Ninja Sitemap Module

Sitemap Generator Module for the Ninja Web Framework





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Ninja Sitemap Module
Sitemap Generator Module for the Ninja Web Framework
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Fendler Consulting cc
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How to add to project

<!-- -->
implementation 'com.jensfendler:ninja-sitemap:0.0.4'
implementation ("com.jensfendler:ninja-sitemap:0.0.4")
<dependency org="com.jensfendler" name="ninja-sitemap" rev="0.0.4">
  <artifact name="ninja-sitemap" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='com.jensfendler', module='ninja-sitemap', version='0.0.4')
libraryDependencies += "com.jensfendler" % "ninja-sitemap" % "0.0.4"
[com.jensfendler/ninja-sitemap "0.0.4"]


compile (2)

Group / Artifact Type Version
cz.jiripinkas : jsitemapgenerator jar 2.1
org.apache.httpcomponents : httpclient jar 4.5.1

provided (1)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.ninjaframework : ninja-core jar 5.3.1

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Ninja Sitemap

A Sitemap generator module for the Ninja Framework, based on the Jirka Pinkas' Java Sitemap Generator.


The Ninja Sitemap module can automatically create single sitemap entries for non-dynamic routes (i.e. routes for unique URIs, without any path parameters). For "dynamic" routes (i.e. routes for URIs with {...}-style variable parts, you can register a custom SitemapMultiPageProvider instance for every such route, which can create any number of entries for your sitemap.xml (e.g. based on your database contents). Of course, you can also register a SitemapMultiPageProvider for non-dynamic routes, if you want them to result in a different sitemap entry, or result in more than one entry for your sitemap.

For every entry in your sitemap, you can specify the priority, the changeFrequency, and the actual path, if you want to. All of these are optional. However, for "dynamic" routes you will have to provide a SitemapMultiPageProvider, as the module has no chance to figure out what kind of content in your URIs should result in a sitemap entry.

Basic Usage:

  • ninja-sitemap has been published on Maven Central. Add the following dependency to your Ninja application's pom.xml:
  • Install an instance of the NinjaSitemapModule in your Ninja application's conf.Modules class:
	install(new NinjaSitemapModule());

If you plan to use Guice injection in your SitemapMultiPageProvider classes (see useInjector setting below), you need to bind the respective classes here as well. E.g.

   bind( ProductSitemapMultiPageProvider.class );
  • Inject NinjaSitemapRoutes into your conf.Router class, and make a call to its init(Router) method:
	NinjaSitemapRoutes sitemapRoutes;

    public void init(Router router) {

        // ... your application's routes go here
  • Configure the URL prefix for all entries in your sitemap through your application.conf:


  • Annotate all controller methods with @Sitemap annotations, if you want them to be included in your resulting sitemap.xml.


public class MyContoller {

	// create a single sitemap entry with default priority and change frequency
    public Result aboutUs(Context context) {
        // ...
    // create a single sitemap entry with maximum priority and an hourly change frequency
    @Sitemap(priority=1.0, changeFrequency=Sitemap.HOURLY)
    public Result homepage(Context context) {
        // ...

    // Create multiple entries in the sitemap for a controller method with `@PathParam` arguments
    // A SimpleMultiPageProvider instance will be created straight from the given class (without Guice injection) 
    public Result productDetails(Context context, @PathParam("productId") long productId) {
        // ...
    // Create multiple entries in the sitemap for a controller method with `@PathParam` arguments
    // A ProductSitemapMultiPageProvider instance will be created using the Guice injector, to allow e.g.
    // injection of DAOs or other Ninja modules. 
    @Sitemap(multiPageProvider="modules.ProductSitemapMultiPageProvider", useInjector=true)
    public Result productDetails(Context context, @PathParam("productId") long productId) {
        // ...
  • You should now be able to view your sitemap by pointing your browser to /sitemap.xml (under your application's context path).

For further details, please have a look at the JavaDoc documentation, especially of the annotation code.

Ninja Configuration Properties

Ninja Sitemap can be configured further with some properties in your application.conf file as follows:

  • ninja.sitemap.prefix (String): The prefix URL to use for all entries in the sitemap. This property should always be configured to ensure correct URLs in your sitemap. (See above).

  • ninja.sitemap.route (String): the route (URI) to use for pointing to the generated sitemap.xml file. Default: /sitemap.xml

  • ninja.sitemap.expires (String): The expiry time of the cached sitemap after an update. This must be a string compatible with the time format of the NinjaCache interface (e.g. "12h"). Default: "6h".

  • (boolean): If true, the Google search engine will be notified every time your sitemap has been updated. Default: false.

  • (boolean): If true, the Bing search engine will be notified every time your sitemap has been updated. Default: false.

  • ninja.sitemap.multiPageWarnings (boolean): If true, warning messages will be logged when the sitemap generator encounters a non-dynamic method which has been configured to use a SitemapMultiPageProvider (i.e. might result in more than one entry in the sitemap). If you know what you are doing, and these warnings annoy you, set this property to false to switch them off. Default: true.

  • ninja.sitemap.routeDetailsProvider (String): The name of a class implementing the SitemapRouteDetails interface. Your own implementation of this class can then control details such as the last-modified date, changeFrequency, and priority for each entry in your sitemap dynamically at run-time (rather than set to fixed values using the annotation parameters). Default: com.jensfendler.ninjasitemap.SimpleSitemapRouteDetails.


Copyright (C) 2016 Fendler Consulting cc. This work is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for details.


Fendler Consulting cc

