Kuali Jute - Small library providing a few key application building blocks. Heavily influenced by the Guava team's approach to interacting with the Java language.
There are no modules declared in this project.
Jute: Java essentials
- Jute - a durable fiber spun together with other ingredients to form high strength rope
- immutable, strongly typed, object containing system level information
- system properties and environment variables
- encoding/character set
- user
- timezone
- locale
- java version
- For example, to find the home directory for the user the JVM is running as:
File home = VirtualSystem.build().getUser().getHome();
- immutable, strongly typed, object containing runtime information
- uptime
- memory usage
- process id
- system load
- class loading statistics
- garbage collection events
- For example, to find how long the JVM has been running:
long uptime = VirtualRuntime.build().getUptime().getElapsed();
- abstraction for locating string values (typically used to override a default value)
- password based encryption using AES 128, fully compatible with OpenSSL
- easily read/write data structures as JSON via Jackson
- argument checking with meaningful error messages
Dependency Injection
- Guice Modules capable of wiring everything together via dependency injection are included
- For example, if you need to encrypt a string and convert it to JSON
List<AbstractModule> modules = Lists.newArrayList();
modules.add(new SystemModule());
modules.add(new EnvModule());
modules.add(new OpenSSLModule());
modules.add(new JacksonModule());
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(modules);
Encryptor enc = injector.createInstance(Encryptor.class);
JsonService json = injector.createInstance(JsonService.class);
String plaintext = "foobar";
String encrypted = enc.encrypt(plaintext);
String asJson = json.writeString(encrypted);