MELT - Matching EvaLuation Toolkit | SEALS Package Assembly Module

Maven Plugin for creating a ZIP-file for the SEALS platform.





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MELT - Matching EvaLuation Toolkit | SEALS Package Assembly Module
Maven Plugin for creating a ZIP-file for the SEALS platform.
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<!-- -->
implementation 'de.uni-mannheim.informatik.dws.melt:seals-assembly:2.6'
implementation ("de.uni-mannheim.informatik.dws.melt:seals-assembly:2.6")
<dependency org="de.uni-mannheim.informatik.dws.melt" name="seals-assembly" rev="2.6">
  <artifact name="seals-assembly" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='de.uni-mannheim.informatik.dws.melt', module='seals-assembly', version='2.6')
libraryDependencies += "de.uni-mannheim.informatik.dws.melt" % "seals-assembly" % "2.6"
[de.uni-mannheim.informatik.dws.melt/seals-assembly "2.6"]


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org.apache.maven.plugins : maven-assembly-plugin jar 3.1.0

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Group / Artifact Type Version
org.junit.jupiter : junit-jupiter-engine jar 5.6.2
org.slf4j : slf4j-simple jar 1.7.30

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MELT - Matching EvaLuation Toolkit

Java CI Coverage Status Maven Central pre-commit License

MELT is a powerful maven framework for developing, tuning, evaluating, and packaging ontology matching systems. It is optimized to be used in OAEI campaigns and allows to submit matchers to the SEALS and HOBBIT evaluation platform easily. MELT can also be used for non OAEI-related matching tasks and evaluation.

Found a bug? Don't hesitate to open an issue.

How to Cite?

MELT (Main Paper)

Hertling, Sven; Portisch, Jan; Paulheim, Heiko. MELT - Matching EvaLuation Toolkit. SEMANTICS. Karlsruhe, Germany. 2019.

An open-access version of the paper is available here.
The accompanying presentation can be found in the documentation directory.
You can find the LaTex bib entry of the paper here.

MELT Dashboard

Portisch, Jan; Hertling, Sven; Paulheim, Heiko. Visual Analysis of Ontology Matching Results with the MELT Dashboard. ESWC 2020 - Posters and Demos. Heraklion, Greece. 2020.

An open-access version of the paper is available here.
The poster can be found in the documentation directory.
A simple demo for the OAEI 2019 Anatomy and OAEI 2019 Conference tracks can be found here.
You can find the LaTex bib entry of the paper here.


Hertling, Sven; Portisch, Jan; Paulheim, Heiko. Supervised Ontology and Instance Matching with MELT. OM-2020: The Fifteenth International Wokshop on Ontology Matching collocated with the 19th International Semantic Web Conference ISWC-2020. 2020. [to appear]

An open-access version of the paper is available here.
The accompanying presentation can be found in the documentation directory.

Code Examples

The examples folder contains reference examples that you can use to better understand how MELT can be used for different tasks and that can be used as barebone project for specific applications.

Code Documentation / JavaDoc

Matcher Development in Java

MELT is now available in maven central and can be added as a dependency with e.g.:



  1. Pick a class to start with depending on your needs. If you start from scratch MatcherYAAAJena or MatcherYAAAOwlApi are the best fit depending on whether your prefer Jena or the OWL API. Classes that can be extended for matcher implementation:
    • MatcherURL
    • MatcherYAA
    • MatcherYAAAJena
    • MatcherYAAAOwlApi
  2. Implement the match() method.

In More Detail

Yet Another Alignment API (YAAA)

MELT introduces a simple API for matcher development. In the following, the most important classes are explained:

  • Correspondence
    A Correspondence contains a relation (CorrespondenceRelation) that holds between two elements from two different ontologies. In the literature, it is also known as "Mapping Cell" or "Cell". Optionally, a correspondence might have a confidence value, and an identifier. Note that a correspondence can be extended with further attributes. For usability, class DefaultExtensions contains the most common extensions. The correspondence is uniquely identified by the two matching elements as well as the relation.
  • Alignment
    An alignment is a set (no duplicates, no ordering) of multiple Correspondence instances. In the literature, it is also known as "mapping" or "mappings".

Class AlignmentSerializer can be used to persist an alignment to a file and class AlignmentParser can parse an alignment file directly into a Java object.

