/shared/roles/java and src/shared/roles/python into target folder. Sample Configuration:


All supported parameters include:

  • cloudRoot (default: src, maven command line variable: cloud.assemble.root): main folder which source files are stored and need to be copied into output folder.
  • extra (default: null, maven command line variable: cloud.assemble.extra): list of folders which need to be copied into output folder.
  • ignoreFiles (default: null, maven command line variable: cloud.assemble.ignoreFiles): files to be ignored when copied. It's able to ignore three types of files: file name starts with a given prefix (e.g. readme*), file name ends with suffix (e.g. *.md) and exact file name without any wild card (

Run Ansible scripts

Executor ansible is use to build cloud infrastructure using Ansible. It will run ansible installed in local machine when cloud.executor is set to ansible. Sample Configuration:


All supported parameters include:

  • exec (default: ansible-playbook, maven command line variable: cloud.ansible.exe): which command to run using Ansible, the value can be either ansible-playbook or ansible.
  • arguments (default: null, maven command line variable: cloud.ansible.arguments): command arguments to append after ansible/ansible-playbook command
  • playbookFile (default: null, maven command line variable: cloud.ansible.playbookFile): used when cloud.ansible.exe is set to ansible-playbook. The plugin will run the any match files using first matched rule. Please refer Misc section for details of first matched rule.
  • timeout (default: 900, maven command line variable: cloud.ansible.commandTimeOut): used when cloud.genScriptOnly is false. Timeout in seconds for maven build.

Run Packer scripts

Executor packer is used to build cloud infrastructure using Packer. This executor will execute packer command only if cloud.executor is set to packer. Sample Configuration:


All supported parameters include:

  • configFiles (required, maven command line variable: cloud.packer.configFiles): a list of JSON file names you want the packer to run. The file should be a JSON file without path. The plugin will try to find all available matches under output folder using first matached rule.
  • version (default: SYSTEM, maven command line variable: cloud.packer.version): version of packer to run. If the value is "SYSTEM", the plugin will use packer installed in local system. Otherwise, the plugin will try to find the packer executable in cloud.envToolDir folder which matches both system and version parameter. If no matched version found, the plugin will try to download it from Hashicorp website.
  • system (default: null, maven command line variable: cloud.packer.system): used when cloud.packer.version is not "SYSTEM". It tells this plugin which operation system the packer should run. Available values include: Mac, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Windows.
  • format (default: null, maven command line variable: cloud.packer.systemFormat): used when cloud.packer.version is not "SYSTEM". It tells this plugin the disk format of target system. Available values include: 386, amd64, arm and arm64.
  • arguments (default: null, maven command line variable: cloud.packer.arguments): command arguments to append after packer command
  • timeout (default: 900, maven command line variable: cloud.packer.commandTimeOut): used when cloud.genScriptOnly is false. Timeout in seconds for maven build.

Run Terraform scripts

Executor terraform is used to build cloud infrastructure using Terraform. This executor will execute terraform command only if cloud.executor is set to terraform. Sample Configuration:


All supported parameters include:

  • version (default: SYSTEM, maven command line variable: cloud.terraform.version): version of terraform to run. If the value is "SYSTEM", the plugin will use terraform installed in local system. Otherwise, the plugin will try to find the terragrunt executable in cloud.envToolDir folder which matches both system and version parameter. If no matched version found, the plugin will try to download it from Hashicorp website.
  • modules (default: null, maven command line variable: cloud.terraform.modules): if set value, instead of run terraform under target/output folder, this plugin will try to run terraform in any sub-folder with matches the name given by this parameter
  • system (default: null, maven command line variable: cloud.terraform.system): used when cloud.terraform.version is not "SYSTEM". It tells this plugin which operation system the terragrunt should run. Available values include: Mac, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Windows.
  • format (default: null, maven command line variable: cloud.terraform.systemFormat): used when cloud.terraform.version is not "SYSTEM". It tells this plugin the disk format of target system. Available values include: 386, amd64, arm and arm64.
  • arguments (default: null, maven command line variable: cloud.terraform.arguments): command arguments to append after terraform command, such as plan, apply, or destroy etc.
  • timeout (default: 900, maven command line variable: cloud.terraform.commandTimeOut): used when cloud.genScriptOnly is false. Timeout in seconds for maven build.

Run Terragrunt scripts

Executor terragrunt is used to build cloud infrastructure using Terragrunt. This executor will execute terragrunt command only if cloud.executor is set to terraform. Sample Configuration:


All supported parameters include:

  • version (default: SYSTEM, maven command line variable: cloud.terragrunt.version): version of terragrunt to run. If the value is "SYSTEM", the plugin will use terragrunt installed in local system. Otherwise, the plugin will try to find the terragrunt executable in cloud.envToolDir folder which matches both system and version parameter. If no matched version found, the plugin will try to download it from Hashicorp website.
  • modules (default: null, maven command line variable: cloud.terragrunt.modules): if set value, instead of run terragrunt under target/output folder, this plugin will try to run terragrunt in any sub-folder with matches the name given by this parameter
  • system (default: null, maven command line variable: cloud.terragrunt.system): used when cloud.terragrunt.version is not "SYSTEM". It tells this plugin which operation system the terragrunt should run. Available values include: Mac, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Windows.
  • format (default: null, maven command line variable: cloud.terragrunt.systemFormat): used when cloud.terragrunt.version is not "SYSTEM". It tells this plugin the disk format of target system. Available values include: 386, amd64, arm and arm64.
  • arguments (default: null, maven command line variable: cloud.terragrunt.arguments): command arguments to append after terragrunt command, such as apply, refresh, or destroy etc.
  • timeout (default: 900, maven command line variable: cloud.terragrunt.commandTimeOut): used when cloud.genScriptOnly is false. Timeout in seconds for maven build.
  • terraformVarFile (default: null, maven command line variable: cloud.terragrunt.terraformVarFile): terraform.tfvars file to copy into module

Import custom variables

Variables can be passed into plugin and applied during build process by using variable executor. All variables need to be defined in a json file. Please refer to Variable value look up section for specification. Sample Configuration:


All supported parameters include:

  • configFile (default: null, maven command line variable: cloud.variable.config): a json file with all cloud variables defined.
  • lookupFolder (default: src, maven command line variable: cloud.variable.lookupFolder): the folder to locate the configFile, by default the code will try to find the configFile in src folder.

Use Python virtual environment

In curtain situation, you might want to use different version of Ansible to test your project. If you installed Ansible through Pip in your local machine, this plugin has a python-env executor built in to provide some leverage of using Python virtual environment. However due to limitation of running Linux build in command such as "source" through Java runtime, this executor works only when cloud.genScriptOnly is set to true. A successful output of this executor will be a shell script "" under target folder. User has to manually executor this script to enable Python virtual environment. To enable python virtual environment, please run by executing "source" Sample Configuration:


All supported parameters include:

  • packages (default: null, maven command line variable: python.packages): list of Python module you'd like to install in this Python virtual environment. For each module listed inside a element, Pip will try to install the latest version of this module in the virtual environment.
  • versionedPackages (default: null, maven command line variable: python.versionedPackages): list of Python module you'd like to install in this Python virtual environment with particular version. Since versionedPackages is defined as a map, this module inside should define as <module_name>version</module_name> format. For each module defined, Pip will try to install the desired version in the virtual environment.
  • rebuild (default: false, maven command line variable: python.rebuild): whether plugin should destroy the existing Python virtual environment and create a new one during build. This plugin will save Python virtual environment under cloud.envToolDir/python-env folder. An existing virtual environment will be used for each build until this parameter is set to true.

Variable value look up

All variables pass into plugin are defined in JSON file and passed in through variable executor. This plugin has too built in value finder which support value look up in properties file or credstash table. The later is AWS only.

Define cloud variable in JSON

The variable JSON file should contains a JSON array, each element of this array contains all variables which values stored in the same source. When processing this JSON file, if not value found, the build process will fail immediately if that variable is marked as required. Otherwise the variable will be ignored during the remaining build. Sample Could Variable JSON:

    "source": "",
    "format": "properties",
    "variables": [
        "name": "aws.username",
        "required": true,
        "toolVars": {
          "packer": "user"
        "name": "aws.region",
        "toolVars": {
          "packer": "region",
          "terragrunt": "region"
        "name": "aws.eips",
        "type": "list",
        "toolVars": {
          "terragrunt": "eips"
    "format": "credstash",
    "variables": [
        "name": "test-key-ssh_pub-1701",
        "toolVars": {
          "packer": "ssh_public_key"
    "sourceConfig": {
      "region": "us-east-1",
      "table": "credential-store-tao-dev"

A variable element is defined as following:

  • name: variable name in source
  • required: is the variable is required
  • type: type of the variable, supported type: string, list and map. The value will be processed as string if type is missing
  • toolVars: variable name to pass into different build tools, current allow for property names inside: ansible, packer, terraform and terragrunt.

Look up value in properties file

To look up values in a properties file and pass them into the plugin, you need to define the following two properties in JSON

  • source: the properties file name, the plugin will try to locate this file inside cloud.variable.lookupFolder
  • format: has to be "properties" for properties file value look up In the previous example, if you have the following properties in file
aws.eips=["eipalloc-12345", "eipalloc-45678"]

The plugin will pass "user=tao.dong,region=us-east-1" to packer and "region=us-east-1" to terragrunt respectively. In above example, if aws.eips is defined as list, the plugin will passing value as "["eipalloc-12345", "eipalloc-45678"]", otherwise the value passed in will be "[\"eipalloc-12345\", \"eipalloc-45678\"]"

Look up value through Credstash

Credstash is tool to store sensitive data in AWS. This value finder functions only when building cloud on AWS. Also to use it, you have to install and configure Credstash locally, the plugin only calls credstash command in local environment to retrieve values. The properties needed for credstash are:

  • format: has to be "credstash" for credstash look up
  • sourceConfig: optional and only needed you are looking for values in a credstash table other than your local default one. The properties os sourceConfig include:
    • region: AWS region
    • table: Dynamo DB table name
    • key: Credstash key
    • noline: Don't append newline to returned value


First Matched rule

when matching files, the plugin will apply the first matched rule. The search will traversal into sub-folders recursively until it reaches a folder a matched file is found, then all the sub-folders of that folder will be ignored.

 +-- sample_1
 |  |
 |  +-- abc.yml
 +-- sample_2
 |  |  
 |  +-- main.yml
 +-- sample_3
 |  |  
 |  +-- main.yml
 |  +-- sub_folder_1
 |     |
 |     +-- main.yml

For the file structure above, if we look for main.yml, the files returned after applying first matched rule are src/sample_2/main.yml and src/sample_3/main.yml



