

org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers : gwt-openlayers-cas-server

GWT-OpenLayers is a GWT Wrapper for the OpenLayers JavaScript Map Library

Last Version: 1.1.0

Release Date:

Openlayers - Examples

org.wicketstuff : openlayers-examples

See the child project "openlayers" for a more complete description. This is the parent for the actual project and the examples.

Last Version: 7.0.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 5.3.1

Release Date:

Openlayers3 Integration - Parent

org.wicketstuff : openlayers3-parent

See the child project "openlayers3" for a more complete description. This is the parent for the actual project and the examples.

Last Version: 9.10.0

Release Date:


org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers : gwt-openlayers-showcase

GWT-OpenLayers is a GWT Wrapper for the OpenLayers JavaScript Map Library

Last Version: 1.1.0

Release Date:

Openlayers3 - Examples

org.wicketstuff : openlayers3-examples

See the child project "openlayers3" for a more complete description. This is the parent for the actual project and the examples.

Last Version: 7.0.0

Release Date:

Openlayers - Proxy

org.wicketstuff : openlayers-proxy

For Web Feature Service Requests a Proxy needs to be used. The need for a proxy is due to browser cross site scripting restrictions. It is separated from the main package due to its dependency on commons-httpclient and because it is only needed for WFS or WMSGetFeatureInfo requests.

Last Version: 1.5-RC5.1

Release Date:


org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers : gwt-openlayers

GWT-OpenLayers is a GWT Wrapper for the OpenLayers JavaScript Map Library

Last Version: 1.1.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 5.3.3

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.4.1

Release Date:

GeoMesa Jupyter

org.locationtech.geomesa : geomesa-jupyter_2.11

A distributed spatio-temporal database built on a number of cloud data storage systems

Last Version: 3.4.1

Release Date:

GeoMesa GeoServer WFS Extension

org.geomesa.geoserver : geomesa-gs-wfs_2.11

Software to help integrate GeoMesa and GeoServer

Last Version: 3.4.1

Release Date:


io.advantageous.discovery : lokate-mesos

Reactive Discovery client for Consul and DNS

Last Version: 1.1.5

Release Date:


io.advantageous.konf : konf-yaml-bean

Java configuration using YAML.

Last Version: 1.0.0.RELEASE

Release Date:

52°North Iceland Statistics Geolocation Feature

org.n52.iceland : statistics-geolocation

52°North iceland statistics extension for IP-based geolocation

Last Version: 2.0.0

Release Date:

GeoMesa Arrow Parent

org.locationtech.geomesa : geomesa-arrow_2.12

A distributed spatio-temporal database built on a number of cloud data storage systems

Last Version: 3.4.1

Release Date:

Geonames Solr Index

com.googlecode.solr-geonames : solr-geonames

The project indexes all of the geonames data used in our other projects in its own embedded Solr index and bundle as a WAR for distribution and deployment.

Last Version: 1.0

Release Date:


ch.cordsen : geojson-serializer

A library with a JsonSerializer and a set of annotations to serialize any PoJo as GeoJSON.

Last Version: 0.6.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.2.6

Release Date:

QuickGeo - AU

org.quickgeo : quickgeo-au

The parent POM for the QuickGeo project

Last Version: 0.1.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.12.2

Release Date:


eu.socialsensor : geo-util

A collection of methods that facilitate the analysis and indexing of geographical data.

Last Version: 0.1

Release Date:


org.locationtech.geotrellis : geotrellis-cassandra-spark_2.11

geographic data processing library for high performance applications

Last Version: 3.5.2

Release Date:

Geolocation API

com.harium.api : geolocation

Unofficial API

Last Version: 1.0.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.2.0

Release Date:

Apache Stanbol Enhancement Engine : Geonames Linking

org.apache.stanbol : org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.geonames

Enhancement engine that consumes TextAnnotations and creates EntityAnnotations using the GIS service

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

QuickGeo - TH

org.quickgeo : quickgeo-th

The parent POM for the QuickGeo project

Last Version: 0.1.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.5.5

Release Date:

MyGeoTrsut Library

org.mygeotrust.mygtlib : mygtlib

The Library aims to support thrid party developer to use mygeotrust service

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:


com.github.filosganga : geogson

GeoJSON support for Google Gson

Last Version: 1.4.31

Release Date:


io.georocket : georocket-docs

GeoRocket is a high-performance data store for geospatial files

Last Version: 1.3.0

Release Date:

Plugins configuration files

org.geoserver.maven : build-configs

Contains the configuration files for a few plugins (for the moment, Jalopy only) so that there's no need to replicate them, put them on a remote server, or use an absolute path.

Last Version: 1.7.0

Release Date:


net.lecousin.framework : geometry

This POM defines common properties and plugins for other projects, such as checkstyle, spotbugs or Java version

Last Version: 0.1.0

Release Date:


org.geotoolkit : modules

The modules that are components of the library.

Last Version: 3.20-geoapi-3.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.3.1

Release Date:

GeoMesa HBase Distribution

org.locationtech.geomesa : geomesa-hbase-dist_2.11

A distributed spatio-temporal database built on a number of cloud data storage systems

Last Version: 3.4.1

Release Date:


io.warp10 : warp10-ext-geotransform

Extension to transform coordinates from one geographic coordinate system to another. Based on Proj4J.

Last Version: 0.2.3-uberjar

Release Date:


com.github.vhmeirelles : gwt-geocluster

A gwt module to work with geolocation clusters.

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:


io.github.piruin : geok-js

Kotlin geometry library

Last Version: 1.2.2

Release Date:

GeoMesa Convert Simple Feature

org.locationtech.geomesa : geomesa-convert-simplefeature_2.11

A distributed spatio-temporal database built on a number of cloud data storage systems

Last Version: 3.4.1

Release Date:

Maven Timeline plugin

net.gageot : maven-timeline

Output the timeline of a build to am html file

Last Version: 1.3

Release Date:

GeoAPI conformance

org.opengis : geoapi-conformance

Utility methods for testing conformance of a GeoAPI implementation. Provides Validators for testing the conformance of an existing instance, and suites of JUnit tests.

Last Version: 3.0.1

Release Date: