
Generate a NeoLoad Project from Code





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Generate a NeoLoad Project from Code

Download api-client-v3

How to add to project

<!-- -->
implementation 'com.neotys.ascode:api-client-v3:1.0.20'
implementation ("com.neotys.ascode:api-client-v3:1.0.20")
<dependency org="com.neotys.ascode" name="api-client-v3" rev="1.0.20">
  <artifact name="api-client-v3" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='com.neotys.ascode', module='api-client-v3', version='1.0.20')
libraryDependencies += "com.neotys.ascode" % "api-client-v3" % "1.0.20"
[com.neotys.ascode/api-client-v3 "1.0.20"]


compile (6)

Group / Artifact Type Version
io.swagger.core.v3 : swagger-annotations jar 2.0.0
com.squareup.okhttp : okhttp jar 2.7.5
com.squareup.okhttp : logging-interceptor jar 2.7.5 : gson jar 2.8.1
io.gsonfire : gson-fire jar 1.8.3
org.threeten : threetenbp jar 1.3.5

test (1)

Group / Artifact Type Version
junit : junit jar 4.12

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.

Image of NeoLoad


NeoLoadasCode has 3 repository:

  1. The Junit library
  2. The maven plugin to execute tests in NeoLoad Gui and NeoLoad Web
  3. An example of using the neoload testing framework

See the CHANGELOG for change information.

NeoLoad maven plugin requires Maven >= 3.5.0 and is compatible with NeoLoad 6.6.0 and above

This plugin requires a JDK between 8 and 10.

Junit Library

Add the Library in your project

Add the NeoLoad Junit library in the dependencies of your pom.xml file


Building a test case requires in minimum 3 classes :

  1. BaseNeoLoadUserPath that defines a NeoLoad UserPath ( equivalent of testing script)
  2. BaseNeoLoadDesign defines the lists of :
  3. NeoLoadTest that define the test to run

Building a UserPath

Define your UserPath class that extends BaseNeoLoadUserPath

public class ApiUserPath extends BaseNeoLoadUserPath {

	ApiUserPath(final BaseNeoLoadDesign design) {

	public UserPath createVirtualUser(final BaseNeoLoadDesign design) {
		final String countryName = design.getVariableAndColumnFromFileVariable("location", "Pays");
		final String longitude = design.getVariableAndColumnFromFileVariable("location", "longitude");
		final String latitude = design.getVariableAndColumnFromFileVariable("location", "latitude");
		final Server server = design.getServerByName("sampledemo");

		//----define the list of parameters for the POST request
		final List<Parameter> postParameters = ImmutableList.of(
				parameter("incident_ampm", "am"),
				parameter("resp", "json"),
				parameter("incident_description", "API testing"),
				parameter("location_name", variabilize(countryName)),
				parameter("incident_title", "API testing"),
				parameter("longitude", variabilize(longitude)),
				parameter("incident_hour", "11"),
				parameter("latitude", variabilize(latitude)),
				parameter("incident_category", "1"),
				parameter("incident_date", "07/10/2018"),
				parameter("task", "report"),
				parameter("incident_minute", "49")
		//---creates a POST request with a list of post parameters
		final Request postRequest = postFormBuilder(server, "/api", emptyList(), postParameters,emptyList(),emptyList()).build();
		//---define a GET request
		final Request getRequest = getBuilder(server, "/main", emptyList(),emptyList(),emptyList()).build();

		final Delay delay1 = delay(800);
		final Delay delay2 = thinkTime(1200);
		//---define the script worflow
		final Container actionsContainer = actionsContainerBuilder()
				.addChilds(container("Api", getRequest, delay1, postRequest, delay2))

		//----create the UserPath named "CreateReportAPI"
		return userPathBuilder("CreateReportAPI")


Several Helpers are available to create :

  • POST requests

    • postFormBuilder or postFormBuilderWithHeaders to build a POST request having POST parameters
    • postTextBuilder or postTextBuilderWithHeaders to build a POST request having a payload
  • GET requests

    • getBuilder takes the following parameters
    • getBuilderWithHeaders to generate a GET request having http headers :

Defining the Design of the project

Define your Design class that extends BaseNeoLoadDesign

BaseNeoLoadDesign has 3 methods to be define :

  • createNeoLoadUserPaths define all the BaseNeoLoadUserPath required for the project
  • createVariables define the list of NeoLoad Variables
  • createServers define the list of Servers of the project

