Unit Testing

Last Version: 4.3.2

Release Date:


com.intapp : junit-docker-postrgres

Utility tool to run Postgres container to help you writing isolated test with JUnit

Last Version: 1.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.1

Release Date:

Embedded JMS JUnit5 Jupiter Extension

org.zapodot : embedded-jms-junit5

Library that provides JUnit extensions setting up an embedded JMS broker (ActiveMQ) for testing. For JUnit 4 it provides a @Rule, while for JUnit 5 Jupiter it provides an extension that may be enabled by either the @ExtendWith or @RegisterExtension annotations provided by Jupiter

Last Version: 0.2

Release Date:

JUnit Test Groups

com.github.ferstl : junit-testgroups

Divides your JUnit tests into groups which can be executed separately or all at once

Last Version: 1.0.1

Release Date:


com.github.tonivade : zeromock-junit4

Mock Http Server (mostly) without dependencies

Last Version: 0.16.0

Release Date:

Quarkus - JUnit 5 - Mockk Parent

io.quarkiverse.mockk : quarkus-junit5-mockk-parent

Parent POM for Quarkiverse projects that includes the default release and artifact publishing related configuration

Last Version: 1.1.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.4

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.6.6

Release Date:


org.rapidpm : rapidpm-junit5-ext-servlet-container-impl

jUnit5 Extension to start/stop Servlet Container for a test

Last Version: 01.00.04-RPM

Release Date:


com.github.aoreshin : junit5-extensions

Project to ease pain of test automation

Last Version: 83

Release Date:

tljunit sample project for running tests from eclipse.

net.oneandone.testlinkjunit : tljunit-eclipse

Documents how to create a Testlink-XML file when running tests from Eclipse, see EclipseTest.java.

Last Version: 3.0.2

Release Date:

Knot.x - Reactive microservice assembler - JUnit Tests Knot.x helpers

io.knotx : knotx-junit

Knot.x - efficient, high-performance and scalable integration platform for modern websites

Last Version: 1.2.2

Release Date:

SoapUI JUnit MockRunner

io.fares.junit.soapui : soapui-junit-mockrunner

This JUnit extension will bootstrap SoapUI Mock in its own classloader context to prevent clashes with any project dependencies that are under test. The mockrunner uses Plexus Classworlds/Container and Aether to decouple the execution of the mock from the projects under test.

Last Version: 0.0.3

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.1

Release Date:

Junit4OSGi Maven Plugin

org.apache.felix : maven-junit4osgi-plugin

Apache Felix is an OSGi implementation.

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.7.0.Alpha10

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.4.4

Release Date:


au.com.dius : pact-jvm-consumer-junit5_2.11

pact-jvm-consumer-junit5 ======================== JUnit 5 support for Pact consumer tests ## Dependency The library is available on maven central using: * group-id = `au.com.dius` * artifact-id = `pact-jvm-consumer-junit5_2.12` * version-id = `3.5.x` ## Usage ### 1. Add the Pact consumer test extension to the test class. To write Pact consumer tests with JUnit 5, you need to add `@ExtendWith(PactConsumerTestExt)` to your test class. This replaces the `PactRunner` used for JUnit 4 tests. The rest of the test follows a similar pattern as for JUnit 4 tests. ```java @ExtendWith(PactConsumerTestExt.class) class ExampleJavaConsumerPactTest { ``` ### 2. create a method annotated with `@Pact` that returns the interactions for the test For each test (as with JUnit 4), you need to define a method annotated with the `@Pact` annotation that returns the interactions for the test. ```java @Pact(provider="test_provider", consumer="test_consumer") public RequestResponsePact createPact(PactDslWithProvider builder) { return builder .given("test state") .uponReceiving("ExampleJavaConsumerPactTest test interaction") .path("/") .method("GET") .willRespondWith() .status(200) .body("{\"responsetest\": true}") .toPact(); } ``` ### 3. Link the mock server with the interactions for the test with `@PactTestFor` Then the final step is to use the `@PactTestFor` annotation to tell the Pact extension how to setup the Pact test. You can either put this annotation on the test class, or on the test method. For examples see [ArticlesTest](src/test/java/au/com/dius/pact/consumer/junit5/ArticlesTest.java) and [MultiTest](src/test/groovy/au/com/dius/pact/consumer/junit5/MultiTest.groovy). The `@PactTestFor` annotation allows you to control the mock server in the same way as the JUnit 4 `PactProviderRule`. It allows you to set the hostname to bind to (default is `localhost`) and the port (default is to use a random port). You can also set the Pact specification version to use (default is V3). ```java @ExtendWith(PactConsumerTestExt.class) @PactTestFor(providerName = "ArticlesProvider", port = "1234") public class ExampleJavaConsumerPactTest { ``` **NOTE on the hostname**: The mock server runs in the same JVM as the test, so the only valid values for hostname are: | hostname | result | | -------- | ------ | | `localhost` | binds to the address that localhost points to (normally the loopback adapter) | | `` or `::1` | binds to the loopback adapter | | host name | binds to the default interface that the host machines DNS name resolves to | | `` or `::` | binds to the all interfaces on the host machine | #### Matching the interactions by provider name If you set the `providerName` on the `@PactTestFor` annotation, then the first method with a `@Pact` annotation with the same provider name will be used. See [ArticlesTest](src/test/java/au/com/dius/pact/consumer/junit5/ArticlesTest.java) for an example. #### Matching the interactions by method name If you set the `pactMethod` on the `@PactTestFor` annotation, then the method with the provided name will be used (it still needs a `@Pact` annotation). See [MultiTest](src/test/groovy/au/com/dius/pact/consumer/junit5/MultiTest.groovy) for an example. ### Injecting the mock server into the test You can get the mock server injected into the test method by adding a `MockServer` parameter to the test method. ```java @Test void test(MockServer mockServer) { HttpResponse httpResponse = Request.Get(mockServer.getUrl() + "/articles.json").execute().returnResponse(); assertThat(httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(), is(equalTo(200))); } ``` This helps with getting the base URL of the mock server, especially when a random port is used. ## Unsupported The current implementation does not support tests with multiple providers. This will be added in a later release.

Last Version: 3.5.24

Release Date:

in memory infrastructure

com.github.signed.inmemory.sftp : sftp-server-junit

A collection of easy to use in memory servers for testing.

Last Version: 0.1.0

Release Date:


uk.co.codera : codera-test-junit

Codera Test Support for JUnit

Last Version: 0.0.8

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.0-RC21-2

Release Date:

AP4K :: Starters :: Kubernetes :: Junit

io.ap4k : kubernetes-junit-starter

A collection of annotations and processors for Kubernetes

Last Version: 0.5.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.1

Release Date:


org.jmmo : junit-factory

It is allow to create JUnit tests dynamically how the annotation @Factory in TestNG does

Last Version: 1.1

Release Date:


com.navercorp.fixturemonkey.snapshot : fixture-monkey-junit-jupiter

The easiest way to generate controllable arbitrary test objects

Last Version: 0.4.0-862c628

Release Date:

Example JUnit4 gRPC System Test

org.testifyproject.examples : example-junit-grpc-systemtest

Creates a new quickstart project to system test a gRPC application with Testify, JUnit4, Mockito, and AssertJ.

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:


uk.co.markg.archetypes : java11-junit5

An archetype for generate java 11 projects with junit 5.

Last Version: 1.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.1.11

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.4-2

Release Date:


com.github.angleshq : angles-junit5

This is the java client for the Angles test results dashboard and contains all the necessary methods to store your test results in the Angles dashboard.

Last Version: 1.0.36

Release Date:

Constretto :: Test (junit 4.5) - 2.0.4

org.constretto : constretto-test-junit-4.5

This project aims to help java application developers to manage their configuration issues.

Last Version: 2.0.4

Release Date:

Testing utilities: Postgres Junit 5 Framework

com.torodb.testing : postgres-junit-5

This is a aggregation and parent pom used by ToroDB testing utility projects.

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.4.4

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.6.6

Release Date:

Petals ESB - Components - SE Flowable - JUnit framework

org.ow2.petals : petals-se-flowable-junit

JUnit framework for service unit of the BPMN Service Engine based on Flowable

Last Version: 1.3.0

Release Date:


me.fabriciorby : maven-surefire-junit5-tree-reporter

Tree view reports for Maven Surefire JUnit5 plugin. :^)

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

Ferris JUnit

org.ferris : ferris-junit

Ferris JUnit contains Mocks, Shunts, and other code useful in unit testing. 0.0.1 Transfer from Oak to Ferris

Last Version: 0.0.1

Release Date:

Testing utilities: MongoDB Junit 5 Framework

com.torodb.testing : mongodb-junit-5

This is a aggregation and parent pom used by ToroDB testing utility projects.

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:


io.github.achelois-armoury : helical-junit4

The prototype of shooting the cow

Last Version: 0.1.6

Release Date:

Last Version:

Release Date:


com.epam.reportportal : agent-allure-junit5

Report Portal - Allure integrations for JUnit 5

Last Version: 5.1.0-BETA-3

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.8.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.1.0

Release Date: