
Alternative data structures to libGDX's ObjectMap, ObjectSet, and relatives.







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Alternative data structures to libGDX's ObjectMap, ObjectSet, and relatives.
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implementation 'com.github.tommyettinger:merry:0.3.1'
implementation ("com.github.tommyettinger:merry:0.3.1")
<dependency org="com.github.tommyettinger" name="merry" rev="0.3.1">
  <artifact name="merry" type="jar" />
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[com.github.tommyettinger/merry "0.3.1"]


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Alternative data structures to libGDX's ObjectMap, ObjectSet, and relatives

This code is intended to be part of a pull request to libGDX, but to remain available here for older versions of libGDX to use.

The data structures here fix a long-standing bug in libGDX that was initially underestimated in severity. The issue from 5 years ago used random items in an ObjectSet to find unintentional collisions, when the worst case (not discovered then) is when a malicious user generates 50 or so keys with intentionally-colliding hashCode() results, and inserts them through normal usage to crash any app with an ObjectSet<String> or ObjectMap<String> (among other vulnerable key types) by throwing an un-catchable OutOfMemoryError. The random case may never crash, may take 20000 random items to trigger a crash, or may get unlucky and crash early. The malicious case only needs between 40 and 50 items, depending on how many hashCode()s are produced (1 or 2 possible hashCodes will crash any application with less than 8GB of heap given to the JVM using 49 items). There's another problematic case as well; ObjectSet and ObjectMap are designed to be memory-efficient, but large collections without even a single full collision can still use over 60 times as much memory as the optimal case due to unnecessary capacity doubling, which can happen if the hashCode() is not expertly-constructed. Constructing optimal hashCode()s is hard, and is should in most cases be a waste of time because it should be the data structure's responsibility. The issue response blames the problem in part on bad hashCode()s, a claim that deserves scrutiny.

Most libGDX users are, contrary to what Nathan Sweet seems to assume in the issue response, not able to or willing to judge what makes a "good" hashCode() implementation, as ObjectMap would require. This includes libGDX's original author, Mario Zechner, who acknowledged that a hashCode() for Vector2 is a "fantastically stupid idea" and proceeded to implement it in a straightforward way, how most Java programmers would and should implement hashCode(): automatically, using an IDE's generator. The problem is not simple, and most programmers without extensive low-level knowledge should not be expected to notice it, or to understand the following explanation, so this is mostly here to show why "good hashCode()s" are not something you can just wish into existing. Vector2 has two float values, and a hashCode() returns an int, so you need to call Float.floatToIntBits() to get a correct mapping of floating point to integer. This becomes an issue if either float stores a small integer or a rational number that is cleanly represented by a small power-of-two denominator (like 1.5, covering many practical uses of Vector2), which would cause Float.floatToIntBits() to return an int with mostly 0 bits in its least-significant section. This last tidbit, that the floats often don't change the least-significant bits from 0, cascades through the hashCode() implementation, and makes most results for the types of float coordinates mentioned above have mostly 0 in this key area of the bits. ObjectSet and all related classes that use hashCode() in libGDX will prefer using the least-significant bits of a hash code before they even look at the more-significant ones. This is a common implementation detail that restricts hash codes to refer only to indices that fit in the capacity, and can be understood as masking the bits of the hash code that aren't used, but not changing those bits so they can be used later if the capacity increases. When the least-significant bits of hash codes are all or mostly the same, collisions in the used area of the hash code are much more frequent, and this manifests in much higher memory usage as the capacity expands to see more of each hash code, or in extreme cases, the application crashes with an OutOfMemoryError. It takes a relatively small grid of Vector2 values storing integer positions to crash ObjectSet; a 24x24 grid roughly centered on 0,0 will run out of heap quickly. It is possible to write a good implementation of hashCode() for Vector2. I have done it. It required far more effort than a user of libGDX should ever have to expend on a function such as this, is slower than the current implementation (when not used in an ObjectSet), and once a version was finally found that worked, the best algorithm turned out to be essentially an inferior version of Fibonacci hashing (code below, and Fibonacci hashing's better version comes up again). The data structures can do better.