Several Helpers are available to :

  • Create variables with of several types:
    • File : createFileVariable
    • Counter : createCounterVariable
    • Random Number : createRandomNumberVariable
    • Constant variable : createConstantVariable
  • Create servers :
    • createServer

Example of a Design :

public class ApiTestDesign extends BaseNeoLoadDesign {

	ApiTestDesign() {

	public void createNeoLoadUserPaths() {
		this.addVirtualUser(new ApiUserPath(this));

	public void createVariables() {
		final ConstantVariable server = createConstantVariable("sampledemo-host", "");
		final ConstantVariable port = createConstantVariable("sampledemo-port", "80");
		final String pathFileName = Paths.get("src/test/resources/list_capital.csv").toAbsolutePath().toString();
		final FileVariable location = createFileVariable("location", "Data Set for the location", pathFileName, true, ";", Variable.VariableScope.GLOBAL, Variable.VariableNoValuesLeftBehavior.CYCLE, Variable.VariableOrder.RANDOM, Variable.VariablePolicy.EACH_ITERATION, 1);

		this.addVariables(server, port, location);

	public void createServers() {
		//use varname directly instead of getting var to use it
		final Variable server = getVariableByName("sampledemo-host");
		final Variable port = getVariableByName("sampledemo-port");
		this.addServer(createServer("sampledemo", server, port));

Defining the Test execution

Define your tests that extends NeoLoadTest

NeoLoadTest will automatically define one NeoLoad Population per UserPath.

It would be required to define :

  • The project name with the help of the method projectName
  • The NeoLaodDesign to use in the project with design
  • The method execute is defined as @Test. This methods define the test to run.

2 optionals methods could be used to define complex :

  • NeoLoad population : createComplexPopulation
  • NeoLoad Scenario : createComplexScenario

Several helpers are available to create test with :

Example :

public class ApiLoadTest extends NeoLoadTest {

	protected BaseNeoLoadDesign design() {
		return new ApiTestDesign();

	protected String projectName() {
		return "ApiLoad";

	public void createComplexPopulation() {

	public void createComplexScenario() {


	public void execute() {
		createSimpleRampupLoadScenario("API test", "CreateReportAPI", 90, 1, 1, Optional.empty(),5);

Maven Plugin

The NeoLoad maven plugin allow you to run tests define from the NeoloadasCode Junit Library. The plugin has too goals :

  • neoload will run tests on a local NeoLoad Gui
  • neoloadweb will run the test from the NeoLoad Web Platform

Add the Plugin to your project

Add the plugin to the build section of your pom's project :


NeoLoad Gui Configuration

  • NeoLoad Gui installation folder needs to be define on the parameter <neoLoadInstallationDirectory>

NeoLoad Web Configuration

  • NeoLoad Web Platform url <neoLoadWebUrl>. If using NeoLoad SaaS platform the default value is :
  • NeoLoad Web API url <neoLoadWebUploadAPIUrl>. If using NeoLoad Saas , the default value is :
  • NeoLoad Web Upload API url <neoLoadWebUploadAPIUrl>. If using NeoLoad Saas, the default value is :
  • NeoLoad Web API key <neoLoadWebAPIKey>. To generate a NeoLoad API key follow the online documentation
  • Controller zoneId <neoloadWebControllerID>. This settings will define which controller zone will be use your the test. Here is a link to the online documentation
  • LoadGenerator zoneID <neoloadWeblgZonneID>. This parameter will define which Zone would be used for the test and the number of LoadGenerator required for the test. The value of this settings is zoneId:Number of LG.

Licensing configuration

The licensing configuration is optional and required if using NeoLoad Enterprise Licenses.

  • Neotys Team Server Url <neotysTeamServerURL>
  • Neotys Team Server Login <neotysTeamServerLogin>
  • Neotys Team Server encrypted password <neotysTeamServerEncryptedPassword>. To encrypt the password it's required to use NeoLoad's password scramber
  • LicenseId to use for this test <neotysTeamServerLicenseID>. The licenseID can be found in the Neotys Team Server
  • Number of maximum Users required for the test <neotysTeamMaxVuRequired>
  • Maximum duration of the test <neotysTeamMaxTestDuration>

Run a Test

NeoLoad GUI

mvn neoload:neoload

NeoLoad Web

mvn neoload:neoloadweb