Development Options

In order to develop a matcher in Java with MELT, the first step is to decide which matching interface to implement. The most general interface is encapsulated in classMatcherURL which receives two URLs of the ontologies to be matched together with a URL referencing an input alignment. The return value should be a URL representing a file with correspondences in the alignment format. Since this interface is not very convenient, we also provide more specialized classes. In the matching-yaaa package we set the alignment library to YAAA. All matchers implementing interfaces from this package have to use the library and get at the same time an easier to handle interface of correspondences. In further specializations we also set the semantic framework which is used to represent the ontologies. For a better usability, the two most well-known frameworks are integrated into MELT: Apache Jena (MatcherYAAAJena) and the OWL API (MatcherYAAAOwlApi). As the latter two classes are organized as separate maven projects, only the libraries which are actually required for the matcher are loaded. In addition, further services were implemented such as an ontology cache which ensures that ontologies are parsed only once. This is helpful, for instance, when the matcher accesses an ontology multiple times, when multiple matchers work together in a pipeline, or when multiple matchers shall be evaluated. The different levels at which a matcher can be developed as well as how the classes presented in this section work together, are displayed in the figure below.


Default Matchers and Filters

MELT offers a wide range of-out-of-the-box matchers and filters.

A filter is a matcher that does not add new correspondences to the alignment but instead further processes the given alignment by (1) removing correspondences and/or (2) adding new feature weights to existing correspondences. MELT default filters implement the Filter interface.

List of Matchers (Selection)

List of Filters (Selection)

  • MachineLearningScikitFilter
    This filter learns and applies a classifier given a training sample and an existing alignment. You can refer to our article Supervised Ontology and Instance Matching with MELT for a more detailed description and application examples. In the example directory, you can find the implementations of the matchers described in the article.
  • NaiveDescendingExtractor
    It iterates over the sorted (descending) correspondences and uses the correspondence with the highest confidence. Afterwards removes every other correspondence with the same source or target.
  • MaxWeightBipartiteExtractor
    Faster implementation than the HungarianExtractor to generate a one-to-one alignment.
  • HungarianExtractor
    Implementation of the Hungarian algorithm to find a one-to-one mapping.
  • ConfidenceFilter
    Simple filter that removes correspondences with a confidence lower than a predefined threshold. Thresholds can be set per type.

External Matcher Development

MELT allows to develop a matcher in any other programming language and wrap it as a SEALS or HOBBIT package. Therefore, class MatcherExternal has to be extended. The interface for the external process is simple. It receives the input variables via the command line and outputs the results via the standard output of the process - similar to many Unix command line tools. All external resources have to be placed in a directory named oaei-resources. An example project for a Python matcher can be found here.

Matcher Evaluation

For a local evaluation within MELT, multiple Metrics and Evaluators are available.


  • MELT defines a simple work flow: After you implemented your matcher, hand it over to an Executor and call run().
  • If you want to evaluate multiple matchers, you can also hand those over to the Executor.
  • The resulting ExecutionResultSet can be given to an evaluator. The default evaluator is EvaluatorCSV.
  • If you want to implement your own evaluator, extend class Evaluator and have a look at our metrics before implementing your own metric - it might already be there.
  • If you know the OAEI and want to use its data: Good. You will never have to download anything from the Web site or fiddle around with file paths. MELT can manage all the data. Just have a look at the TrackRepository, you will find everything you need there.

In More Detail

MELT defines a workflow for matcher execution and evaluation. Therefore, it utilizes the vocabulary used by the OAEI: A matcher can be evaluated on a TestCase, i.e. a single ontology matching task. One or more test cases are summarized in a Track. MELT contains a built-in TrackRepository which allows to access all OAEI tracks and test cases at design time without actually downloading them from the OAEI Web page. At runtime TrackRepository (see Further Services for details) checks whether the required ontologies and alignments are available in the internal buffer; if data is missing, it is automatically downloading and caching it for the next access. The caching mechanism is an advantage over the SEALS platform which downloads all ontologies again at runtime which slows down the evaluation process if run multiple times in a row. If a local data set shall be evaluated, class LocalTrack can be instantiated.

One or more matchers are given, together with the track or test case on which they shall be run, to an Executor. The Executor runs a matcher or a list of matchers on a single test case, a list of test cases, or a track. The run() method of the executor returns an ExecutionResultSet. The latter is a set of ExecutionResult instances which represent individual matching results on a particular test case. Lastly, an Evaluator accepts an ExecutionResultSet and performs an evaluation. Therefore, it may use one or more Metric objects. MELT contains various metrics, such as a ConfusionMatrixMeric, and evaluators. Nonetheless, the framework is designed to allow for the further implementation of evaluators and metrics.

After the Executor ran, an ExecutionResult can be refined by a Refiner. A refiner takes an individual ExecutionResult and makes it smaller. An example is the TypeRefiner which creates additional execution results depending on the type of the alignment (classes, properties, datatype properties, object properties, instances). Another example for an implemented refiner is the ResidualRefiner which only keeps non-trivial correspondences. Refiners can be combined. This means that MELT can calculate very specific evaluation statistics such as the residual precision of datatype property correspondences.

Available Evaluators

  • EvaluatorCSV: Default evaluator for an in-depth analysis of alignments. Multiple CSV files are generated that can be analyzed using a spreadsheet program such as LibreOffice Calc.
  • EvaluatorBasic: A basic evaluator that is easy on memory. Use this evaluator when you run into memory issues with EvaluatorCSV on very large evaluation problems. Note that this evaluator offers less functionality than the default evaluator.
  • EvaluatorMcNemarSignificance: An evaluator for statistical significance tests. This evaluator allows checking whether multiple alignments are significantly different.
  • DashboardBuilder: This evaluator generates an interactive Web UI (MELT Dashboard) to analyze alignments in a self-service BI fashion. You can find an exemplary dashboard for the OAEI 2019 Anatomy and Conference track here.

Note that it is possible to build your own evaluator and call functions from the existing evaluators.

Minimal Evaluation Example

The following code example will execute the SimpleStringMatcher on the Anatomy track and run the default evaluation using EvaluatorCSV. A results directory will be generated containing among others:

  • trackPerformanceCube.csv
    Track evaluation KPIs such as (macro/micro) Precision, Recall, or F1 for the track.
  • testCasePerformanceCube.csv
    Test case evaluation KPIs such as Precision, Recall, or F1.
  • alignmentCube.csv
    Detailed evaluation per correspondence. You can use a spreadsheet program to filter, for example, for only true positives.
// imports...
public class EvaluationPlayground {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ExecutionResultSet result =, new SimpleStringMatcher());
        EvaluatorCSV evaluatorCSV = new EvaluatorCSV(result);

Packaging matchers for SEALS


  1. Have a look at examples/simpleJavaMatcher
  2. Adjust settings in pom.xml to your needs.
  3. Execute mvn clean package or mvn clean install and look in the /target directory for your zip file.

Evaluate Your SEALS Package Using the OAEI SEALS Client

You can set up the SEALS client locally and evaluate your matcher. You can find the documentation of the client here.

Evaluate a SEALS Package Using MELT

You can evaluate any SEALS packaged matcher using the ExecutorSeals. You may have to give execution rights to the SEALS jar (chmod +x seals-omt-client.jar ).


// imports...
public class SealsPlayground {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String sealsClientJar = "<path to SEALS jar>";
        String sealsHome = "<path to SEALS home directory>";
        // the SEALS client requires java 8
        String java8command = "<java 8 command>";
        // you do not have to unzip (but you can)
        String pathToSealsPackage = "<zipped or unzipped seals package>";
        // just one of many constructors:
        ExecutorSeals es = new ExecutorSeals(java8command, sealsClientJar, sealsHome);
        // using default evaluation capabilities
        EvaluatorCSV evaluatorCSV = new EvaluatorCSV(, pathToSealsPackage));

Packaging Matchers for SEALS and HOBBIT


  1. Have a look at examples/simpleJavaMatcher
  2. Create hobbit account and gitlab access token
  3. Adjust settings in pom.xml to your needs
  4. Implement your matcher (see Matcher development)
  5. Execute mvn deploy to create seals zip and deploy docker image to hobbit server
    • if you only execute mvn install it will create seals zip and hobbit docker image locally
    • if you execute mvn package only seals zip will be created
  6. The seals zip can be found in the target folder and the hobbit docker image in the local docker repository

In More Detail

  • for Hobbit submission
  • user name should be the first part (local part - everything before the @) of your mail address
  • more information at the hobbit wiki page
  • update settings in gitlab (in Hobbit every matcher corresponds to a gitlab project)
    • go to page and log in (same account as for the platform itself)
    • click on the upper right user icon and choose settings
  • create a Personal Access Token (click on Access Tokens give it a name and choose only the api scope)
    • use this access token and your username and password to create the settings file (see the pom.xml)
  • adjust pom.xml to your needs
    • definitely change the following:
      • groupId and artifactId (only artifactId is used to identify the matcher -> make it unique)
      • oaei.mainClass: set it to the fully qualified path to the matcher (the class implementing IOntologyMatchingToolBridge or any subclass like MatcherURL or MatcherYAAAJena)
      • benchmarks: change the benchmarks to the ones your system can deal with
      • create a settings file with username, password and access_token (see an example at the bottom of the simpleJavaMatcher pom file)
  • implement your matcher (see Matcher development)
  • build your matcher
    • execute maven goals from command line or from any IDE
    • mvn package will only build seals zip
    • mvn install will create seals zip and hobbit docker image locally
      • On MacOS, you have to run export DOCKER_HOST=unix:///var/run/docker.sock (see issue of docker-maven-plugin) in order to allow maven to communicate with docker.
    • mvn deploy will create seals zip and deploy docker image to hobbit server
  • submit your matcher
    • for SEALS upload the generated seals file {artifactId}-{version} in the target folder
    • for Hobbit call mvn deploy

Evaluate Your Matcher in HOBBIT

  • you can start an experiment in hobbit online platform
  • select the benchmark you want to use
  • select the system you want to use
  • (optionally) specify configuration parameters and click on submit
  • click on the Hobbit ID in the pop up to see the results (reload the page if it is not finished)
  • more information at the hobbit wiki page 'Benchmarking' and 'Browsing Results'.

Further Services

OAEI Track Repository

The TrackRepository checks whether the required ontologies and alignments are available in the cache folder (~/oaei_track_cache); if data is missing, it is automatically downloading and caching it for the next access.

Exemplary call using the TrackRepository:

// access the Anatomy track

// access all Conference test cases

The resulting instances can be directly used by the Executor or any other MELT functionality that requires tracks or test cases.

Available tracks as SEALS Repository

MELT also provides a server which mocks the SEALS repository and hosts the following tracks:

Name Repository Suite-ID Version-ID
anatomy anatomy_track anatomy_track-default
conference conference conference-v1
knowledgegraph knowledgegraph v3
iimb iimb v1
biodiv biodiv 2018
link link 2017
phenotype phenotype
  • phenotype-hp-mp-2017-bioportal
  • phenotype-doid-ordo-2017-bioportal
multifarm <language_pair> <language_pair>-v2
largebio largebio
  • largebio-all_tasks_2016
  • largebio-fma_nci_small_2016
  • largebio-fma_nci_whole_2016
  • largebio-fma_snomed_small_2016
  • largebio-fma_snomed_whole_2016
  • largebio-snomed_nci_small_2016
  • largebio-snomed_nci_whole_2016
complex geolink
GeoLinkCruise geolinkcruise geolinkcruise-v1
Laboratory laboratory laboratory-v1

Available multifarm language pairs:
ar-cn, ar-cz, ar-de, ar-en, ar-es, ar-fr, ar-nl, ar-pt, ar-ru, cn-cz, cn-de, cn-en, cn-es, cn-fr, cn-nl, cn-pt, cn-ru, cz-de, cz-en, cz-es, cz-fr, cz-nl, cz-pt, cz-ru, de-en, de-es, de-fr, de-nl, de-pt, de-ru, en-es, en-fr, en-nl, en-pt, en-ru, es-fr, es-nl, es-pt, es-ru, fr-nl, fr-pt, fr-ru, nl-pt, nl-ru, pt-ru

TestCase/Track Validation Service

Creating new tracks and test case can be very cumbersome. The MELT validation service allows you to check whether your test cases:

  1. Contain parseable ontologies.
  2. Contain a parseable reference alignment.
  3. Mention only URIs in the reference alignment that also appear in the corresponding source and target ontologies.

Exemplary call using the TestCaseValidationService:

URI sourceUri = new File("<path to source ontology file>").toURI();
URI targetUri = new File("<path to target ontology file>").toURI();
URI referenceUri = new File("<path to reference alignment file>").toURI();
TestCase testCase = new TestCase("FSDM", sourceUri, targetUri, referenceUri, null);
TestCaseValidationService validator = new TestCaseValidationService(testCase)

You can also test your track on different versions of Jena and the OWL API automatically by adapting the TestLocalFile and running runAll.cmd in the Windows shell. The release versions to be tested can be edited in the corresponding pom.xml.

Python Integration

The MELT-ML module exposes some machine learning functionality that is implemented in Python. This is achieved through the start of a python process within Java. The communication is performed through local HTTP calls. This is also shown in the following figure.


The program will use the default python command of your system path. Note that Python 3 is required together with the dependencies listed in /matching-ml/melt-resources/requirements.txt.

If you want to use a special python environment, you can create a file named python_command.txt in your melt-resources directory (create if not existing) containing the path to your python executable. You can, for example, use the executable of a certain Anaconda environment.



Here, an Anaconda environment, named matching will be used.

Modules Overview

The ontology matching framework is grouped into multiple maven modules which are described below.


Simple alignment API (Yet Another Alignment API, YAAA) offering data structures for Ontology Alignments as well as additional alignment-related services.


Contains the basic interfaces to implement a matcher e.g. MatcherURL.


Contains various tools to evaluate the performance of matchers and to analyze their result.


Contains Jena-based classes related to matcher development as well as additional services such as caching of source and target ontologies.


Contains modularized matchers that can be used to quickly assemble matching systems. Note that it is possible to easily chain those matchers building a matching pipeline.


The machine learning extension for MELT. The ML extension allows communicating with a Python backend. Currently, gensim is supported. The module also contains a client to consume KGvec2go vectors.


Contains OWL-API-based classes related to matcher development as well as additional services such as caching of source and target ontologies.


Contains various validation services to validate new tracks and test cases. Validation includes parseability by multiple libraries using different releases and further checks.


Maven Plugin for creating a ZIP-file for the SEALS platform.


Maven Plugin for defining which files the docker image should contain (for the HOBBIT platform).


Contains a wrapper for HOBBIT platform (implements the interface used in HOBBIT and transforms the calls to MatcherURL interface).


Maven Plugin for creating a container for the HOBBIT platform.


Contains matcher classes for matchers that are implemented in another environment than Java (such as a python matcher).


Tool for submitting a Track/Testcase in HOBBIT (only interesting for OAEI track organizers).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

I have a multiple SEALS packages and I want to use MELT's group evaluation functionalities. What is the simplest way to do so?
SEALS packages were wrapped for the SEALS platform. If the matchers were not developed using MELT or you are not sure whether they were developed with MELT, one option is to create the alignment files by executing the matchers using the SEALS client. Afterwards, you can read the alignment files (e.g. method loadFromFolder of class Executor).
Alternatively (and more easily), you can install the SEALS client and run the SEALS packages from within MELT using ExecutorSeals. This executor will start the evaluation in SEALS directly from the framework and can be used to conveniently evaluate one or more matchers. Like the default Executor, ExecutorSeals will return an ExecutionResultSet that can then be further processed by any evaluator. When calling run(), system alignment files and any output will also be stored on disk and can be reused at a later point in time. You can also set the maximum time you want MELT to allocate to a particular matcher. If the matcher does not finish within the given time limit, MELT will stop the process and proceed with the next test case or matcher. ExecutorSeals can read zipped, unzipped (or a mix of both) SEALS packages.

I am running a SEALS matcher that was packaged with MELT and uses some python component. On my system, the default python command does not refer to Python 3. How can this situation be resolved?
A folder melt-resouces in the working directory (perhaps $SEALS_HOME) has to be created. In there a file python_command.txt containing your full python path should be placed. This applies to all MELT packaged matchers that use the ML module. In other cases, you can also try to create a directory oaei-resources rather than melt-resources and place the python_command.txt` there.

Is there more documentation?
MELT is far more powerful than documented here. This README is intended to give an overview of the framework. For specific code snippets, have a look at the examples. Note that classes, interfaces, and methods are extensively documented using JavaDoc.



The Data and Web Science Group at the University of Mannheim, Germany

