Project Group: dk.netdesign


dk.netdesign : mybatis-extender-api

osgi based mybatis following the extender pattern. Expose your mapper interfaces and get an implementation in return. Just like the guice or spring integrations.

Last Version: 2.0.0

Release Date:


dk.netdesign : mybatis-extender-runtime

osgi based mybatis following the extender pattern. Expose your mapper interfaces and get an implementation in return. Just like the guice or spring integrations.

Last Version: 2.0.0

Release Date:


dk.netdesign : mybatis-extender-feature

osgi based mybatis following the extender pattern. Expose your mapper interfaces and get an implementation in return. Just like the guice or spring integrations.

Last Version: 2.0.0

Release Date:


dk.netdesign : mybatis-extender-sample-hsql

osgi based mybatis following the extender pattern. Expose your mapper interfaces and get an implementation in return. Just like the guice or spring integrations.

Last Version: 2.0.0

Release Date:


dk.netdesign : mybatis-extender-sample-sqllite

osgi based mybatis following the extender pattern. Expose your mapper interfaces and get an implementation in return. Just like the guice or spring integrations.

Last Version: 2.0.0

Release Date:


dk.netdesign : mybatis-extender-integrationtest

osgi based mybatis following the extender pattern. Expose your mapper interfaces and get an implementation in return. Just like the guice or spring integrations.

Last Version: 2.0.0

Release Date:


dk.netdesign : mybatis-extender-parent

osgi based mybatis following the extender pattern. Expose your mapper interfaces and get an implementation in return. Just like the guice or spring integrations.

Last Version: 2.0.0

Release Date:

ManagedProperties Service

dk.netdesign : managedproperties-service

This project is meant to simplyfy the usage of the excelent Configuration Admin and MetaType services for Felix OSGi. The bundle will create a service that allows other bundles to register an annotated interface. The ManagedProperties service will then create all the Metatype information, as well as ensuring that objects are cast to their right types. ManagedProperties also has a feature called Filters. A Filter is used to create an object, say a File, directly from a primitive Configuration Admin type. It can also contain logic, to allow the configuration to fail if, for example, a File doesn't exist.

Last Version: 2.0.2

Release Date:

ManagedProperties Test Resources

dk.netdesign : managedproperties-test-resources

This project is meant to simplyfy the usage of the excelent Configuration Admin and MetaType services for Felix OSGi. The bundle will create a service that allows other bundles to register an annotated interface. The ManagedProperties service will then create all the Metatype information, as well as ensuring that objects are cast to their right types. ManagedProperties also has a feature called Filters. A Filter is used to create an object, say a File, directly from a primitive Configuration Admin type. It can also contain logic, to allow the configuration to fail if, for example, a File doesn't exist.

Last Version: 2.0.2

Release Date:

managedproperties feature

dk.netdesign : managedproperties-feature

Managedproperties is a handler that uses ConfigurationAdmin and Metadata service to simplify centralized configuration

Last Version: 2.0.2

Release Date:

Netdesign Managed Properties

dk.netdesign : managedproperties

This project is meant to simplyfy the usage of the excelent Configuration Admin and MetaType services for Felix OSGi. The bundle will create a service that allows other bundles to register an annotated interface. The ManagedProperties service will then create all the Metatype information, as well as ensuring that objects are cast to their right types. ManagedProperties also has a feature called Filters. A Filter is used to create an object, say a File, directly from a primitive Configuration Admin type. It can also contain logic, to allow the configuration to fail if, for example, a File doesn't exist.

Last Version: 2.0.2

Release Date:

ManagedProperties Wicket

dk.netdesign : managedproperties-wicket

This project is meant to simplyfy the usage of the excelent Configuration Admin and MetaType services for Felix OSGi. The bundle will create a service that allows other bundles to register an annotated interface. The ManagedProperties service will then create all the Metatype information, as well as ensuring that objects are cast to their right types. ManagedProperties also has a feature called Filters. A Filter is used to create an object, say a File, directly from a primitive Configuration Admin type. It can also contain logic, to allow the configuration to fail if, for example, a File doesn't exist.

Last Version: 2.0.2

Release Date:

ManagedProperties test consumer

dk.netdesign : managedproperties-consumer

This project is meant to simplyfy the usage of the excelent Configuration Admin and MetaType services for Felix OSGi. The bundle will create a service that allows other bundles to register an annotated interface. The ManagedProperties service will then create all the Metatype information, as well as ensuring that objects are cast to their right types. ManagedProperties also has a feature called Filters. A Filter is used to create an object, say a File, directly from a primitive Configuration Admin type. It can also contain logic, to allow the configuration to fail if, for example, a File doesn't exist.

Last Version: 2.0.2

Release Date:

ManagedProperties Integration Test

dk.netdesign : managedproperties-itest

This project is meant to simplyfy the usage of the excelent Configuration Admin and MetaType services for Felix OSGi. The bundle will create a service that allows other bundles to register an annotated interface. The ManagedProperties service will then create all the Metatype information, as well as ensuring that objects are cast to their right types. ManagedProperties also has a feature called Filters. A Filter is used to create an object, say a File, directly from a primitive Configuration Admin type. It can also contain logic, to allow the configuration to fail if, for example, a File doesn't exist.

Last Version: 2.0.2

Release Date:

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