IVIF - JEE6 + AngularJS implementation - Parent

Maven parent project of ivif-jee6-angularjs-impl defining the versions of used libraries





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IVIF - JEE6 + AngularJS implementation - Parent
Maven parent project of ivif-jee6-angularjs-impl defining the versions of used libraries
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<!-- https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/com.iorga/ivif-jee6-angularjs-impl-parent/ -->
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/com.iorga/ivif-jee6-angularjs-impl-parent/
implementation 'com.iorga:ivif-jee6-angularjs-impl-parent:1.0.1'
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/com.iorga/ivif-jee6-angularjs-impl-parent/
implementation ("com.iorga:ivif-jee6-angularjs-impl-parent:1.0.1")
<dependency org="com.iorga" name="ivif-jee6-angularjs-impl-parent" rev="1.0.1">
  <artifact name="ivif-jee6-angularjs-impl-parent" type="pom" />
@Grab(group='com.iorga', module='ivif-jee6-angularjs-impl-parent', version='1.0.1')
libraryDependencies += "com.iorga" % "ivif-jee6-angularjs-impl-parent" % "1.0.1"
[com.iorga/ivif-jee6-angularjs-impl-parent "1.0.1"]


There are no dependencies for this project. It is a standalone project that does not depend on any other jars.

Project Modules

  • ../ivif-api
  • ../ivif-jee6-angularjs-re
  • ../ivif-jee6-angularjs-impl


IVIF is an XML framework used to generate applications.

Currently it only supports generating JEE6 + AngularJS web applications.

How can I develop with IVIF?

With IVIF, you design your entities (one by data table) and the application grids (that is to say sortable, filterable and editable datatables).


An entity represents a table of your data.

Here is a basic entity (User.xml):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<entities xmlns="http://www.iorga.com/xml/ns/ivif-entities"

    <entity name="User" table="USER">
        <integer name="id" id="true">
            <sequence name="USER_ID_SEQ"/>
        <string name="name" column="LAST_NAME" required="true" display-name="true"/>
        <string name="firstName" column="FIRST_NAME" required="true" display-name="true"/>
        <many-to-one name="profile" column="PROFILE_ID" ref="Profile">
            <join-column column="PROFILE_ID" ref-column="id"/>
        <enum name="status" ref="UserStatusType"/>
        <datetime name="lastModification"/>

    <selection name="UserStatusType" from-type="string">
        <option name="ACTIVE"/>
        <option name="DISABLED" value="DIS"/>
        <option name="UNKNOWN" value="?" title="Not known"/>


As you can see, an <entity> contains multiple entries which define more or less the fields of the entity.

Entity types

Here are the attributes you can set on a <entity> tag:

  • name: name of this entity (must start with a capital letter)
  • table: name of the table this entity is associated to
  • implements: interfaces this entity should implement. Example: implements="com.iorga.ivif.test.Versionable&lt;java.lang.Long&gt;"

Here are the different entity types (XML tags inside your entity) you can use:

  • character: a character field
  • string: a string field
    • default-editor (value: [inputText|textArea]): you can define on a string which default visual editor will be used when presenting the field in your editable grids
  • long: a long field (supports version attribute)
  • boolean: a boolean field
    • from-type (value: any type): if this boolean field is not boolean in your database, you can use this attribute to define the real database type of this field
    • true-value: database value which corresponds to "true"
    • false-value: database value which corresponds to "false"
  • date: a date field
  • datetime: a date + time field (supports version attribute)
  • integer: an integer field (supports version attribute)
  • enum: a field which can have a limited set of possible value.
    • ref: the name of the <selection> this field is using
  • many-to-one: a field which represents a foreign key to another table
    • ref: the name of the <entity> this field points to
    • <join-column>: multiple instances of this tag can be inserted into the <many-to-one> tag. Defines multiple join columns. This will generate multiple @JoinColumn in a @JoinColumns on this field
      • ref-column: name of the field to join to on the other part of the many-to-one.
      • column: name of the column in the database table
      • insertable (value: [true|false] ; default: false): whether this field will be used when persisting this entity. Used to generate @JoinColumn(insertable = ?)
      • updatable (value: [true|false] ; default: false): whether this field will be used when updating this entity. Used to generate @JoinColumn(updatable = ?)

All those types accept the following attributes:

  • name (required): name of the field
  • column: name of the column in the database table
  • title: name of this column which will be used as title for grid column
  • id (value: [true|false] ; default: false): whether this field is a part of the @Id of this entity. It is mandatory to have at least one id="true" field in an entity
    • <sequence name="?" allocation-size="?">: this tag can be added into an id="true" field in order to add a @SequenceGenerator and @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE) on this field
  • version (value: [true|false] ; default: false): whether this field is the @Version of this entity
  • required (value: [true|false] ; default: false): whether this field is required or not. Used to add @NotNull on this entity field.
  • display-name (value: [true|false] ; default: false): whether this field takes part of the display name of this entity (will be integrated in the generated displayName() method on the entity)
  • transient (value: [true|false] ; default: false): whether this field is transient = does not represent a real column of your database. Used to generate @Transient annotation.
  • formula: an SQL query that returns this field value. This will be used to generate a hibernate @Formula annotation.
  • insertable (value: [true|false] ; default: true): whether this field will be used when persisting this entity. Used to generate @Column(insertable = ?)
  • updatable (value: [true|false] ; default: true): whether this field will be used when updating this entity. Used to generate @Column(updatable = ?)


A <selection> represents a type that can have specific fixed values. A selection will generate an enum.

Here are the attributes available on <selection>:

  • name: name of this selection (which can be referenced by ref attribute on a <enum> entity field). Must start with a capital letter.
  • from-type (value: [integer|string]): real database type

Inside this tag, put some <option> tags which accept those attributes:

  • name (required): name of this option. It is a best practice to use only capital letters for that name.
  • value: value of this option. By default, takes the value of name attribute.
  • title: value to display to the user when using this in lists. By default takes the value or name attribute.


In a <views> tag, you can define grids or action-open-view.

A grid represents a datatable presentation of your data.

An "action open view" represents a transition between two grids.

Here is a sample grid:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<views xmlns="http://www.iorga.com/xml/ns/ivif-views"

    <grid name="EditableUserGrid" title="That's the users" entity="User" on-open="$action(openProfileGridFromUser)({profileId: $line.profile.id})" editable="true" roles-allowed="admin manager">
        <column ref="firstName"/>
        <column ref="name" editable-if="$record.profile.name === 'editableName'"/>
        <column ref="status" editable="true"/>
            <td data-title="'Profile description'">
                Desc : {{$line.profile.description}}
        <column ref="commentTemp" editable="true" required-if="$isDirty($line)"/>
        <column ref="enabled" editable="true"/>
        <column ref="bigComment" editable="true"/>
        <column ref="pass" editable="true"/>
        <column ref="lastModification" editable="true"/>

    <action-open-view name="openProfileGridFromUser" grid-name="ProfileGrid" roles-allowed="admin">
            <where>$record.id = :profileId</where>


First, here are the attributes you can set on a <grid> tag:

  • name (required): name of this grid. Must start with a capital letter
  • entity (required): name of the entity (name attribute of an <entity>) this grid will list
  • title: title of this grid. Will be displayed in the header of the grid
  • tab-title: title of the tab in which this grid is contained
  • selection (value: [single|none] ; default: none): enables the selection capacity on this grid
  • editable (value: [true|false] ; default: false): whether this grid is editable or not
  • editable-if: javascript expression which returns a boolean representing whether this grid is editable or not
  • on-open: javascript expression which is executed when you click on a line of the grid
  • on-select: javascript expression which is executed when you select a line of the grid (with selection set to single)
  • service-save-method: reference of the java method to call when clicking on "Save" button (with editable set to true and modified data). This method should have this signature: save(List<E> entitiesToSave) with E the class of the entity referenced by entity attribute.
  • service-search-method: reference of the java method to call to retrieve data. This method should have this signature: com.mysema.query.SearchResults<R> search(S searchParam) with R the class of this generated grid search result (UserGridSearchResult for example) and S the class of the generated grid search param (UserGridSearchParam for example).
  • roles-allowed: list of roles (separated by space) which are allowed to access this grid

Inside a <grid> you can then add those tags (in this order):

  • <toolbar>: defines what is in the toolbar
    • <button>: a button
      • title (required): the title of the button
      • action: javascript expression launched when clicking on the button
      • disabled-if: javascript expression returning a boolean which defines whether this button is disabled or not
    • <code>: free angular HTML code
  • <highlight>: defines how to highlight specific lines
    • if (required): javascript expression returning a boolean which defines whether a line is targeted or not
    • color-class (required): css class to apply to targeted lines
  • <column>: defines a column of the grid
    • ref (required): see bellow
    • from (default: $record): see bellow
    • title: title of this column. Defaults to the title of this field entity
    • editable (value: [true|false] ; default: false): whether this column is editable or not
    • editable-if: javascript expression which returns a boolean representing whether this column is editable or not
    • required-if: javascript expression which returns a boolean representing whether this column is editable or not
  • <code>: free angular HTML code
  • <column-hidden-edit>: hidden column (not displayed) but editable (the web service will take into account this field modifications)
    • ref (required): see bellow
    • from (default: $record): see bellow
  • <column-filter>: hidden column (not displayed) but filterable (the web service will take into account this field value for filtering)
    • ref (required): see bellow
    • from (default: $record): see bellow
  • <column-filter-param>: hidden parameter which takes a part into the filter (should be used with service-search-method to redefine a specific search method which takes this parameter into account). This will be used to generate an additional parameter in the grid search param
    • name (required): name of the filter
    • type (required): type of this parameter (use one of the <entity> type)
  • <column-sort>: hidden column (not displayed) but sortable (the web service will take into account this field value for sorting)
    • ref (required): see bellow
    • from (default: $record): see bellow
  • <query>: the base JPA query of the grid (the following tags must be written in this order)
    • <from>: a string which represents the "from" part of the query. Used to left join parts. Must always start with $record. For example: <from>$record left join $record.profile profile</from>
    • <where>: a string which represents the "where" part of the query. Use the special variable $record as the "current entity". For example <where>$record.field1 = 'test'</where>
    • <default-order-by>: default order by for the query. Use the special variable $record as the "current entity". For example <default-order-by>$record.name DESC, $record.user.name</default-order-by>
    • <parameter>: a parameter used in the query. The value is either static or a piece of java code.
      • name (required): the name of this parameter. This will be used in the query like this $record.field = :param1 if this parameter name is param1.
      • value (required): the value for this parameter. Either a static value or a piece of java code. For example: <parameter name="currentUserId" value="$inject(com.iorga.ivif.ja.test.ConnectedUser).getUserId()"/>

For tags which accept ref and from attributes, here is the documentation:

  • ref (required): reference of a field of the entity. You can use "pointed annotation" like field.subField if field is a <many-to-one>
  • from (default: $record): name of a jointed entity declared in the <query>'s <from>

The reference to java method should be like ="com.iorga.ivif.test.UserService.save".

Javascript expressions accept those special references:

  • $action(actionName)({param1: value1, param2: value2, ...}): will point to an action defined with <action-open-view name="actionName"> and which have in this example :param1 and :param2 as query parameters in its <where> part.
  • $inject(angularServiceName)(param1, param2, ...): will inject angularServiceName in the angular controller of the grid so it can be used in the grid view
  • $line.field1: references the field field1 of current selected line
  • $line(joinedEntityReference).field2: references the field field2 of the jointed entity reference joinedEntityReference declared in the <query>'s <from>
  • $record.field1: references the field field1 of the original record value of the current selected line
  • $record(joinedEntityReference).field2: references the field field2 of the original record value of the jointed entity reference joinedEntityReference declared in the <query>'s <from>

Action open view

An "action open view" will generate the code needed to define a transition between 2 grids.

It contains a query part which will be added to the target grid in order to "filter out" the target grid data.

Here are the attributes of <action-open-view>:

  • name: the name of this action. Should start with a lower case letter.
  • grid-name: the name of the grid this action will open.
  • roles-allowed: the roles allowed to use this action
  • <query>: a query element, like in a <grid> except that all the parameters (:param) defined in the <where> part will be used as an input parameter

Here is an example:

    <action-open-view name="openComputerGridFromUser" grid-name="ComputerGrid">
            <where>$record.user.id = :userid</where>

which will be used by this grid:

    <grid name="UserGrid" title="Users" entity="User" on-open="$action(openComputerGridFromUser)({userId: $line.id})">
        <column ref="name"/>
        <column ref="profile.id"/>

So the target ComputerGrid will be opened and will filter the computers of this user.

JEE6 + AngularJS IVIF Project

What is generated?

This generator generates a JEE6 + AngularJS (later called "JA" in this documentation) web application.

More precisely, here is what will be generated:

  • JPA entities (one for each IVIF entity)
  • A basic CRUD service per entity which uses EntityManager as a DAO, which uses JTA @TransactionAttribute for database modification methods, and which uses QueryDSL QEntity in search methods (one search method per declared IVIF grid)
  • A JAX-RS REST webservices for every IVIF grid

All those files use the com.iorga:ivif-jee6-angulajs-re library. This library contains a framework used to develop those kind of web applications.

Framework APIs

Here are the classes & utils you will find in com.iorga:ivif-jee6-angulajs-re library and the generated angular app.js.

Client Messages

You can send messages that will be displayed in the user browser directly from the webservices classes.

Here is an example:

public class TestWS {

	private ClientMessages clientMessages;

	public void message() {
        clientMessages.addError("Here is an error message");

You can find in com.iorga.ivif.ja.ClientMessages multiple APIs which enables you to send Success (green by default), Info (blue by default), Warning (orange by default) or Error (red by default) client messages. You also can choose between standard message (displayed as bootstrap alert message) or Modal ones (displayed as bootstrap modal dialog).

All the "magic" is handled by AddClientMessagesInterceptor.

You can also indicate that there has been a functional problem in your webservice by simply throwing a new FunctionalException(String |Message)

On the client angularjs part, you can use (by injecting) the messageService. Those two methods are available:

  • addAlertMessage(message): displays an alert message
  • addModalMessage(message): displays a modal message
  • addMessage(message): displays either an alert or a modal message depending on its type property. If it is equals to 'MODAL', a modal message will be displayed.

A message is javascript object which has those properties:

  • title: the title of the message
  • message (required): the content of the message
  • level: the level of the message. Can be (case unsensitive): 'error', 'danger' (same as 'error'), 'warning', 'info' (default) or 'success'.

Recommended project structure

Here is the recommended project structure:

  • <project base>
    • src
      • main
        • ivif: all your IVIF xml source files
          • conf
            • ivif-ja-config.xml: your IVIF JA configuration file containing the <configurations> root
          • entities: folder which contains all your IVIF <entities>, one file for each entity
          • views: folder which contains all your IVIF <views><grid/></views>


In the recommended src/main/ivif/conf/ivif-ja-config.xml here is what you can set:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<configurations xmlns="http://www.iorga.com/xml/ns/ivif-ja-configurations"
    <base-package value="com.iorga.ivif.test"/>
    <angular-module-name value="sara"/>
    <angular-module-import value="ngSanitize"/>
    <angular-module-import value="ngAnimate"/>
    <angular-module-import value="angular-loading-bar"/>
    <angular-module-import value="mgcrea.ngStrap.helpers.parseOptions"/>
  • <base-package>: base package of every Java generated classes
  • <angular-module-name>: name of the generated angular application (generated in app.js file)
  • <angular-module-import>: add a new angular module dependency to the generated angular application (generated in app.js file)

Maven configuration

To create a new IVIF project, create 2 maven projects:

  • A "parent" project (<packaging>pom</packaging>)
  • The main webapp project

Here is the minimum parent pom.xml configuration:


            <!-- scope import -->
            <!-- scope compile -->
            <!-- scope provided -->

Here is the minimum main webapp project pom.xml configuration:

        <!-- scope provided -->

Maven generation

In order to generate the application using JA generation, use this command:

mvn clean && mvn generate-sources generate-resources

Iorga Group

