Unit Testing

Last Version: 1.0.1-release

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Last Version: 0.4.4

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Last Version:

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MongoDB JUnit Test

io.fares.junit.mongodb : mongodb-junit-test

This utility will bootstrap a mongo database during unit testing.

Last Version: 1.1.0

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Last Version: 1.0.9

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com.github.hemanthsridhar : WebAppFramework-CucumberJVM-Junit

A jar to include in your test setup that drives the cucumber jvm tests. Facilitates in executing the cucumber tests in parallel. Contains libraries such as to read from Excel, random generator etc.

Last Version: 1.1.6

Release Date:


biz.aQute : osgi.enroute.junit.wrapper

JUnit is a simple framework to write repeatable tests. It is an instance of the xUnit architecture for unit testing frameworks. This bundle wraps JUnit as is and exports all packages with the bundle version since JUnit has not understood package versioning, nor semantic versioning.

Last Version: 4.13.0

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Last Version: 1.0

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com.fitbur.testify.examples : example-junit-unittest

An opinionated Java Testing Framework faithful to testing principles and best practices.

Last Version: 0.1.3

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com.github.tdomzal : junit-docker-rule

JUnit Rule starting docker container in junit test case.

Last Version: 0.4.1

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Last Version: 7.1.1

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com.github.blockjon.flaptastic : junit-flaptastic

A plugin designed to help you stop unit test flapping. Works great with CICD systems such as CircleCI, TravisCI, and Jenkins.

Last Version: 0.0.9

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Last Version: 0.3.2

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de.hilling.junit.cdi : test-jsf-war

JUnit extension for easy and efficient testing of CDI components

Last Version: 4.0.0-RC6

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Last Version: 1.3.0

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Last Version: 7.1.1

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org.zapodot : akka-test-junit

Useful JUnit hooks for testing Akka actors

Last Version: 2.0.0

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Last Version: 3.1.0

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com.innogames : junit5-scenario-builder

Junit5 extension that introduces a Scenario Builder to your tests

Last Version: 1.0.3

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Scoped System Properties JUnit Extension

io.github.bmuskalla : scoped-system-properties-junit

JUnit 5 Extension to isolate changes to system properties per test

Last Version: 1.1.0

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eu.benschroeder : test-suite-junit5

Opinionated test-suite for writing tests with JUnit 5

Last Version: 0.8

Release Date:

JUnit Random Runner

com.github.zaplatynski.testing : junit-random-runner

A JUnit random-order test runner for repeatable randomized ordering of test methods.

Last Version: 1.0.0

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Last Version: 7.1.1

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Extension library for JUnit 4

name.valery1707.junit : junit4-rule

Add new [Rules](https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/wiki/Rules) for JUnit4.

Last Version: 0.1.2

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Micronaut Test

io.micronaut.test : test-junit5

Testing Framework Extensions for Micronaut

Last Version: 1.0.0.M4

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de.ppi : deepsampler-junit5

Contains supporting classes for using DeepSampler with JUnit 5.

Last Version: 2.1.0

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AndHow JUnit 5 Extensions

org.yarnandtail : andhow-junit5-extensions

Extensions for JUnit 5 to make testing easier for applications using the AndHow framework.

Last Version: 0.4.2

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Mats^3 JUnit 4 testing tools

io.mats3 : mats-test-junit

Mats^3 testing tools for JUnit 4.

Last Version: 0.18.7-2022-04-06

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Last Version: 1.0.0-M1

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Last Version:

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Last Version: 1.1.0

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Last Version: 1.1.8

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se.svt.oss.junit5 : junit5-redis-extension

A JUnit5 extension test for embedded Redis

Last Version: 2.0.3

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Last Version: 2.20.0

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org.tatools : sunshine-junit5

"The package is Sunshine's adapter for JUnit 5 tests runner."

Last Version: 0.7.0

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de.flexguse.util.junit : validation-violation-checker

A little JUnit addon which eases the checking of JSR303 BeanValidation results.

Last Version: 0.2

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io.github.animeshbhagwat : junit-assignment

A demo application used as an example on how to set up pushing its components to the Central Repository.

Last Version: 1.0.4

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io.tourniquet.junit : parent

A testing framework for developing unit tests that required a JCR repository. The framework contains mock repositories, assertion and other helper classes.

Last Version: 0.4.8

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Last Version: 4.3.2

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com.github.noconnor : JUnitPerf

API performance testing framework built using JUnit

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:


com.mobidevelop.robovm : robovm-junit-protocol

The RoboVM compiler translates Java bytecode into native ARM or x86 code. Apps run directly on the CPU. No interpreter or virtual machine involved.

Last Version: 2.3.16

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Last Version: 2.3.11

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Last Version: 0.1.6

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Random jUnit

net.sf.randomjunit : random-jUnit

This project permits to execute jUnit randomly: per ClassRunner and per suite. This approach is not the best to reproduce errors, however, it aims to discover new ones.

Last Version: 1.0.2

Release Date: