User Interface

Apache cTAKES document preprocessor

org.apache.ctakes : ctakes-preprocessor

The Apache Software Foundation provides support for the Apache community of open-source software projects. The Apache projects are characterized by a collaborative, consensus based development process, an open and pragmatic software license, and a desire to create high quality software that leads the way in its field. We consider ourselves not simply a group of projects sharing a server, but rather a community of developers and users.

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Apache cTAKES dictionary lookup fast

org.apache.ctakes : ctakes-dictionary-lookup-fast

The Apache Software Foundation provides support for the Apache community of open-source software projects. The Apache projects are characterized by a collaborative, consensus based development process, an open and pragmatic software license, and a desire to create high quality software that leads the way in its field. We consider ourselves not simply a group of projects sharing a server, but rather a community of developers and users.

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Apache cTAKES Side Effects

org.apache.ctakes : ctakes-side-effect

The Apache Software Foundation provides support for the Apache community of open-source software projects. The Apache projects are characterized by a collaborative, consensus based development process, an open and pragmatic software license, and a desire to create high quality software that leads the way in its field. We consider ourselves not simply a group of projects sharing a server, but rather a community of developers and users.

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Last Version: 1.8.3

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Last Version: 1.8.4

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GWTP REST-Dispatch

com.gwtplatform : gwtp-dispatch-rest

A complete model-view-presenter framework to simplify your next GWT project.

Last Version: 1.6

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Last Version: 2.0.7

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OPS4J Pax Exam Remote Bundle Context Client

org.ops4j.pax.exam : pax-exam-container-rbc-client

Pax Exam Integration testing framework for Modern Java Platforms.

Last Version: 4.13.5

Release Date: : registry-client-all

A high-performance, high-extensibility, production-level Java Registry framework.

Last Version: 5.4.3

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.1.0

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Hono Service Base (Spring)

org.eclipse.hono : hono-service-base-spring

Base classes for implementing Hono services using Spring Boot.

Last Version: 1.12.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.40.0

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Last Version: 3.1.0

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Kurento JSON-RPC Client

org.kurento : kurento-jsonrpc-client

JSON-RPC Protocol client with transports based on HTTP and WebSocket.

Last Version: 6.16.5

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.6.0

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Beadledom Client Example

com.cerner.beadledom : beadledom-client

A simple, composable framework for building RESTFul services

Last Version: 4.1.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.2.0

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org.ceylon-lang : ceylon.http.client

Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on

Last Version: 1.3.3

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org.apache.ctakes : ctakes-ytex

The Apache Software Foundation provides support for the Apache community of open-source software projects. The Apache projects are characterized by a collaborative, consensus based development process, an open and pragmatic software license, and a desire to create high quality software that leads the way in its field. We consider ourselves not simply a group of projects sharing a server, but rather a community of developers and users.

Last Version:

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Last Version:

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Last Version:

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Last Version: 2.4.3

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org.grails : grails-bom

Grails Web Application Framework

Last Version: 5.2.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.2.1

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Google Guice - Bill of Materials : guice-bom

Guice is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Java 6 and above

Last Version: 5.1.0

Release Date:


org.openjfx : javafx

OpenJFX JavaFX

Last Version: 19-ea+8

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.6.0

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Remote user management Client Feature

org.wso2.carbon.commons :

This feature contains the bundles required for remote user management client functionality

Last Version: 4.4.9

Release Date:

Mutual TLS client authenticator

org.wso2.carbon.extension.identity.oauth.addons : org.wso2.carbon.identity.oauth2.token.handler.clientauth.mutualtls

WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.

Last Version: 2.4.4

Release Date:


org.webjars : sockjs-client

WebJar for SockJS-client

Last Version: 1.5.1

Release Date: