Java project that tests GreenfootKara programs

Provides a framework to compile and test GreenfootKara programs. It also integrates Maven and several static analysis tools.



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Java project that tests GreenfootKara programs
Provides a framework to compile and test GreenfootKara programs. It also integrates Maven and several static analysis tools.
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How to add to project

<!-- -->
implementation ''
implementation ("")
<dependency org="" name="karatest" rev="3.3.1">
  <artifact name="karatest" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='', module='karatest', version='3.3.1')
libraryDependencies += "" % "karatest" % "3.3.1"
[ "3.3.1"]


compile (7)

Group / Artifact Type Version : codingstyle jar 1.6.0
org.apache.commons : commons-lang3 jar 3.11
org.mockito : mockito-core jar 3.6.0
org.assertj : assertj-core jar 3.18.1
org.junit.jupiter : junit-jupiter-api jar 5.7.0
com.github.spotbugs : spotbugs-annotations jar 4.1.4 : error_prone_annotations jar 2.4.0

test (5)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.junit.jupiter : junit-jupiter-engine jar 5.7.0
org.junit.platform : junit-platform-launcher jar 1.7.0
org.junit.jupiter : junit-jupiter-params jar 5.7.0
com.tngtech.archunit : archunit-junit5-api jar 0.14.1
com.tngtech.archunit : archunit-junit5-engine jar 0.14.1

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.

Testing GreenfootKara Programs

GreenfootKara programs are only runnable using the integrated development environment Greenfoot with manual interaction. KaraTest adds a unit test feature for GreenfootKara programs. Using this extension, you can create simple JUnit tests to validate existing GreenfootKara programs. You can start these unit tests either in an arbitrary development environment (e.g., IntelliJ, Eclipse, ...) or in a terminal using the build management tool Maven. All you need is to deploy your scenarios and tests into the proposed folders of this project. Greenfoot is not required to start and evaluate these tests: all dependencies to Greenfoot are replaced with a mock that is intercepting calls to Greenfoot.

Additionally, static code analysis has been configured so that the code could be checked for common bug patterns (FindBugs), for coding style violations (CheckStyle), and for conformance to best practices (PMD). The configuration of these tools is derived from my Java coding style (currently available in German only).

This project has been used in my lecture Software development with Java to automatically evaluate the solutions of weekly assignments. Because of this I applied several naming conventions to simplify the processing. These naming conventions are not required to use KaraTest as a library, so feel free to change these values if required.

This project requires installation of JDK 8 und Maven 3.x.

Configuring the scenarios

KaraTest basically uses the same input files as Greenfoot, i.e. it is based on scenarios. Rather then always using the class MyKara to develop the solution for a scenario the classes Assignment1, Assignment2, etc. are used. In order to test a scenario you need a corresponding GreenfootKara scenario with such an assignment class. These scenarios must be located in the folder scenarios. They follow the naming convention assignment1, assignment2, etc. Scenarios are independent of each other, i.e. you can copy these folders to or from any place you like in order to prepare the installation.

Creating the tests

The tests of a scenario use the typical JUnit naming conventions and are named,, etc. For each assignment multiple tests could be specified using a public void method with an @Test annotation. In order to get these tests automatically evaluated, they must follow the Maven conventions and must be copied to the folder src/test/java. Tests (as well as the actual assignments) are located in the default package. The tests are not part of a scenario folder.

Example scenario

An example is available that shows the basic concepts of this project: assignment0. Here you can see how to structure the scenarios. A unit test is available as well: Assignment0Test. In this assignment, a world containing a diamond needs to be created. The provided unit test checks the program by inspecting the created world after the program. (All examples start with an empty world. Have a look at the various verifyWorld methods in AbstractKaraTest to see on how to start with an existing world). Note that the unit tests will fail after a given timeout has been exceeded. So the evaluation will not hang due to broken solutions.

Running the tests

You can start the tests for all scenarios in a terminal using the following command:

  mvn clean test

Running the static analysis

You can generate various project reports in a terminal using the following command:

  mvn clean test -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true site

You can visit the generated reports in the browser afterwards: just navigate to the index file in the output folder target/site/index.html.


In order to validate only classes of the actual assignments, the files,, etc. are copied from the folder scenarios to the folder target/copied-assignments during execution of Maven. I.e. in folder target/copied-assignments only the actual assignment classes are visible, the dependencies are not available here. Do not edit these files, since they will be overridden during the next run of Maven. Also, if you open a scenario in the folder scenarios with Greenfoot then the containing files are automatically updated by Greenfoot, i.e. these files might be not in sync anymore with the files in folder target/copied-assignments!


All source code in folder src is copyrighted by Ullrich Hafner and licensed under the MIT license.

The original source code of GreenfootKara 2.2.1 in the examples scenarios is copyrighted by Marco Jakob.