Merry is an alternative to the hash-based data structures in libGDX, consisting of:

  • ObjectMap, for Object keys mapped to Object values
  • ObjectSet, for Objects items that are unique
  • OrderedMap, for Object keys mapped to Object values that keep their insertion order
  • OrderedSet, for Object items that are unique and keep their insertion order
  • IdentityMap, for Object keys that are compared by reference equality mapped to Object values
  • ObjectFloatMap, for Object keys mapped to primitive float values
  • ObjectIntMap, for Object keys mapped to primitive int values
  • IntMap, for primitive int keys mapped to Object values
  • IntSet, for primitive int items that are unique
  • LongMap, for primitive long keys mapped to Object values
  • IntFloatMap, for primitive int keys mapped to primitive float values
  • IntIntMap, for primitive int keys mapped to primitive int values

All of these have the same API as in libGDX, with the exception of OrderedMap and OrderedSet, which add the useful alter() and alterIndex() methods to change a key without changing its value or ordering, and some protected methods across several classes that can be overridden by user-written child classes. The protected methods and fields have JavaDocs, but typically would only be overridden in very specific use cases or by this library (that's how IdentityMap is implemented).

The important change here is that these move away from libGDX's vulnerable internal algorithm, cuckoo hashing with a stash, and change to a much older, well-studied algorithm, linear probing. The one novel difference is that Merry also uses Fibonacci hashing to improve "bad hashCode()s", which can be an issue with linear probing. This blog post on Fibonacci hashing covers it in extensive detail; some of the fastest C++ implementations of hash tables use it. While Fibonacci hashing helps improve the distribution of hash codes, linear probing ensures that even if all keys collide, the map or set will still function, just somewhat more slowly. The lines of code are fewer than before, not counting comments, and there are fewer methods because there's no stash to complicate matters. The performance results are mixed, and Merry's performance is generally close to libGDX, but behind it in its best case. There is a key outlier with removal, where libGDX ObjectSet struggles and Merry runs at twice the speed. When libGDX is getting less-than-optimal hashCode()s, Merry quickly takes over in both better memory usage and speed. There's a broad comparison of various libraries' time costs per operation here. This is raw data and not formatted as nicely, but memory comparisons are here; it's clear especially near the bottom of the file that the numbers for memory used are much bigger for libGDX than they should be for a low-memory-usage class. It is also clear that Merry is consistently within a few bytes of the best position, when it isn't already the best; its only competitor past 10 items is Koloboke, which sometimes needs twice the capacity compared to Merry.


See Maven Central, which despite the name, has Gradle instructions as well as Maven. The latest stable release should be in this version list on Maven Central; 0.3.1 (or higher, if available) is recommended. You may need to change their recommended implementation keyword to api if using recent Gradle.


I mentioned an improved hashCode() for Vector2, so here it is:

public int hashCode() {
    return (int)((NumberUtils.floatToIntBits(x) * 0xC13FA9A902A6328FL
                + NumberUtils.floatToIntBits(y) * 0x91E10DA5C79E7B1DL)
            >>> 32);

This is very similar to the Fibonacci hashing method that all of Merry's classes have as the protected method place(Object), just with two different multipliers and (this is key) the hashCode() always shifts right by 32, while place() adapts how much it shifts over based on the capacity of the data structure. The rest of this is extremely mathematical, and I'm not exactly a math professor, so I'll explain fast and loose and hope nobody actually reads this far. The choice of multiplier probably has a lot of wiggle room, but place() uses 2 to the 64 divided by the golden ratio, which appears to be optimal for this usage, and the improved Vector2.hashCode() uses the 2 to the 64 divided by the "plastic constant," which is an irrational number roughly equal to 1.32471795724474602596090885447809... that is similar to the golden ratio, and for the second multiplier divides again by the plastic constant, rounding up to the nearest odd number. The problem with this method is that for more than a few variables that all need independent contribution to a hashCode(), you get a lot of constants very quickly, and though they can be precalculated if you know how many there are ( I did this here), even with 3 variables the quality starts to suffer. Using only one multiplier, the golden ratio, works well because it can be called the "most irrational number," or the furthest from a concise rational approximation, and so it is the most likely to separate the inputs it is given across the capacity. The plastic constant is very close to holding that title itself. Fibonacci hashing depends on the adaptive shift mentioned earlier to be its best, because it takes a 32-bit hashCode() and multiplies it by a 64-bit constant (discarding overflow), which makes the lowest bit of the hash code affect potentially all bits of the 64-bit result, makes the highest bit affect the highest 32 bits of the result, and makes all other bits affect some range in between. Shifting over by 32 to get a 32-bit int is OK, but the lowest bits of that int won't be as well-distributed as they could be if a smaller number is all that is desired. Shifting the highest bit into the place of the highest used bit of the capacity ensures that the best qualities of the golden ratio are preserved. Shifting over to meet the exact needs of the capacity also avoids a masking step.

