A commandline Java-based generator for JSON Web Keys (JWK) and JSON Private/Shared Keys (JPSKs).
To compile, run mvn package
. This will generate a json-web-key-generator-0.9-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
in the /target
To generate a key, run java -jar target/json-web-key-generator-0.9-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -t <keytype>
. Several other arguments are defined which may be required depending on your key type:
usage: java -jar json-web-key-generator.jar -t <keyType> [options]
-t,--type <arg> Key Type, one of: RSA, oct, EC, OKP
-s,--size <arg> Key Size in bits, required for RSA and oct key
types. Must be an integer divisible by 8
-c,--curve <arg> Key Curve, required for EC or OKP key type.
Must be one of P-256, secp256k1, P-384, P-521
for EC keys or one of Ed25519, Ed448, X25519,
X448 for OKP keys.
-u,--usage <arg> Usage, one of: enc, sig (optional)
-a,--algorithm <arg> Algorithm (optional)
-i,--id <arg> Key ID (optional), one will be generated if not
-g,--idGenerator <arg> Key ID generation method (optional). Can be one
of: date, timestamp, sha256, sha1, none. If
omitted, generator method defaults to
-I,--noGenerateId <deprecated> Don't generate a Key ID.
(Deprecated, use '-g none' instead.)
-p,--showPubKey Display public key separately (if applicable)
-S,--keySet Wrap the generated key in a KeySet
-o,--output <arg> Write output to file. Will append to existing
KeySet if -S is used. Key material will not be
displayed to console.
-P,--pubKeyOutput <arg> Write public key to separate file. Will append
to existing KeySet if -S is used. Key material
will not be displayed to console. '-o/--output'
must be declared as well.
-x,--x509 Display keys in X509 PEM format