

com.ling5821 : jetgeo-spring-boot-starter

This is a library that implements coordinate inverse geocoding without calling other apis

Last Version: 1.2.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 5.0.0-alpha5

Release Date:


io.matthewnelson.kotlin-components : kmp-tor-binary-geoip

Kotlin Components' Tor geoip file resource distribution

Last Version:

Release Date:


org.codelibs.fesen.module : fesen-geo

This project provides Search Engine Software.

Last Version: 0.16.0

Release Date:

Cartogram geo

de.dandit : cartogram-geo

The jacart geo project for integrating geotools and jts with cartogram creation

Last Version: 0.2.0

Release Date:

SchemaSpy Maven Plugin

nl.geodienstencentrum.maven : schemaspy-maven-plugin

A Maven plugin designed to generate reports using the SchemaSpy command-line tool. SchemaSpy generates interactive HTML and graphical technical documentation describing a relational database.

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.4.1

Release Date:

Logisland IP2Geo Service Packages

com.hurence.logisland : logisland-service-ip-to-geo

Module containing all logisland services that can geo localize an ip

Last Version: 1.4.0

Release Date:


com.lightbend.akka : akka-stream-alpakka-geode_2.11

Alpakka is a Reactive Enterprise Integration library for Java and Scala, based on Reactive Streams and Akka.

Last Version: 2.0.2

Release Date:


io.data2viz.d2v : d2v-geo-iosX64

Data2viz d2v-geo library

Last Version: 0.9.1

Release Date:

Calrissian Accumulo Recipes Geospatial Store

org.calrissian.accumulorecipes : geospatial-store

The Geospatial store allows events to be stored under geohashes so that they can be queried back when given rectangular geo-bounds.

Last Version: 2.0.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.4.0-M0

Release Date:


io.github.georgwittberger : extend-mdc

A Java aspect to extend the logging MDC with annotation-defined values and method arguments

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:


io.github.whilein.wcommons : geo-ipinfo-impl

Geolocation lookup implementation for ipinfo service

Last Version: 1.0.2

Release Date:


com.github.geoladris.apps : demo

Demo app for Geoladris

Last Version: 7.0.0

Release Date:


me.ihxq.projects : phone-number-geo

find geo info for phone numbers which belongs to china.

Last Version: 1.0.9-202108

Release Date:

QuickGeo - GG

org.quickgeo : quickgeo-gg

The parent POM for the QuickGeo project

Last Version: 0.1.0

Release Date:


org.locationtech.geotrellis : geotrellis-vectortile_2.13

geographic data processing library for high performance applications

Last Version: 3.6.2

Release Date:


com.geotab : java-sdk

Geotab java sdk.

Last Version: 7.0.1

Release Date:

GeoMesa Accumulo Distribution

org.locationtech.geomesa : geomesa-accumulo-dist_2.12

A distributed spatio-temporal database built on a number of cloud data storage systems

Last Version: 3.4.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 10.9.1

Release Date:

GeoMesa Lambda Architecture

org.locationtech.geomesa : geomesa-lambda_2.11

A distributed spatio-temporal database built on a number of cloud data storage systems

Last Version: 3.4.1

Release Date:


io.ytcode : geometry

A geometry library for Java

Last Version: 0.4.0

Release Date:

Apache Geode (incubating)

org.apache.geode : gemfire-lucene

Apache Geode (incubating) provides a database-like consistency model, reliable transaction processing and a shared-nothing architecture to maintain very low latency performance with high concurrency processing

Last Version: 1.0.0-incubating.M1

Release Date:

QuickGeo - FI

org.quickgeo : quickgeo-fi

The parent POM for the QuickGeo project

Last Version: 0.1.0

Release Date:

QuickGeo - LI

org.quickgeo : quickgeo-li

The parent POM for the QuickGeo project

Last Version: 0.1.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.10.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.37

Release Date:

GeoMesa Redis Parent

org.locationtech.geomesa : geomesa-redis_2.12

A distributed spatio-temporal database built on a number of cloud data storage systems

Last Version: 3.4.1

Release Date:


org.locationtech.geotrellis : geotrellis-s3-testkit_2.12

GeoTrellis is an open source geographic data processing engine for high performance applications.

Last Version: 2.3.3

Release Date:

Rome GeoRSS module

rome : georss

Rome plugin for adding location information to RSS/Atom

Last Version: 0.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.4.16

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.2.0

Release Date:

GeoWave Analytics Parent POM

org.locationtech.geowave : geowave-analytic-parent

The set of analytics provided for GeoWave Datasets

Last Version: 2.0.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.2.0

Release Date:

PUI9 GEO parent

es.prodevelop : es.prodevelop.pui9.pui_geo

Parent POM for Geo support of PUI9

Last Version: 1.17.0

Release Date:

GeoMesa Accumulo

org.locationtech.geomesa : geomesa-accumulo_2.12

A distributed spatio-temporal database built on a number of cloud data storage systems

Last Version: 3.4.1

Release Date:


com.webgeoservices.woosmapgeofencing : woosmap-mobile-sdk

SDK to help developers collecting users locations in the right way.

Last Version: 1.2.2

Release Date:

jade crawler parent

net.jade-dungeon : crawler-parent

My Persional Java Lib configure

Last Version: 0.1.13

Release Date:


eu.fbk.fcw : fcw-geoloc

A collection of Stanford CoreNLP wrappers

Last Version: 0.2

Release Date:


io.geobyte.websocket : geobyte-websocket

lightweight websocket implementation

Last Version: 1.0.0-RC1

Release Date:

Apache Geode

org.apache.geode : geode-protobuf

Apache Geode provides a database-like consistency model, reliable transaction processing and a shared-nothing architecture to maintain very low latency performance with high concurrency processing

Last Version: 1.14.4

Release Date: