Rocana Configuration
is a JSON-like configuration format intended to be handled by humans. Some of the additional functionality includes:
- Comments
- Dictionary keys without quotes
- Rich data types such as floats, doubles, data sizes, and durations
- Java API for marshalling configuration files to types
Currently, examples come in the form of unit tests.
- Example complex Java types in src/test/java/com/rocana/configuration
- Tests for reading Configurations into Java types in TestConfigurationParser
- Configurations examples for
in src/test/resources/conf
Comparison with JSON
JSON is a great data interchange format, but is often used as a configuration format. JSON can be tedious to modify by hand because of required quoting for both keys and values.
Comparison with Java Properties
Java Properties files are the de-facto standard for configuration in Java projects. However, they lack a few features that would improve editing by hand:
- Nested data structures
- Non-string keys and values
- Arrays