JAX-SB Generator

The JAX-SB Generator is a comprehensive framework to facilitate the use of XML in software languages such as Java. This framework intends to provide tools that will allow a developer to easily integrate XML interoperability, bind XML Schemas, and analyze XML Schemas for use with any software. Currently there is only one language and one application that is supported: XML Binding in Java. Next on the agenda is the development of analysis tools for XML Schema Documents. For instance, imagine a tool that will allow you to determine whether an XSD complies to best-practices. This tool will: 1) produce warnings for structures that do not comply to best-practices, 2) tell the developer whether the logical structure can be transformed linearly to a form that complies to best-practices, and 3) to automatically produce an XSD that maintains the logical structure of the original document but now fully complies to best-practices. This is just one of many tools that will be available shortly. In the meantime, check out the binding application.







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Last Version

Release Date

Release Date





JAX-SB Generator
The JAX-SB Generator is a comprehensive framework to facilitate the use of XML in software languages such as Java. This framework intends to provide tools that will allow a developer to easily integrate XML interoperability, bind XML Schemas, and analyze XML Schemas for use with any software. Currently there is only one language and one application that is supported: XML Binding in Java. Next on the agenda is the development of analysis tools for XML Schema Documents. For instance, imagine a tool that will allow you to determine whether an XSD complies to best-practices. This tool will: 1) produce warnings for structures that do not comply to best-practices, 2) tell the developer whether the logical structure can be transformed linearly to a form that complies to best-practices, and 3) to automatically produce an XSD that maintains the logical structure of the original document but now fully complies to best-practices. This is just one of many tools that will be available shortly. In the meantime, check out the binding application.
Project Organization

Project Organization


Download generator

How to add to project

<!-- https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/org.jaxsb/generator/ -->
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/org.jaxsb/generator/
implementation 'org.jaxsb:generator:2.1.6'
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/org.jaxsb/generator/
implementation ("org.jaxsb:generator:2.1.6")
<dependency org="org.jaxsb" name="generator" rev="2.1.6">
  <artifact name="generator" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='org.jaxsb', module='generator', version='2.1.6')
libraryDependencies += "org.jaxsb" % "generator" % "2.1.6"
[org.jaxsb/generator "2.1.6"]


compile (6)

Group / Artifact Type Version
com.google.googlejavaformat : google-java-format jar 1.7
com.google.guava : guava jar 27.1-jre
org.libj : io jar 0.7.7
org.libj : jci jar 0.8.5
org.jaxsb : runtime jar 2.1.6
ch.qos.logback : logback-classic jar 1.2.3

test (3)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.libj : test jar 0.7.1
junit : junit jar 4.12
org.mockito : mockito-core jar 3.1.0

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.


Build Status Coverage Status Javadocs Released Version Snapshot Version


JAX-SB is a Java framework for binding to XML Schemas. The JAX-SB framework provides a complete solution for cohesive integration of Java applications to XML Documents via XML Schemas. The framework provides a JAX-SB Java Source Code Generator and a JAX-SB Runtime to parse and marshal XML Documents to and from Java objects. The JAX-SB framework is a complete implementation and covers the entirety of the XSD 1.1 Specification.


Supports entire XSD Specification

JAX-SB supports all directives of the XSD Specification, and generates bindings with highest degree of cohesion possible with the Java language. JAX-SB supports the following:


JAX-SB provides complete binding to the namespaces and types defined in XML Schemas (import and include), and preserves prefix definitions.


JAX-SB provides binding to simpleType, complexType, element, group, attribute, attributeGroup, notation, any and anyAttribute structural types.


JAX-SB provides binding to annotation, documentation, key, keyref and unique.


JAX-SB provides binding to xs:type, xs:ref, all, sequence, choice,

Definition facets

JAX-SB provides binding to the complexContent, restriction, extension, list and union facets.

restriction facets

JAX-SB provides binding to the enumeration, pattern and [min|max][Inclusive|Exclusive].

xsi:type and redefine facets

JAX-SB properly binds to elements that use the xsi:type and redefine directives, which is represented by Java's class inheritance model.

Getting Started


  • Java 8 - The minimum required JDK version.
  • Maven - The dependency management system.


  1. Create a example.xsd XML Schema and put it in src/main/resources/.

      <xs:element name="example">
            <xs:element name="hello">
                <xs:attribute name="world" type="xs:boolean" use="required"/>
  2. Add the org.jaxsb:jaxsb-maven-plugin to the POM.

  3. Add the org.jaxsb:jaxsb-runtime dependency to the POM.

  4. Run mvn install. Upon successful execution of the jaxsb-maven-plugin, a new path will be generated in target/generated-sources/jaxsb. Add this path to your Build Paths in your IDE to integrate into your project. A class by the name of com.mycompany.app.example.xe contains the bindings to example.xsd.

  5. Create a XML Document in src/test/resources.

      xsi:schemaLocation="http://mycompany.com/app/example.xsd ../../main/resources/example.xsd">
      <hello world="true"/>
  6. To parse the XML file into Java objects. In your App.java:

    ex_example example = (ex_example)Bindings.parse(new InputSource(Resources.getResourceOrFile("example.xml").getURL().openStream()));
  7. To marshal JAX-SB Java objects to a XML String:

    System.out.println(DOMs.domToString(Bindings.marshal(example), DOMStyle.INDENT));


Samples are provided in the JAX-SB source code:

git clone [email protected]:jaxsb/jaxsb.git
cd jaxsb/sample
mvn install


Tutorials are provided in the JAX-SB source code:

git clone [email protected]:jaxsb/jaxsb.git
cd jaxsb/tutorial
mvn install

Known Issues

The JAX-SB framework is not suitable for processing of large XML Documents (in the 100s of MBs). Built on top of Java's org.w3c.dom implementation of the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Core Specification, XML Documents parsed and marshalled by JAX-SB consume a significant amount of memory. Work is underway for JAX-SB v3 to use Java's SAX Parser, which will allow the framework to process XML Documents of unbounded size.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details.

