Scala DOM Test Utils







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Scala DOM Test Utils
Scala DOM Test Utils
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<!-- -->
implementation 'com.raquo:domtestutils_sjs0.6_2.13:0.10.1'
implementation ("com.raquo:domtestutils_sjs0.6_2.13:0.10.1")
<dependency org="com.raquo" name="domtestutils_sjs0.6_2.13" rev="0.10.1">
  <artifact name="domtestutils_sjs0.6_2.13" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='com.raquo', module='domtestutils_sjs0.6_2.13', version='0.10.1')
libraryDependencies += "com.raquo" % "domtestutils_sjs0.6_2.13" % "0.10.1"
[com.raquo/domtestutils_sjs0.6_2.13 "0.10.1"]


compile (5)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.scala-lang : scala-library jar 2.13.1
org.scala-js : scalajs-library_2.13 jar 0.6.32
com.raquo : domtypes_sjs0.6_2.13 jar 0.9.6
org.scalatest : scalatest_sjs0.6_2.13 jar 3.1.0
org.scala-js : scalajs-dom_sjs0.6_2.13 jar 0.9.8

test (1)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.scala-js : scalajs-test-bridge_2.13 jar 0.6.32

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Scala DOM Test Utils

Maven Central

Scala DOM Test Utils provides a convenient, type-safe way to assert that a real Javascript DOM node matches a certain description using an extensible DSL.

"com.raquo" %%% "domtestutils" % "0.12.0"  // Scala.js 1.x only
"com.raquo" %%% "domtestutils" % "0.10.1"  // Scala.js 0.6.x only

The types of DOM tags, attributes, properties and styles are provided by Scala DOM Types, but you don't need to be using that library in your application code, Scala DOM TestUtils can test any DOM node no matter how it was created.

You can use Scala DOM Test Utils either directly to make assertions, or you if you're writing a DOM construction / manipulation library, to power its own test utils package.

Example Test

// Create a JS DOM node that you want to test (example shows optional Scala DOM Builder syntax)
val jsDomNode: org.scalajs.dom.Node = div(
  rel := "yolo"
  span("Hello, "),
  p("bizzare ", a(href := "", "2017"), span(" world")),
// Mount the DOM node for testing
mount(jsDomNode, "optional clue to show on failure")
// Assert that the mounted node matches the provided description (this test will pass given the input above)
  div like(
    rel is "yolo", // Ensure that rel attribute is "yolo". Note: assertions for properties and styles work similarly 
    span like "Hello, ", // Ensure the this element contains just one text node: "Hello, "
    p like (
      "bizzare ",
      a like (
        href is "",
        title.isEmpty, // Ensure that title attribute is not set
      span like " world"
    hr // Just check existence of element and tag name. Equivalent to `hr like ()` 

The above example defines val jsDomNode using Scala DOM Builder which is a separate project, completely optional. It is a minimal, unopinionated library for building and manipulating Javascript DOM trees. You are free to create the DOM nodes that you want to test in any other way.

See more usage examples in Laminar tests


Canonical usage is to mount one DOM node / tree (e.g. the output of your component) and then test it using the expectNode method.

Alternative is to call expectNode(actualNode, expectedNode), for example if you only want to test a subtree of what you mounted.

If the mechanics of MountOps do not work for you, you can bypass MountOps altogether and just call ExpectedNode.checkNode(actualNode) directly to get a list of errors.

With ScalaTest: Your test suite should extend the MountSpec[Any] trait. Use mount and expectNode methods in your test code. You can call unmount and then mount again within one test if you want to test multiple unrelated nodes (e.g. different variations in a loop). AsyncMountSpec provides similar functionality for async tests.

Without ScalaTest: Write a tiny adapter like MountSpec for your test framework, which would:

  • Extend MountOps and provide doAssert / doFail implementations specific to your test framework
  • Call resetDOM in the beginning of each test, and clearDOM at the end of each test.

Pull requests for such adapters for popular test frameworks are welcome.

To power your library's test utils: If you are building or using a DOM construction / manipulation library like e.g. React, you might want to override the mount / unmount methods to give your library the chance to do proper setup and cleanup. Instead of calling super methods for these, you can make use of assertEmptyContainer / assertRootNodeMounted / mountedElementClue the same way they are used in the default implementations in MountOps.

For an example of the above, see LaminarSpec, which defines custom mounting / unmounting logic for Laminar's reactive nodes.

If all this is more hassle than it's worth for your use case, just forgo MountOps and drop down to calling ExpectedNode.checkNode(actualNode) to get a list of errors, and build your own test util around it.


  • Docs: Add examples without Scala DOM Builder, in this library's own test suite
  • Docs: Explain in more detail how to make assertions
  • Docs: Explain the basics of Scala DOM Types node / attr / etc. types
  • Docs: Explain how to create your own custom rules
  • Docs: Document available assertions
  • Feature: Add anyChildren and/or maybeMoreChildren to allow shallow / focused matching

My Related Projects

  • Scala DOM Types – Type definitions that we use for all the HTML tags, attributes, properties, and styles
  • Laminar – Reactive UI library based on Scala DOM Types
  • Scala DOM Builder – Low-level library for building and manipulating DOM trees


Nikita Gazarov – @raquo

License – MIT

