Nexus3 x509 DN Plugin
This plugin adds the ability for building a configuraiton file that defines which users have which roles based on their DN when using x509 two-way SSL authentication.
Nexus Compatibility
Should work with Nexus version 3.2.1 and newer (only tested with version 3.7.1)
2. Group / Roles Mapping
A yaml file is used to make the roles to DNs:
- CN=Firstname Lastname, OU=Unknown, O=Unknown, L=Annapolis Junction, ST=MD, C=US
- CN=Firstname Lastname, OU=Unknown, O=Unknown, L=Annapolis Junction, ST=MD, C=US
- CN=Firstname Lastname2, OU=Unknown, O=Unknown, L=Annapolis Junction, ST=MD, C=US
0. Prerequisites
Directory naming convention:
For the following commands we assume your nexus installation resides in /opt/sonatype/nexus
. See for reference.
1. Download and install
The following lines will:
- create a directory in the
maven repository - download the latest release from github
- unzip the releae to the maven repository
- add the plugin to the
mkdir -p /opt/sonatype/nexus/system/com/github/vincentrussell/ &&\
wget -O /opt/sonatype/nexus/system/com/github/vincentrussell/ &&\
unzip /opt/sonatype/nexus/system/com/github/vincentrussell/ -d /opt/sonatype/nexus/system/com/github/vincentrussell/ &&\
echo "reference\:file\:com/github/vincentrussell/nexus3-x509-dn-security-plugin/1.1/nexus3-x509-dn-security-plugin-1.1.jar = 200" >> /opt/sonatype/nexus/etc/karaf/
2. Create configuration mapping file
Create /opt/sonatype/nexus/etc/x509-dn-security-config.yaml
Set the system property (X509DnAuthenticatingRealm.config.file) to point to that file:
The easiest way is to modify (/opt/sonatype/nexus/bin/nexus.vmoptions) and add:
3. Restart Nexus
Restart your Nexus instance to let it pick up your changes.
4. Add the realm in the settings
Log in to your nexus and go to Administration > Security > Realms. Move the X509-Dn Authenticating Realm to the right. The realm order in the form determines the order of the realms in your authentication flow. We recommend putting X509-Dn Authenticating Realm after the built-in realms.
Install software
homebrew (mac)
- brew install docker-machine
- brew install docker
- docker-machine create --driver virtualbox nexus3-x509-oath-plugin
- docker-machine env nexus3-x509-oath-plugin
- eval "$(docker-machine env nexus3-x509-oath-plugin)"
You can build the project with the integrated maven wrapper like so: ./mvn clean package
Build and Run the docker container ...
docker build -t vincentrussell/nexus3-x509-oath-plugin .
docker run -p 8443:8443 -p 5005:5005 -it --rm vincentrussell/nexus3-x509-oath-plugin
You can build a ready to run docker image using the Dockerfile
to quickly spin up a nexus with the plugin already preinstalled.
The whole project is heavily influenced by the nexus3-github-oauth-plugin.
Change Log
1.1 (2018-04-02)
- expire cached auths after five mintues so that the server doesn't have to be restarted to respect changes to the config file
1.0 (2018-02-19)
Initial Release:
- Initial Capability