Project Group: org.javolution


org.javolution : javolution

Javolution - Java Solution for Real-Time and Embedded Systems. This project provides a Java library and a (mirror) C++ library. Both libraries are maven-based and can be used to build multi-platform real-time applications or to port Java applications to C++. The C++ library contains already a port of OSGi and JUnit (demonstrated by the subproject test-cpp).

Last Version: 6.0.0

Release Date:

Javolution Core (Java)

org.javolution : javolution-core-java

Javolution - Java Solution for Real-Time and Embedded Systems. This project provides a Java library and a (mirror) C++ library. Both libraries are maven-based and can be used to build multi-platform real-time applications or to port Java applications to C++. The C++ library contains already a port of OSGi and JUnit (demonstrated by the subproject test-cpp).

Last Version: 6.0.0

Release Date:

Javolution Core (C++)

org.javolution : libjavolution-core-cpp

Javolution - Java Solution for Real-Time and Embedded Systems. This project provides a Java library and a (mirror) C++ library. Both libraries are maven-based and can be used to build multi-platform real-time applications or to port Java applications to C++. The C++ library contains already a port of OSGi and JUnit (demonstrated by the subproject test-cpp).

Last Version: 6.0.0

Release Date:


org.javolution : colapi

Colapi - Maven Plugin to colorize Java source code examples in javadoc.

Last Version: 2.0

Release Date:

MSVC Factories

org.javolution : javolution-msvc

Provides environment factories missing from the current maven native plugin distribution: MSVC2010x86EnvFactory, MSVC2010x86AMD64EnvFactory

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

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